The next day I woke up to my loud alarm. For some reason, I was on my bed! I didn't remember sleeping on the bed! Did Roy carry me? I thought of the possibility of that but shook my head.
"I probably sleepwalked," I mutterd.
"You sleep-walked?!" I jerked up at the sound of my mother at the door. "That would explain a lot!" She said gesturing to the empty packets of snacks on my desk.
"Roy you traitor! Couldn't you at least clean up!" I cursed as I got up.
"Mom! It isn't what it looks like!"
"It isn't?" Mom asks surprised by my outburst. "So you weren't studying?"
"No! Yes!...I was studying!" I stumbled on my words for some reason.
Nodding awkwardly she left the room giving me time to clean up and prepare for school. Once done I headed downstairs for breakfast. For some reason, mom had gone out and of course, Roy went to school early, after all, what are assistant prefects for?
To my surprise, it was only me and Roy's dad, Hector.
"Ah, you are still here Emma!" The man greeted and I nodded shyly as I sat down for breakfast. I began eating, quickly but silently.
"So, how is school?" The man asked and the question almost made me choke. Not because the question had anything to do with school, but the fact that he was actually trying to make a conversation with me.
As far as I knew him, we never really sat talk. We would only talk when necessary, you know the casual good mornings, good evenings, and goodnight. I have always felt insecure around him.
"It's great!" I answered before taking my last sip and getting up. "!" I say awkwardly before rushing out of the house feeling relieved.
When arrived at school, I was actually surprised to find out that Roy and Caleb were the only ones in class. Both seemed to be focused on their books but somehow they let out ominous auras.
It felt as if at any moment, I would be mercilessly killed.
"Good morning!" I greeted trying to lighten up the mood and they both raised their heads.
"Oh hey Emma, today you came early!" Caleb said and I could have sworn I saw Roy's mouth open.
"Oh...I am actually studying for the exams." I scratched my head nervously as I replied.
"Then we can study together!" Caleb suggested and I could only reply with sure as I walked to my desk.
No sooner had I sat down than Roy abruptly stood up and my adrenaline shot up suddenly. The room felt suddenly cold and somehow I could feel he was angry. I was ready to beg for my life.
Or at least I thought. He carried his chair and his things and placed them next to me such that we were now sharing a desk.
"Are you forgetting who is your tutor?” Roy said a grin forming on his facade. Before I could answer Caleb too turned his chair such that he was facing both of us.
Two boys, one girl, one desk! What the heck is happening right now?
"Excuse me but I had offered to teach her," Caleb said calmly.
"You in what name?" Roy replied following a mocking laugh.
"If I remember correctly I was the one that beat you in exams," Caleb said pulling out his victory card.
"But who beat you the other three times?" Roy replied and I suddenly felt small.
"Wait how do you guys know each other?" I asked.
"Well, that's in the past right now, I am teaching Emma," Caleb said ignoring my question.
"You couldn't even teach a fly to fly," Roy said.
"Well, maybe because I can't fly have you ever thought of that smart boy?"
"How about we let Emma choose," Roy said and I shot up at my name.
My name being said I was at the door about to sneak out. The way they were fighting felt like two kids fighting for a toy. I couldn't help but think what lovely friends they'd make.
In the end, I ended up being taught by both boys.