The picture is my newest page in my journal :)
I haven’t posted anything in a while, and that’s for a few reasons.
One is that life has gotten way busier, which is a good thing, it just means I have less personal time to write.
The other thing is that my parents are getting more strict on phones, and I don’t want them to find this website. Not because I think it’s bad or wrong, quite the opposite. It’s something I enjoy but something they wouldn’t understand. I’ve never told them I like writing, and I’d like to keep it that way. My work on here is for those who don’t know me in person, who can read my work and not be influenced on who I am or how they know me.
I also love the community on here, I’ve never felt uncomfortable or weird about conversing with another person on this website. We all have a common interest, sharing our thoughts and dreams through words written down, My parents wouldn’t condone talking with strangers online, but they don’t know what this website is like.
Anyway, that’s why I’ve been gone for a bit