Hm. I have a lot to say so I’ll just dot point it.
- cut down trees
- Went shopping with my friend and had such a good fuckin time
- Decided to help out a really young kiddo get up to a slide and ended up playing with her at a park for like 20 mins
- Ate some really fucking good food. The waffles were like 10/10
Yeah okay that’s it. I did a lot of dumbass things too but we don’t need to talk about it. Anyways here’s the cupcakes I made yesterday!tbh I fucked up on the piping.
I made so many tails n stuff but like al the red ones snapped but these two on the cupcakes. I hate who’re chocolate.
look at the hornnnnbsss they turned out so welll
ignore the messy table in the back. I’ve been working on other projects…
Please ignore that I did a mini photoshoot for my cupcakes. I’m very proud of them. Just message me if you want the recipes! I used my own buttercream one and I made the chocolate stuff myself.
these too ✨too long✨ to make.