I sat restlessly at my desk. Why the heck was Roy here? I was starting to feel like he was everywhere I went! I wanted to ask, I needed to ask.
Giving up I approached his desk. He was staring outside the window his elbows on the desk.
I cleared my voice. He didn't notice. Or so I thought. I decided to clear my voice louder.
"Don't you have anything better to do than disturb people?" He asked coldly.
"Well, not really. What are you doing here?"
"I also go to this school remember?"
"No, I mean what are you doing in my class."
"This is also my class."
"What?! You? How?" I asked and finally, he turned to me. He silently looked at me.
"You of all people should know, how."
I immediately come to a realization. "Oh, so you are not as smart as you seem!" I said hitting his arm playfully laughing. "You are here because you failed."
"Not really."
"Don't deny it!" I said before turning back to my sit.
"Hey!" I heard him calling back.
With a chuckle, I sat down.
"Seems to me you are enjoying the first day of school," Olivia said.
"Yeah, maybe," I said and flashed a smile.
Instantly the classroom door opened and a familiar teacher walks in. Everyone immediately went quiet.
He sighed placing his stuff on the desk in front of him. "Hello, I am your homeroom teacher again. I am Mr.Karl and Yeah that's all." He said in a tiresome tone. It was almost as if he had been forced to speak. Mr.Karl had been our homeroom teacher last year.
"Now would each of you introduce yourselves?" He went on to ask. Everyone went silent. After all, we were all except one, previous classmates.
"No, let's skip that. Now you have to choose your class monitor. Any volunteer?" Mr.Karl dismissed his previous questions as if they were nothing.
I raised my hand high. Maybe because this year I wanted to try something new other than being the normal student.
I raised my hand higher it seemed that he didn't notice my hand.
"Olivia, what about you?"
"Me? I possibly couldn't." Olivia answered. My hand was still up in the air and I was seated next to Olivia, he possibly couldn't have noticed.
Mr.Karl sighs. "I guess I will have to pick..." He turned to me and sighed again
What was wrong with choosing me as a monitor? How hard can it be?
"I challenge you to rival me for the sit of the class monitor!" I abruptly stood up and pointed at Roy. He didn't even look at me.
"Great. Now we have two volunteers, Emma, and the new boy." Mr.Karl said and I couldn't help but smile.
"No, I am not--"
"Now everyone will vote." Mr.Karl cut Roy off.
Soon everyone is voting and Roy and I are standing in front of the class.
"You...!" Roy whispered angrily.
"Don't worry, there's no way you would win." I encouraged him.
"Why did you drag me into your nonsense?!"
"This is not nonsense! It's very important!"
"Okay. The votes have been cast. Emma has one Roy has one. The rest of the votes are spoiled. Either someone wrote their own name instead of either Emma or Roy, someone kept in an empty paper..." Mr.Karl sighed dramatically and turned to us. "Emma you are the class monitor and Roy is your assistant." I couldn't help but scream inwardly!