Aight so I’m making gingerbread for my brother since my mother can’t be fucked. Or well she says she’s to busy and that I don’t do anything with my life. Anyways. I’m making this shit and I need a fucking CUP of molasses. WHO NEEDS A CUP OF BLOODY MOLASSES. AND THEN I RAN OUT OF THAT SHIT. OF COURSE, I DID. No one had informed me that you can fucking replace it with golden syrup either. I HAD TO GOOGLE ITTTT. Then I did everything. Made a mess. OH AND JUST AS I WAS ALMOST FINISHED. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? I STEPPED IN FUCKING CAT VOMIT. The world is against me today. The picture is a CUPPPP OF MOLASSES.
Also I forgot to eat brekkie so I'm more angry than usual.