I KNOW WHY IM ALWAYS IN A CONSTANT SATE OF SICK! It’s Covid getting back at me for managing to avoid it so much.
Anyways I had day thaf looked like this 📉 started great! Went super duper down fuckin hill. I got to call a really cool person this morning and ate something that wasn’t buttered toast so that was epic and then I got on the bus and shit started to suck. Actually something funky happened while I was waiting too. I was still calling that person and whatever but this barefoot guy walked across the road from me took a blanket looked at me then started shaking his head a lot. Idk. ANYWAYS! Once I got off the bus it was sightly raining which sucked a lot. But not toooo much. Then I saw my friends! Good times. I also was meant to do practice testing but luckily due to technical difficulties IT DIDNT WORK FOR ME!!!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😊😎🥸🙂🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸(I am just spamming random emojis but I really like the last emoji it’s so funny lookin) anyways I also started to really feel like shit. I took two tablets in the morning and idk what happened but I don’t think they kicked in. After the test it was really shit. I had a class and I had a shit headache felt dizzy and also really bad stomach pains. So at snack break i went to sickbay to try go home. Ya know? I probably should’ve said I should go home, cus all I got was nurofen and got told to sit down for a while. I later went to math oh and before I went too sickbay I texted my mom saying l feel really shit and if she could take me out. . Obvi I went back to class after a bit. Then I did get picked up but they used the PR system and idk why but I didn’t hear it at Allg it was only when I went to my locker that I saw all the texts from my grandma and mom so I went to go get picked up but then the lady gave me this talk about how I can’t contact my parents which is fair since I shouldn’t be using my phone during school but like…y’all did nothing. I’m still in the wrong but stilllllll. Then I came home and slept after talking to some ppl. Imma go back to sleep now