It was a normal school day, during break, and one of my friends got slapped on the bottom by a boy after she’d told him to leave her alone. He thought it was hilarious. This boy was notorious for being inappropriate and rude to women at our school, and not a thing was done about it.
One of my friends chased him down the hallway, which was not ok on her part, but I think he deserved it. A group of my friends went to talk to the principal about it and do you know what he said?
For our entire lives we’ve been taught that our bodies are “distracting” and “disruptive” and you wanna tell me that a girl being touched somewhere where she felt uncomfortable is ok? These messages are incredibly mixed.
My learning time in class has been taking up by teachers telling all the girls to “be respectful with our bodies” when we should be having assemblies about injustice like this!
Our own principle wouldn’t do anything about it. He took the boys side and let it go, and told the girl to NOT TELL HER PARENTS.
So not only is the principal being sexist here, he sees it and wants to keep it from other adults that could actually help.
Don’t stand by when injustice is in the way.