I stood on a balcony and felt the soft breeze blowing against my skin, playing with my wedding gown. The smile on my face was inevitable as I thought of the wonderful man whom I was to marry. I sighed happily as an image of his face appeared in my mind.
Suddenly, I heard door behind me open. Assuming that it was my mom, I spoke.
"I'm almost done mom, you don't need to worry."
But as I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist, I could tell that it was definitely not her. I turned around while in the person's hold and gasped audibly as I saw him. He connected my lips with his before I could say anything, causing all my thoughts to vanish.
"How did you get here? I'm sure my mom would've stopped you if she saw you," I told him, smiling brightly.
"But she didn't," he replied, pecking my lips lightly before revealing a smile of his own.
No matter how many times I looked at him, I found it hard to believe that he was the one I was getting married to. What had I ever done to deserve such a wonderful person as my husband?
"Yeah?" I replied slightly surprised.
"I love you."
I felt my smile widen as I continued to look at him. I knew then in that moment that there was no one else I'd rather share the rest of my life with.
"I love you too─"
The sound of my alarm clock ringing through my room caused me to jump out of my bed, breathing heavily. Of all the times to have this dream, why now?
When I had decided to forget about him?
It had been a week since I had gotten rid of the notes I had received from Alex. And in that week, although I had tried my best to forget him, he was always lurking in the back of my mind in a memory which I secretly wished I could re-live. But I knew that that was never going to happen, he had clearly moved on─with Fae.
I slowly got ready for work, dreading the fact that I would bump into her on the elevator. No matter how hard I tried to avoid her, whether it was by leaving a few minutes earlier or later than my usual, she would always be on the elevator by the time it arrived. It was almost as if she watched me every morning and planned things out so it would end that way.
I mentally groaned as I ate my cereal. Even she was beginning to take over my thoughts too. Sadly, it seemed that moving away from my problems actually caused me to get closer to them.
I slipped on my shoes and picked up my bag, checking my outfit in the mirror close to the door before leaving.
That dream had been an event which happened on my wedding day. Alex had snuck into the room where I was getting ready, to tell me how much he loved me and how happy he was to finally start a life together.
I had been so happy in his arms that I hadn't noticed the my mother had come to the balcony and was kicking him out, muttering something along the lines of how the groom was not to see the bride before the ceremony.
I couldn't control my laughter as I had watched him get dragged out by my mother.
What a wonderful day that had been.
"Are you getting on?" a voice caused me to look from the wall I had been staring at as I remembered that day. I walked into the elevator, standing beside Fae as she typed furiously on her phone, a large smile visible on her face.
Maybe she was talking to Alex.
"I'm not going to get a good morning am I?" she asked, chuckling slightly.
"Good morning," I muttered, keeping my eyes anywhere but at her face. I couldn't describe the anger I had been feeling this past week, seeing her every morning and having her talk to me as if she wasn't doing anything with my husband─my husband.
"Is everything alright Victoria? I feel like you're ignoring me," I heard her say.
I looked at her, not saying a word.
"Did I do something wrong? Something to upset you?" she continued, walking closer to me.
"Just stop."
"What's wrong Victoria?" she asked, her face the picture of concern.
"Don't act like you don't know Fae," I said, before stepping into the lobby.
I walked to my car, hearing the constant sound of her shoes as she walked behind me. But I didn't want to say anything to her. I was too infuriated with the way she was acting.
I was so angry when I walked into the clinic that I didn't notice Mary until I almost walk into her.
"Are you alright Victoria?" she asked me worriedly.
I looked up and forced myself to smile, trying to get rid of my frown.
"Yeah why do you ask?"
She looked at me, smiling slightly.
"You didn't answer me when I said good morning."
"Oh, I didn't hear you." She chuckled as she reached over the front desk to pick up something.
"I know you didn't," she laughed as she pushed a card and rose in my direction.
"Maybe this will help you take your mind off of things," she continued.
I took the items and looked at her surprised.
"Who gave this to you?" I quickly asked. But to my disappointment, she shrugged.
"I didn't see who it was. When I came back from my office it was there." I nodded my head and walked towards my office, opening the card along the way and reading it.
Thinking of you,
That's how I spend my days.
Longing for the days
Which I can spend beside you.
Will you please do me the favor
Of coming back to me?
I looked at the card, many thoughts swirling my mind. There was no doubt that it was from Alex.
But how could he be in a relationship with Fae and still send me these messages as if he wanted to be with me?
I was beyond confused.