-Dance is easy
For this one, yeah. It’s SUPPOSED to look easy. Thats what makes it cool, that we can do these really hard moves with grace and control. Do you know how bad ballet would look if we made it look as difficult as it is??
-Dance is for people who don’t wanna play real sports
Real sports? Like football?? Did you know that a lot of American football players take professional dance classes to build specific muscles and strengthen their joints???
-Yeah, but you’re not athletic
Says WHO?
-Ballet is for girls and guys that do it are gay
Honestly, the amount of times I’ve heard some variation of this absurd sexist comment is way too many. Yeah, more girls do ballet typically, but that doesn’t mean it’s confined to girls only. Literally so many classic ballets are love stories between a man and a woman (usually one of them ends up dying), so don’t tell me it’s not for guys. And if you’re the kinda person to assume someones gender based on their hobbies, first of all don’t do that, second why don’t you assume football players are gay? They’re the ones tackling other sweaty dudes.
-Dancers aren’t strong
Bruh you haven’t seen my abs 💪
These are just a few examples of what I hear on the regular