Thousands of miles away from civilization. Supremeo screams in agony as he deals with Richard's death.
He lets off a star cannon blast from both his fists. As he does this 500 foot walls of water raise with this attack. Supremeo lets the water rain on him as he closes his eyes.
He says to himself, "I've failed..."
He flies further away from Avalon at a blinding speed. He ignites his meteor mode and charges forward.
Supremeo with his eyes wide open ponders the last few hard hours of his life until he notices an oddity in front of him.
A portal-like doorway appears before him in the sky. This stops Supremeo in his tracks. The doorway Raises open and a figure steps out. It stuns Supremeo leaving him in total shock and silence. He then muster the words to ask a question to the figure who stepped out of the doorway. He says,
"E...El... Elias!? What are you doing here!?!!"
What appears to be Elias Caine before Supremeo's eyes he tells the droid, "Nice seeing you Supremeo. But first, let's talk while you're in your normal state please." With a snap of his fingers, Elias instantly shuts off Supremeo's meteor mode. Surprised Supremeo, "Asks how are you doing this!?"
Elias turns around and then says, "Also, I prefer being on the ground. Hold on a bit." While in the air Elias taps his foot as if he was on the surface. As he does this Elias and Supremeo are instantly transferred to an open field on a hill. There's a bench on top of the hill. Elias sits on it and offers Supremeo the seat next to him. He takes it.
Supremeo looks toward Elias. His face is shown with concern as he stares into the distance. The wind blows in the air, and the blades of grass wave as the wind blows through. Elias starts the conversation by saying, "This is where my wife is buried..." Supremeo's eyes widen as he hears this. Elias continues to say, "We'll not really since all of this is a program...I just wanted to talk to you in a calming area for me."
Supremeo asks Elias, "If this is a program? How are you talking to me?" Elias tells Supremeo, "Because I'm part of this program to..." Supremeo looks down at his feet and says, "So what is this?... A life talk with a ghost or something?" The "A.I. Elias" smiles and says, "If that's how you want to look at it."
Elias continues to say, I've watched you from behind your eyes Supremeo. You've brought my killer in. You saved my tech from that killer. You've taken on hundreds of thousands of droids that we're willing to take lives, you did this side by side with others resulting in all of you freeing an entire nation of human beings and droids from a dark shadow that still lingered from Adira's reign. I'm saying this to tell you this. The others that knew the type of job they were signing up for." Supremeo looks to Elias and says, "Even you?..." The A.I. Elias in Supremeo's brain says, "Yes." Supremeo stares at the open field and takes in the view. He openly tells Elias, "That doesn't make it feel better. It still hurts like hell. Especially knowing that was your friend's son...These people Elias, the people like Sigmond. Who kills people like Richard. They're going to keep coming. Beyond what grew from this war...I just think to myself. Is all this pain truly worth it at the end of the day?"
Elias stands up and says, "There's no paradise here..." Supremeo looks up and Elias says, "You know who said that?" He answers his own question by saying, "It was Richard. He believed it was our duty to make that paradise. To use our strength and skills to correct the wrongs this generation did so that future generations wouldn't have to suffer from our mistakes...Do you know where he got that mindset from? His dad and me. We knew what came with the job and accepted it. Everyone around us as well Supremeo...It's no different from a soldier, officer, or knight's duty. Overall it's to be Selfless." Supremeo interrupts Elias saying, "And what about me?! Am I just supposed to bear the weight of these loses as days pass?!"
Elias sighs and says to the aiutu, "That's one way of looking at it..." He continues to say, "Or you can also look outside your circle. Like I said earlier, "You guys beating Sigmond removed a dark cloud over those citizens. Tether your vision to an aiutu unit on Avalon for a minute and tell me what you see Supremeo..." Elias gives Supremeo a second to follow the request he's made.
Through the panoptes lenses in his eyes, Supremeo has a vision of Avalon. Citizens embrace and cry out of joy that their loved ones are safe. Droids and humans embrace relived at the obstacle they worked together to overcome. In the distance King Yafeu stands tall with Maxwell, Sarah, and Zachary as ships descend to the coliseum.
Supremeo scans the field even further and witness's droids patching up families of people sharing some sharing laughs while others wipe their tears away assuring the citizen that everything is okay.
Supremeo shuts off the tethered vision. Then Elias asks, "So what'd you see?"
In a shocked tone Supremeo replies, "They were all happy. They were embracing and taking care of each other." Elias adds to the comments by saying, "Because they were saved."
He continues to say, "Earlier you asked 'Is it all worth it at the end of the day.' Because of images like that. I'd say yes. As painful as your losses may be, always acknowledge the gain that you give to people. I find that makes it a lot easier for me to get up and continue my duties for the next day."
Elias continues to tell Supremeo, "With this being one of your first battles of many. I'll tell you right now...The losses never get easy. They stick with you forever. But its images like the one you saw that make me feel I'm in the right job."
Elias stands from the bench and tells Supremeo, "Now I can tell you why I chose to bring you here. Come walk with me." Supremeo follows Elias down from the hill. They reach the center of the field. A headstone with the name Diana Lewis Caine can be seen on it. He tells Supremeo, "When I lost her. I changed, I buried myself in work. And in that time I've lost connections I've made with friends and even my own kid Max. Supremeo, with all the internal memories of training and war tactics I've given you. I also wanted to add in the pain of losing a loved one. So you'll know how high I value the human life..."
Supremeo adds, "I noticed you kept the memory of Diana separate from me..." Elias quickly interrupts and flashes a smile and replies, "Because that's my wife man. And I wanted to break down my perspective of loss to you personally. I just didn't think it would be at a time where you're mourning another..."
Elias continues to say, "I just want to tell you. Don't bury yourself. Whether it be your grief or work please try not to...You may be a droid Supremeo, but you're also an extension of me. The reason you're mourning Richard like this comes from the human aspect of your creation. It's from that human side you're able to unlock the capabilities of your meteor mode. Balance is the answer Supremeo. It's what I lacked those years I was mourning my wife. It's most likely what I lacked when Amaro and Julius executed me...What I should have done was notice what my wife died protecting. Like our kids and this world, and build that up to its fullest potential. At first, I thought I realized this too late but then I understood it's never too late to make a change...It's why I made you. You're an extension of my life Supremeo, but at the same time you're not me. I wanted to not only give the citizens of this world a chance at peace, but give my extension of life a chance at enjoying the beauty this world can provide. And I wanted to be here for you in some way while you traverse through that road of life."
Supremeo looks up toward the A.I. Elias realizing his co-creator hasn't left him and tells him, "Thank you..."
The A.I. Elias asks, "For what?" Supremeo says, "This conversation."
Elias says, "Hey you can call on me anytime you want. At the time I needed a conversation like this to help me out."
Supremeo looks around and has a confused look on his face. He then turns to Elias and says, "Ummm how do I get out of here?" The A.I. Elias says, "Oh sorry! My bad." The A.I. taps his foot and in the blink of an eye, Supremeo hears a shattering sound and is back hovering in the middle of the ocean.
Supremeo looks toward the direction of Avalon then looks in the other direction. He turns on his panoptes lenses and tells himself, "Let me do this first." Then flies off into the distance.
Moments later.
In a field similar to what the A.I. Elias showed Supremeo. Supremeo approaches the center. He kneels by 2 headstones and starts to talk. He says, "Sorry for not visiting this place earlier. I was going to once we finished with this situation with the Warlords. We're not done yet but it's getting there. I just wanna say thank you for giving me this life. I promise to not waste it in regret. I'll use everything in my power to uphold the values you represent, and protect everything and everyone you love. Weird talking to you like this when I just talked to your A.I. but that isn't you just like I'm not you is it? It's like a son or daughter with traits from their mother or father in them. After my conversation with your A.I. I realize even more that I couldn't have come from a better person's creative mind. I'll make sure your daughter knows how grateful I am as well."
Supremeo stands on his two feet and touches the headstones as a form of gratitude. He tells himself, "Now time to head back to Avalon."
Supremeo jumps and launches himself in the air.
In front of him, the headstones were the names of
Diana Lewis Caine
And the other.
Elias Caine
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While in the air Supremeo reignites his meteor mode and makes his way back to Avalon.