If ya wanna skip the rant go to the bottom at least please!
I freaking hate those (refer to title) but it’s so annoying! And may I add painful! I just had to get rid of my freaking amazing moustache (it wasn’t that good you can barely see it) but anyways because I felt ✨insecure ✨ more so that people were picking on it. I was fine. Moustaches are cool too but I can’t have one cus I’m a girl. Don’t get me wrong I love being a girl there are just some really unwanted let’s say…perks that come with it.
then there’s also the stupid thing that apparently we should all be skinny. Like I’m (insert age) and people are upset that I don’t have an hourglass figure or that my stomach pokes out more than others! I’M GOING THROUGH BLOODY PUBERTY! Then when I lost the weight I was suddenly "too skinny". BRO, MATE, MY GUY, DUDE YOU JUST SAID I WAS TOO FAT! Give me something dude. It's just so annoying!
Then there's shaving and body hair. It's so annoying. Sometimes I wish my parents weren't so obsessed with the way I look or how it fits into society. I've had to shave off my leg hair since I was 11. I was told I looked like I had "man legs" and felt horrible about it. Even now I always feel like everyone is looking at me if I wear a skirt or shorts. It sucks a lot. Because I really wanna wear dresses, crop tops, skirts and stuff. But I just feel like someone's gonna say it looks "wrong" or it looks bad on me. I even go to the lengths of buying different sizes for my school uniform to try to hide those major insecurities.
Sorry, this turned into a bit of a rant! Moral of this...Don't be like me! Embrace yourself because you are amazing, beautiful, handsome, good-looking, perfect and drop-dead amazingly gorgeous. Be happy with who you are because you should be! Also, don't say mean things to people that don't deserve it! there are times to be rude but not all the time.