So I have a super active imagination, which can be a good thing. But it also is hard to control, like I’ll find myself just drifting off into a fantasy when I should be paying attention. Sometimes, I’ll have a fantasy that just comes to me, and I didn’t even will it to be there, it just shows up.
Thats what happened a few days ago, I had a really sweet fantasy and now I can’t stop thinking about it.
It went like this: Me and my ice cream tattoo crush (more details on him in my story with Mira) were walking side by side with some friends and I tripped on myself (I do that a lot)
So he laughs and says “this is why I need to keep my arm around you, so you don’t go trippin everywhere.” We both looked happy and content, walking with our arms around each other. Then I came back to reality and was like “wow, even my subconscious wants a significant other…” 😑