"Dude it's not what it looks like" Mike said, getting up and walking towards his brother. A bitter smile appeared on Alex's lips as he stood in the doorway, shaking his head as this situation seemed to replicate what happened at the barbecue.
"I should've known," he said, turning around to leave. I couldn't form any words because I was clueless as to what happened last night. The only thing I remembered was dancing with Mike; everything else was a blur.
"Alex it's not like that," Mike pleaded with his brother. They had left the room now but from what I was able to make out, Alex wasn't listening.
A few seconds later, what must have been the front door slammed and Mike came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.
"Mike what's going on?" I asked. He ran a hand through his hair as he faced away from me. "Did we do anyth─"
"No, no of course not," he replied.
"Then tell me what happened," I tried my best to stay calm but I felt like I had done the worst thing I could do to Alex: repeat what he did to me, and my heart pounded from nervousness. Mike sighed and got up, putting on a clean shirt and walking towards the door.
"Can we talk about this over breakfast?"
"Yeah sure," I reluctantly replied, moving the blanket from my legs and noticed what I was wearing for the first time. My dress was gone and Mike's shirt from last night had taken its place.
I walked out of the room slightly dazed and took a turn, trying to remember how to get to the kitchen as this was only my second time being here.
"In here," I heard his voice in the other direction and joined him moments later. I took a seat at the small dining table and faced him as he stood by the stove, reaching into a cupboard. "I don't usually have anything so is it okay if I run to a store close by?" he asked, walking towards me with two mugs.
"Of course, I can make coffee or tea while you're gone." He nodded before leaving.
When he left, I got up and grabbed the kettle on the counter, filling it with water. As the water slowly piled up, I looked around wondering where Amanda was─I thought she was his girlfriend.
I didn't see her last night at the club, I thought, placing the kettle on the dock-like thing and plugging it in. As the water began to boil, I heard the front door open and seconds later, Mike was standing in front of me.
"That was fast," I said, turning around to face him. I quickly tried to cover my legs as my face heated when I saw him looking at them. "Oh I'm sorry I should've changed into something else."
"No it's okay... It's not like it's the first time I've seen you like this anyway," he replied with an awkward laugh. I forced a smile as I returned to preparing the tea.
"So what happened last night?" I asked when we were seated at the dining table with cups of tea and heated breakfast sandwiches on separate plates. He slowly lifted his cup and took a sip before replying.
"Should I start from the beginning or from the part where you almost fell on the floor?" he asked, smirking at the last part. I rolled my eyes before punching him lightly on the arm. "Okay I'm guessing you want me to start from the beginning."
I gave him a you-think look before taking a bite out of my own sandwich as he began.
"Well... I woke up in my room, alone like usual, and walked up to my bathroom and began to─"
"Mike seriously," I interjected. After a few bites of sandwiches and sips of tea, he was finally ready to tell me what happened.
"Okay. So after a long day at work, I came home. The first thing I did was look through the fridge because I was starving but there was nothing so I decided to go out. Just as I was about to leave, my phone rang and it was Alex."
The sound of his name caused my heartbeat to accelerate as I tried my best to supress the tears that were threatening to fall. I diverted my gaze to the table as I tried to keep it in but a loud plop could be heard as a single tear escaped into my cup.
"Victoria are you alright?" He asked, his voice laced with concern as he reached a hand out, placing it softly on mine. I quickly removed my hand and wiped away the tear streak before looking at him with a small smile.
"Yeah, can you keep going?"
"Uh....sure," he leaned back into his chair and tried to remember where he had left off before continuing "He told me that he wanted to meet me and talk about what happened... At the barbecue. So I told him he could meet me at a restaurant close to where you work. When I got there, I ordered my food and when I was about to eat he called and said that something had came up."
He took a break to continue his tea and finish his sandwich as I did the same. When we both finished, I picked up both our dishes and walked to the sink, about to wash them.
"Oh you don't have to do that Tori," Mike tried to stop me but I insisted on washing them. I needed something to do as he continued with what happened─ I didn't want to risk crying in front of him.
"So what happened after that? How did you end up at the club?" I asked as I filled the sink with hot water, pouring a little bit of dish soap and grabbing a wash cloth.
"Well... as I was eating, one of my friends called and told me that he was meeting some of the guys in a bit to hang out. And since I didn't have any plans I told him I'd meet them at the club when I finished eating. So when I finished I drove over to the club and we talked and danced with some ladies until I saw someone who looked like you... And that's when I came over to the bar."
I quickly rinsed the plates after the cups and dried my hands, walking over to sit across from him and knotting my fingers together.
"Okay, what happened after we drove away?" I asked, drawing my brows together.
"I was driving to the house that you... shared with Alex but then I remembered what.. happened between you guys so I brought you here."
"Why didn't you send me to my parent's house?" I asked before mentally slapping myself. The last thing I wanted my parents to see was my inability to walk after a few drinks.
"I'm guessing you figured it out," he said after examining my face.
"Thanks," he looked at me in confusion, "for doing that for me" I finished.
He shook his head before replying "don't worry about it. But Alex probably thinks we're together now..."
My eyes widened.
"What?! Why would he think that?!" I couldn't control the volume of my voice as I questioned him.
"Relax, it's just a misunderstanding."
"No kidding," I replied, trying to calm down.
"We'll just have to explain it to him," he said, getting up from his seat. He started walking towards his bedroom door but stopped when he got a few feet close. "Do you want me to drop you off at your parent's house?" he asked, turning to face me. I nodded quickly and followed him.
He allowed me to take a quick shower and change back into my dress; thankfully it was still in good condition. Within the hour, we were on the road.
When we got to my parent's house, I thanked him once again before leaving his car. As I walked towards the door, I couldn't believe that he would do something like that for me. I mean we were friends but we weren't that close. The sound of his car horn broke my train of thought, causing me to turn and return a smile and a wave before he drove off.
"Where were you last night Victoria? We were worried sick when you didn't return," my mom asked when I stepped inside. I slowly removed my heels and picked them up.
"Mom, I'm 23 you don't need to worry so much. And I was with Mike," I replied, attempting to walk past her to my room. She grabbed onto my arm and turned me around, tilting her head to the side with a questioning look on her face.
"Why were you with Alex's brother? You two aren't together or anything are you?" I felt my lips curl into a small smile at how ridiculous the idea was.
"No mom, we're just friends." And with that, I walked towards my room and changed into more comfortable clothing.
"Morning Victoria," Ashley said, as I walked into our small clinic. It was a Monday morning and I didn't feel like working but at the sight of a little girl smiling as she sat beside her parents, I couldn't wait to get started.
"Hey Ash," I said, with a smile.
"Well someone looks like she had a great weekend. Did anything happen between you and Mike after you left?" she asked, wriggling her brows.
I rolled my eyes as I walked past her to my office, grabbing my stethoscope and clipboard.
"By the way, why didn't you reply to our texts?" she asked when I returned.
"What texts?"
"Didn't you see that we texted you to see if you were alright? We spent the whole day yesterday texting you." My eyes widened at the same time as my mouth when I realized that I had left my bag, which had my phone in it, at Mike's house.
"Can I borrow your phone for a sec? I think I left mine at Mike's," I asked. She gave me a small smile as she unlocked her phone and handed it to me.
I walked outside the clinic and dialed his number, taking a seat on a ledge.
"Hello?" I heard him say.
"Mike it's me Victoria. I think I left my phone at your place."
"Let me check," he replied. I heard shuffling in the background before he continued talking, "I found it."
A sigh of relief left my lips as I smiled. "Great, when can I get it back?"
"When's your lunch break?" he asked after a small pause.
"Around twelve."
"Okay... Meet me at my dad's restaurant at twelve."
Before I could stop myself, I was asking the one question on my mind "What if Alex sees us?"
There was another pause, this one longer than the last, before a reply.
"We'll just have to explain everything to him then."