The Land Of Avalon.
Foreign ships descend to the coliseum floor, Bast and the Citizens of Avalon prepare themselves for an attack by taking an offensive stance.
King Yafeu commands the citizens to, "Stand down!! " Bast looks to the King unsure of what he said. He looks to his number one soldier and with just a stare he assures her it's the right thing to do.
Reluctantly she puts her weapon down. And King Yafeu adds to his command saying, "It seems they're here to check on our guests." The King looks toward Max who's still clutching Richard in his arms. He nods at Max and he nods back.
The first ship that lands is Sylvia's. She steps out first with Ryan following behind. She finds her brother in the crowd and notices the body in his arms. Instantly, the tears flow and they huddle around their fallen friend.
Moments Later.
A handful of ships land behind Sylvia's. The ship's hatches pop open and armored soldiers head out with guns ready and pointed toward the civilians. The citizens of Avalon raise their weapons again without the order from their King. "HEY!! CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN! "King Yafeu commands. Bast says, "THEM FIRST!"
A voice from the crowd says, "Heh... You kill the heir of the Edson fortune and draw weapons on us!? If our allies weren't surrounded by you trash we'd have mowed you down already." Zachary hears this and says, "Who the hell are you to be saying such things!? These guys are also with us! They didn't kill Richard! Let's explain things first!"
The person Zachary addresses emerged behind the line of soldiers and says, "Ahh Zachary Ohara! Nice to finally meet you. Names Rainer Sparda. I'm stepping in as the Captain of the armed forces for Victor." Rainer holds his hand out for Zach to shake. But he is too stunned to notice. Zach replies saying, "Stepping in!? Victor trained all of us to hold the mantle after him!"
Rainer replies saying, "Yes that's what Victor was training you for, but ultimately he doesn't have the final say so right? Well, the council determined between all 3 of you. You're not ready. You all share a completed record of 1,200 completed missions with Victor and you 3 by yourselves combined. I've hit 1,207 by myself. What was the statement they said? Hmm oh yeah! It's time to look to a new mindset to lead our people back to a normal way of life."
Rainer adds to his statement by saying, "It's just seniority. Victor trained me first so duh. I'd have more missions completed. Just relax, you guys will get your turn to lead when the time comes.
Zachary shakes his head and says, "All those years he's given to them and they don't trust his last wishes."
Rainer pats Zach on the back and says, "Hey man sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles. I can't do much about it. When it's all said and done. These guys were always Victor's superiors right?" Zachary unclenches his fists. Rainer tells Zach as the fellow soldier, "Come walk with me..." Zachary does so without protest. And they begin to talk while being a few feet away from the group.
Rainer says, "You know what the outsiders call us Zachary? Of course you do, ' savages' right? I know where you come from...That damn blue planet. Zachary says, "Eart..." Before he could finish Rainer's troops draws their guns toward Zachary. The younger apprentice of Victor Hawkins puts his hands up while Rainer calms his troops down and tells his teacher's young apprentice, "Sorry about that. The original planet is still a touchy subject for these guys."
Rainer continues to say, "You'd like to report that back to your home and they'll stick their nose up at us. I hear what they say about us. They say we were crazy to forgive Elias Caine for the deeds he did and quite frankly...I agree."
Zachary has a shocked look on his face as Rainer extends his hand and grabs Zach's. Rainer continues to tell Zach, "The true genius of that family tree was Cyrus Caine! He invented the portal tech for us to travel and colonize planets like this. If you ask me that's living out our true potential." Zachary responds by saying, "One could argue it was that portal tech that started all this! Elias would've said it's too late to play the blame game let's just continue to move forward and make right!"
Rainer speechless for a moment tilts his head and says in a condescending tone, "Riiiiiiiiight." He then asks Zach so who's the guy in charge here?
King Yafeu steps forward. Rainer takes a look at him and says, "Heh, look at you...What kinda science experiment made you like this?" Just as Rainer finishes his sentence Bast appears to his side with a knife to his throat and in a demanding tone says, "YOU WILL SHOW YOUR RESPECT!!"
Rainer's life flashes before his eyes and in a fearful tone says, "Whoaaa okay! I mean no disrespect! I didn't know I was in the presence of Royalty. I know how to show respect, I'm sorry your highness...What I meant to say was what caused about 1 million continuous explosions to be set off on the map of Cauchemar??!" King Yafeu nods to Bast telling her to put the knife down. Then hesitantly says, "We fought side by side with your soldiers in defeating a thorn left over from the war with Adira..." Rainer says, "Hmmm so I should be thanking you?" King Yafeu instantly says, "No thank you's are necessary."
To that Rainer replies, "Well please I am thankful. Can you continue to tell me what's going on here??" King Yafeu replies, "Sigmond Dominus the top general during Adira's reign has appeared to master a formula enhancing the physical features of a human being. Almost turning them machine-like in various ways hence, me. He was injected with a formula due to an obedience chip in my formula. Which made his consciousness into a living program. It appears the formula evolved and strengthened into controlling low-level droids, and with your soldier's help we've beaten that villain..." A long pause happens with Rainer just staring at the king and Rainer replies, "What are you gonna do when he comes back?" King Yafeu asks, "What do you mean?" Rainer replies pronouncing every word clearly, "" King Yafeu replies, "I'll defeat him again!"
Rainer replies, "In good faith, I must say that isn't enough." With a stern look on the King's face he replies, "What do you think I should do?" Rainer replies, "First this sounds like this is an evolving virus that strengthened within time. What's stopping it at just these droids exploding? When the virus can move on to bigger prey...The patches on some of these droids in Avalon have been outdated so long ago it'll take you so much to get up to those higher ups you'd need to just get those patches in the archives. To cure these droids of Sigmond's virus" King Yafeu interrupts asking, "What are you trying to say?" Rainer says, "Work with me. The council would see your gesture in lending your services to us as something of great value. What'd you call it? The obedient chip? That's not right. We will work on getting rid of that too..." King Yafeu tells the foreign soldier, "You can do that. But my main concern is the citizens." Rainer replies, "Okay..." King Yafeu says, "We will not result to aid being secretly given to us in exchange for furthering any more of your foreign politics."
Rainer says, "Seems fair." King Yafeu replies, "I'm not done yet."
Rainer says, "Well sorry. Continue...Your...highness."
King Yafeu says, "Lift the travel ban on these citizens and allow them to see the rest of the world once again. What you fear is a problem brewing within us is only your fears on what you do not fully understand."
The soldier appears to stare at the Machine King with a scowl. Zachary tells himself, "Maybe the King should have chosen a better way to say that last statement!" Nervous energy fills the air until a buzz from Rainer's earpiece could be heard. A voice from the earpiece tells him, "We agree to the terms." for a split second Rainer seems shocked but let's out a chuckle. And tells the group, "The Council agrees." He shakes the King's hand but refuses to let go. He pulls the King in and says but you'd have to come with me and be under their watch 24/7. There's gotta be a fair exchange of trust here. You know what I'm saying?"
The King looks in Rainer's eyes and says, "I agree, so deal!" Bast instantly questions her King's decision. Telling him, "This is not right! There's more to this offer he isn't telling!" The King tells Bast, "Relax...I think it's time for me to leave here anyway. I've led these people through inspiration. And they've persevered through it all. You were always meant to lead the way after me anyways Bast."
The soldier's eyes widened as she just caught what her King has said. She looks dead into his eyes and says, "after you?..." The King smiles and says yeah. We all know these guys voted me in just from seeing me fight with Amaro. You though are a true born citizen of Avalon. It wouldn't be right to not trust your vision in building a better world for these people." Bast is now at a loss for words as King Yafeu says, "By tomorrow everyone is gonna have to address you as Queen Bast. I know, you're gonna hate it haha!" King Yafeu and the rest of the citizens of Avalon celebrate a new beginning while Rainer pulled Zachary to the side. He tells Zach, "look I'm gonna have to be straight with you. You know the contract offers the council sends Elias?"
Zachary replies, "Yeah..." Rainer drops a bomb revealing, "It also came with a membership to the newly formed Elite Force. You know what that is right?" Zachary astounded by this replies, "That was the name of the group of heroes Bernard Sullivan led to defeat Adira!?" Rainer replies, "Exactly, the force was a team of the world's Elites. Elites in strategic combat, Medicine whatever and they shared all knowledge making each other better. In a way that's looked at as the blueprint for beating an evil ruler like Adira. Elias would say, "She's already beaten. Why form this group again? It has a chance at being corrupt." Elias believed the formation of this group would give them the power to inspire corruption. Because this version of the force was not formed in necessity... I did not believe that, Look here."
Zachary looks toward Rainer as he pulls his sleeve up. A metallic arm is underneath his sleeve. He tells Zach, "Edson gave me a vile of what sounds like what the King has got running through his veins. I've heard the reports Sylvia got from Sarah earlier. I took it thinking it would aid me in stamping out anyone aspiring to destroy the world as Adira did. If I had known this was Cauchemar droid drugs. I would have trashed this and thrown Edson in jail with his friend Amaro." He continues to say, "Geez Elias didn't see Julius Backstabbing him huh? World's smartest man right!? I'm no better. I injected this stuff into me. Just thinking of the thought that this Sigmond guy could potentially control me is sickening." Rainer takes a look around and continues to say, "Droids, A.I., and Cyborgs. Who needs this!? If they were never created we wouldn't be living like this. Trash! All trash!"
As Rainer's anger boils Zachary tells him, "Well help you. Just chill out on talking like that." As they both look to the King's way Supremeo lands next to King Yafeu asking, "What did I miss?" King Yafeu tells Supremeo, "a whole bunch of stuff I can catch you up on."
Rainer appears between the two saying, "Just make sure when you catch him up on everything don't leave me out as well. Sorry for not being able to give you a proper introduction friend but I'm Rainer Sparda. Nice to meet an AI creation of Elias Caine!" Rainer extends his hand in friendship. Supremeo shakes it. Rainer grips it with all his might. The metal doesn't bend. However, Supremeo realizes. He's unable to shake the human's hand despite the Hercules wiring within his system.
Rainer tells Supremeo, "Wow will ya look at that! Caine's Tech at its finest! All sleek lookin with these bells and whistles attached. At the end of the day, you're just another murder bot though aren't ya!?" Supremeo shocked at the suddenness of the comment says, "What!?" Then Rainer replies, "Oh sorry! I didn't mean that in a bad way! I have to get going though! Oh and your highness. Can't wait to work with you soon!"
Rainer heads back to his ship along with the troops. He talks low so only his soldiers could hear. He says, "In due time all this droid trash will be dealt with." He glances at Sylvia on his way back to the ship and takes a moment to send his condolences. He tells her, "Sylvia Caine, sorry for your loss. Richard was far different from his father. He truly wished for peace, unlike his father who wanted power along with it. It is such a shame that two giants of the old days, Julius and your father saw such a sad end to their lives. Also, I know if it wasn't for your father you wouldn't have been led down a road like this. A beauty like you who wastes her life away in meaningless wars of the past. The world is not fair but I swear I'll give you that other choice in life your father and fiance couldn't. Just hand your company and the Edson branch over. Well, know what to do and honor both legacies right. I hope to have your answer by the end of the week. That will give you enough time to grieve. Don't you think?"
Rainer continues his walk to his ship until he hears Sylvia speak. She says, "Give me the other choice? You don't understand. I wouldn't have it any other way!" Sylvia places Richard down gently then stands on her two feet and says, "As long as I can provide people like this with a smile on their face. Helping them Hope for a better tomorrow I know I'm doing the right job! So you can take your assumptions on how I should be living, out of the equation on how a perfect world should be! Well, have our own backs at the end of the day. That's what my father wanted it. That's how it'll stay! So my answer is no. I refuse anything the council has to offer."
Supremeo is left speechless at the similar statement she makes that reminds him of her father.
Rainer grins and tells her, "Well...the offer always stands." He turns around and proceeds to his ship.
King Yafeu leans over to Supremeo and says, "Well for starters looks like I'll be seeing you more in the future. Because I'll be working with that guy!" Supremeo says, "Huh?" The King just nods and Supremeo says well, "I guess there won't be any excuses on not giving me those training lessons then. King Yafeu nods and says, "I guess so."
Supremeo looks toward Sylvia and notices droids helping her with Richard's body. Citizens are also consoling her, giving her their condolences. She notices Supremeo looking toward her. She nods to him. He nods back. As she heads toward his way she asks, "Supremeo will you forgive me?"
He says, "For what?" Sylvia says, "For keeping you encased like that." Supremeo says, "Oh that. That's the last thing on my mind at the moment Sylvia." She smiles and says, "Thanks." Then stands side by side with Supremeo. Supremeo then asks the most brilliant engineer in the world, "So any ideas on where Amaro or Victor might be? Or any cities in need of help? What do we do next?"
Sylvia replies, "I have a few things in mind."
End of Chapter 24