Last week (Tuesday the 22th) I dislocated my knee.
And lemme tell ya, I do not recommend.
I’ll explain what happened.
It was my last day of school before break, so naturally a stayed up a bit to watch tv. Around 12 I went upstairs to go to bed. I was about to get ready when I thought, I’m just going to practice my dance for the Nutcracker real quick.
So I pop in my earbuds and play some music. I did a jump and landed on one leg, which shifted my freaking knee cap to the outside of my leg. I collapsed to the ground and it popped back in, but I barely noticed. I was pale and shaking and my parents came rushing in after I called for them.
All I could think was “WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING???!?! WHY DIDN'T I JUST GO TO BED?!?” Not to mention that my recital was one week away.
All I could do was tape it up and rest, luckily my aunt is a physical therapist and knew what to do.
It absolutely sucked. I spent the entire thanksgiving break resting and doing exercises when I had so many things I wanted to do. I was going to reorganize my room, clean out my bags, and stuff like that.
I’m fine now, I have it taped up and I’m going to be able to do all my dances, including my solo. I was just so mad at myself for it.
However… today at lunch all of class council was wrapping presents for decorations at the dance, and ice cream tattoo guy is on class council. So I’m sitting on the floor wrapping and you can clearly see the tape through my ripped jeans.
He goes “(me)… what did you to your knee??” He sounded concerned and it was so cute. Then him and my old crush did a little dance to Christmas music which was adorable.