Today was a fucking roller coaster.
I made myself some nice brekkie. I’m the morning which was great.
then I went to school. It was okay. I had to sit next to a yr seven though and for some reason he stank. SO BAD. Like yucky yuck gross. I’m
then I went to English which sucked becuase I had a double and everyone was stupid. I nearly got hit by a pen too. I hate yr (number) they are so dumbasses.
I got a free brownie from the canteen cus I got ✨rich friends✨.
my bus home was 40 minutes late. I nearly cried. Then this guy missed the bus that I was talking too now I’m low key worried that he didn’t make it back.
went out for dinner with my mom. Good time. She got me a cute earring.
I found 9 books I want. I need money.
I SAW MY FRIEND!!!! After ages! So happy.
omfg my school has this guy that just goes around playing guitar and songs for people. So my friend and I listened and then my pastrol teacher THATS also a music teacher came up like “(name) what did we say about taking guitars from (theatre building) you can’t do that.” WE ALL THAUGHT IT WAS HIS OWN GUITAR. We were so wrong. But quite funny.
I accidentally called my male friend “babes” I’ve been calling my feminine friend babe, love, lovley, babes a lot and yeah I got questioned from him.