Two weeks later.
"Darn it!! Why the heck do we have exams in a week!" I said as we walked home with Olivia and Caleb.
"For someone who only sleeps in class, you are complaining too much!" Caleb said.
"I don't sleep! I blink!"
" one is buying that," Olivia said placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Why can't we go to school and have no exams!!"
"Well, I'm headed to the library to actually study, see you tomorrow!" Caleb said as waved to us.
We watched as he walked away.
"He likes you," Olivia said suddenly.
"What?! Why are you spouting nonsense at a time like this!" I scoffed.
"I am serious. Come on, he spends most of his time with us."
"And that is proof he likes me? Maybe he likes you." I said before skipping ahead.
"Fine! Don't listen to me! but don't blame me when the time comes!"
"Yeah, as if!!" I yelled.
We soon separated and I arrived home. I open the door and I jerk up seeing my mother seated at the dining table holding what looks like a paper.
"Jeez, Mom, I almost got a heart attack."
"Emma, what is the meaning of this?" she holds up the paper and I stare cluelessly. She gets up and begins walking to me stretching the paper towards me. Has she lost her mind?
I set my bag down before taking the paper from her hand which now I realize was an envelope. I immediately spotted a familiar address belonging to the dancing studio.
Quickly, I opened the envelope and took out the letter. I ran through the letter reading the keywords like selected, Emma, and top ten.
"I did it," I said mostly to myself before shouting it out loud wrapping my suspicious mother in an embrace.
"What exactly is this letter talking about?" She asked once I pulled away her face stern. "When did you join a dance competition and why am I not aware of this?"
"I...I couldn't tell you..."
"Why? Since when do you hide things from me?"
"Didn't you hide something from me too?" I muttered to myself. "I love dancing! That's why I didn't tell you because you would take it away." I said defending myself.
"What about your studies? Were you planning to run away to this workshop?"
"Well, anywhere is better than here!" I yelled. "Mom, can't you see, I am not good at studying. I am good at dancing! It's my dream."
"No one is bad at studying. Fine, I'll let you go to this dance workshop."
"Really? Thank you! I won't disappoint you!" I embraced her with a smile on my face. If I would have known maybe I would have told her before. I was excited, I wanted to tell Olivia immediately. I pulled away from the hug.
But? Why the heck is there a 'but'?
"I'll go freshen up." I said hoping she will forget the 'but'.
"Just a minute. But I will only let you go If you improve your grades by fifty percent."
"What?! By fifty percent? Mom, you are such a wonderful mother, In fact, I will give you a massage!"
"Emma, you can't bribe yourself out of this. But a massage would be wonderful." She said as she walked away with a pleased smile.
Damn it! Why does the school have to be involved in all aspects of my life!
With that, I stomped to my room.
"You won? Isn't that good news?" Olivia said on the other end.
"No, it isn't it! Maybe it should have been better if I didn't win."
"Why? What happened?"
"Now. I have to improve my grades to go to the workshop."
"No way, don't tell me you told your mother?"
"I wish...she found out on her own," I said before sighing.
"You, improving your grades? That would be a miracle!" Olivia exclaimed.
"Hey! Maybe it's not that hard! In fact, I going to study now. How hard can it be!"
"Well, good luck." I hung up and took out my math textbook. I placed it on my desk and sit a pen in my hand.
"Okay so first question...Find X? Ah! That is so simple...I think I take five...and?" I scribbled numbers on my paper. "Argh! I don't remember us being taught such a thing! Why do we have to find X when it's right here?!"
Next question! I skip to a simpler question. after a series of trials and errors, I eventually give up and take out my novel.
"Why can't math just be as simple as reading a story."
"You are hopeless." I heard a sudden voice and I turned to the door. Roy was standing his arms crossed.
"How long have you been there?"
"Long enough to see you fail thirty times."
"You were counting?" He walked towards me.
"I can help you." He said now serious than ever.
"You? Nah," I swat my hands in the air denying the possibility of him being smarter than me.
"Fine. I wish you good luck then."
"Thank you!" I responded almost immediately.