Our school only does two dances, Winter Banquet and Saidie Hawkins. Banquet already happened, and saidies is in a few weeks.
For every dance there’s two people voted on from every grade to be “prince and princess” for the dance. During an assembly the winners are announced. First the guy gets called, then the announcer tells him the girls name and he brings her a flower and brings her down. It’s adorable.
Then before saidies starts the prince and princess of every grade comes out, gets a little intro said about them, gets pictures and stands in front of the school. That’s kinda it.
Now my personal opinion is that stuff like this is a popularity contest that only ✨those girls✨ win.
A few people are saying that me and Ice cream tattoo guy should be voted for. And honestly it sounds really fun. Not only is he my crush but he’s also my best guy friend in the school. He literally cheered when I walked into class.
I feel like it would be a nice experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity, but also reallyyy fun to do with my crush 😊
Now I know some people would rather die than be up in front of the whole school, but I find it fun.
Voting starts this Monday. First everyone votes for a top three, then those three are picked from.
I’ll keep y’all posted on what happens.