I’ve had her for almost two years, and honestly shes a great roommate hahah
For a long time i thought She was a He so her name was Draco, (I told you I’m a nerd) but now I have to find a different name. Or not. Idk, I just call her squishy no matter what her name is 😭
But if you’re looking for a pet more interesting than a fish but still low maintenance, a leopard gecko is a really good choice. As long as you don’t mind bugs ofc heh…
But they’re pretty cheap, sleep a lot, and once they’re full grown they don’t need to be fed every day. They’re also really fun to hold but can’t be out of their enclosures for more than thirty minutes at a time. They need their sleep during the day and the heat from the heating pad. NOT A LAMP. Good heavens they don’t need lamps. It’s too bright for them.
Ok I’m done ranting about reptiles hahah