I silently watched as Roy placed his bag on the bed. Just then he began to remove his shirt.
"Eek!" I let out a small squeal before closing my mouth and turning away.
"Emma? What are you doing here?" I heard Roy's voice behind me.
"Cleaning!"I said.
"Okay. Tell me what are you cleaning?"
"Your room?"
"Is that so? Then--"
"It is nice seeing you again," I said rushing out of the room.
In my room, I locked the door breathing heavily. My heartbeat could be heard across the room.
"Isn't he supposed to come back tomorrow?!" I thought.
I blush thinking about his face. He had grown slightly taller. His handsome face seemed to captivate me from his almond hazel eyes to his thin lips.
"Gosh! I need to sleep!" I shrugged my previous thought and hop into my bed.
After all, he is now my brother.
The next day early in the morning at around five and grabbed my dancing stuff and headed for the front door.
I was sure everybody was still sleeping.
In the darkness, I tiptoe. Surprisingly I could see well. I open the main door and it creaks slightly causing my heart to race. After a moment I was sure I would be out safely.
I slowly closed the door and sighed in relief. I turn and I jerk up in surprise.
Roy was standing in front of me eying me inquisitively.
"Are you sneaking out to meet someone?" He asks almost immediately.
What the heck?!
"No!" I whisper. "What are you doing here?" Most importantly how did he get here?
"That's my business. Where are you going this early?"
"It's also none of your business," I answer back. He sighs and grabs my arm. He slowly and quietly opens the door just as he was about to drag me back into the house I whispered.
"Please...let me go."
"Then tell me where you are going?" He asked this time in a whisper.
"I...I thought I should stroll around."
"With a bag?"
"This is..." I paused and bit my lips. Should I tell him? What if he tells them?
"Just go." He lets go of my hand and enters the house leaving me outside.
Questions in mind, I tread down the streets to the dancing studio. Tomorrow was the completion and the winner would get a chance to attend a Dance workshop abroad. Since I have no interest whatsoever in studying I had to work hard to win.
Maybe after I win, I will tell my parents about it and maybe they'll let me go.
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