It's been a hot minute since I updated this.
I recently did a fuck ton of colouring in. my hand is hurty now.
None of my friends is online since they are all travelingggggg. I have no one to talk to besides A(blah) and he's tryna convince me that I'm his "homie". You know what? I don't get why pick me's want to be "one of the guys" like I am "one of the guys" and its...something. I DUN WANNA BE ONE OF THEY GUYSSSS THE FORGET IM A GIRL AND SAY ALL THIS STUFF THAT I DON'T WANNA KNOW!!!! *cries*
I have to make cupcakes. Why does everyone want me to bake? I don't want to.
I made a list of all the movies and tv shows I've watched. Just like the titles, not how much of it I watched. I'll show yall on the 31st. it's long.
I need to colour more. far out.
Also I have this thing. "if you didn't buy it don't touch it." Because my mother likes to throw out my shit. Which is annoying as fuck. But she bought it so it's fair. But I get really irritated when she throws out shit I BAUHT1 With my own money. I don't have a job so it's hard to get money and shit. So like I saved up for that. It's annoying.
i forgot something! I watched this cute as fuck show called Roomates. But the main couple actors also acted in this other drama that had me bawling my eyes out for a day. I also ended up going on about how the main love interest was really cute and stuff to my lesbian friend it was funny to see her reactions to say the least.
Have a nice day! Imma go remind my friend that he can't be sexist.