Gosh…it’s been a year? It feels kinda wired. Like good weird though!
Honestly “good places to put online writing” is one of the best things I’ve ever searched up. Because it led to me finding this site and all you amazing people!
I’ve had the time of my life talking and interacting with all of you! From saying some of the weirdest stuff too creating a lot of new friends! Orrr ending up writing full ass stories based off random comment strings! I swear those are the most fun to plan and write! I’ve also learnt a lot about other places while I was on here. Which is pretty cool.
I kinda don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have a lot of yall helping me out when I needed. When I started this account and posted my first lot of stuff I had the plan to just check up on this every time I needed to post something and that’s it. Past me would be very confused on how I ended up so involved in this site. And my stories god…don’t get me started in how supportive and amazing you people are (we could be here for hours) with becoming so involved with Kais story or helping me out with writing by editing suggestions from time to time or helping me with writing or ideas n’ stuff. As well as putting up with my shitty grammar and spelling skills. Or participating in the contests I create or the random games I decide to play.
I kinda like to think of us as a massive family. Yeah some stuff happens every now and then but someone is always there when you need it. You are all Like…the cool aunts and uncles. You can talk to them whenever about nearly everything and you can bet they will be there for you.
I should probably keep this kinda short but thank you for putting up with me for a year and I really hope to stay here for at least a few more!! All your posts made me smile like there was no tomorrow! Thank you to whomever sorted the status posts and blog posts out! It was the best.
love y’all and thank you,