Nah man I'm so fucking pissed right now.
My freaking mother decided to be ruder than usual. I lost my wallet and ask where she last saw it and if she moved it when touching my stuff. She then yelled her head off and blah blah. Not helpful. She helped after 30 minutes and I found it but still annoying
NOW I'M UPSET! Okay if you don't know I love K-Pop and I spend a lot of money regarding the interest. I bought my first album about a year ago and my mother claims she bought it but it's because she's annoying and didn't trust me to find the right site. But I did and it wasn't nearly as expensive. She thought I was incapable after I asked how to input our address right. Either way she "bought" it but I gave her back all the money and extra. Then as soon as the album arrived I was really happy and shit. BUT THEN MY FUCKWAD OF A BROTHER THEN STOLE THE FUCKING POSTER! I was really looking forward to putting up on my wall because it was the first load of proper merch I got. But no since she favours my brother over me she just told me to let it go and I'll get other ones either. I did push that I wanted it back but eventually gave in though I was still upset. Never said I was happy that he could have it though. (Haha, my mother just came into my room and decided to twist everything and say I didn't sleep my word. this is dumb I'm crying over a frickaty fucking poster). I honestly hate that my brother has the poster. I had to pay back nearly 100 bucks. Oh did I mention that my brother actively talks shit about the group and always says how much he hates them.
Anyways I want the poster back now. I'm even willing to replace it with another one i recently bought. I want to sell the other poster since it's just collecting dust in his room and I also do this fun insta thing and I would like to let go of the poster. I politely asked for it back and offered to my brother that I can lend him another one. Keyword: lend. Anyways the kid refused to which I got slightly angry. I asked for it back a few times to which he still refused even though I mentioned it was mine and whatnot. I mentions multiple times that he fucking stole it but apparently, everything is justified i you're my little brother living in my mothers house.
I'm just annoyed :/
Oh yeah I'll post something more lightearted tomorrow!