No Plagiarism!INkZc1iLB5ov32xmLYEpposted on PENANA I walked towards the exit of the reception hall until I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Mike looking at me surprised.
"Where are you going?" he asked.8964 copyright protection877PENANARol6SOVREx 維尼
"Home." I gently removed my wrist from his hand and walked outside, pulling out my phone from my clutch and calling for a cab. I walked closer to the entrance of the parking lot to wait there. Moments later, the sound of heels pounding against the concrete caused me to turn around, coming face to face with Amanda.
She looked very beautiful with her hair pulled to one side over a single sleeved red mermaid dress. It made me wonder why Alex was not doing anything with her instead of being alone.8964 copyright protection877PENANAR3PQObQRNj 維尼
"Leaving so soon?" she asked. I mentally groaned; she was the last person I wanted to see after hearing what happened between her and Alex.
"Yeah, I'm starting to feel tired," I lied effortlessly. She didn't look convinced but she nodded her head anyway.8964 copyright protection877PENANAOpaDGCmJkv 維尼
"I saw you talking to Alex but I thought you came with Mike. Are you two together now?" With every word that left her mouth, the feeling to physically hurt her grew inside of me as I remembered what Alex told me. But I surpressed it, not wanting to draw any attention away from the celebration.
"No, we came as friends. Did you come with someone?" Her lips turned into a smirk as she nodded again.8964 copyright protection877PENANAf4UmFJrCmh 維尼
"Yeah I came with Alex. We were having such a great time on the dancefloor before he went for a drink and never came back." I mentally rolled my eyes as I heard the cab arrive. I opened the door and turned to look at her, a small smile gracing my lips.
"That sounds good. Well I hope you'll both continue to enjoy the night. Bye." I didn't wait for her to reply before I got in and told the driver my parent's address. I had a feeling things were not going to end well if I stayed.8964 copyright protection877PENANAg4i22GyObM 維尼
The drive home was quiet and smooth until we reached a traffic light and the car beside us honked. The driver opened the front passenger window and a few words were exchanged between the two drivers before he opened my window. It was Mike. I immediately closed my window.
"Victoria please don't leave," I heard him say, looking at me through my closed window. Hesitantly, I opened my window and looked at him.8964 copyright protection877PENANAH9qVy88A2a 維尼
"I have a lot of things on my mind right now, so please leave me alone," I said, looking away from him.
"No. After all this, the last thing you need is to be alone. Can't you already see what he has done to you?"8964 copyright protection877PENANAB0RhoTU5zH 維尼
"What about what you've done to me?" I yelled, feeling angry tears at the edge of my eyes.
"What are you talking about?" I ignored his question and asked the cab driver to continue driving when the light turned green, hoping that he would stop following us.8964 copyright protection877PENANAKBkcAxAlAD 維尼
I payed the driver when we arrived at the house and as I got closer to the front door, I took out my keys and unlocked the door.8964 copyright protection877PENANA9iHOvrsvVD 維尼
I went to the kitchen to grab a can of soda, taking off my shoes along the way. As soon as I opened the can, I heard my phone vibrate in my clutch. I took it out and saw that it was a message from my dad.
We didn't know when you were coming back so your mom and I went out. Take care sweetheart.8964 copyright protection877PENANAYB3eWM5aD5 維尼
I replied to them that I was at home and wished them well on their night out. I then walked into the living room and sat in the couch, turning on the TV and settling for the first show I saw.
A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was eleven o'clock. Who could it be at this hour?8964 copyright protection877PENANAeQw6Gx0pKY 維尼
Reluctantly, I got up and walked to the door. I slowly opened the door and instantly regretted it. It was Mike. Again. I heaved a sigh out of annoyance.
"What do you want?" I asked, looking through his eyes, trying to show him my annoyance.8964 copyright protection877PENANAsQhz3gjm7X 維尼
"We need to talk." On the outside he looked strong but his voice betrayed him, making him sound like a broken little boy.
"There's nothing to talk about." I went to close the door but he placed his foot in the doorway and stopped me. "Fine," I said, opening the door and stepping closer to him, "why don't we talk about how you broke me away from husband."8964 copyright protection877PENANAP4EEVvkwa0 維尼
He looked back at me stunned before he composed himself. "I did it for you Victoria. You weren't happy with him; you would've been happier with me."
"That's a big load of bullsh*t Mike. How do you know how I felt when I was with him? You were only thinking about yourself," I spat.8964 copyright protection877PENANAyy7djCMnTN 維尼
He quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him and placing his palm on my cheek to force me to look at him. I turned my head away, only to feel him turn my face to him again. He looked like he was on the brink of tears.
"I love you Victoria. Why can't you see that?" his eyes continued to look sad.8964 copyright protection877PENANAYunwqMSDCO 維尼
"I don't love you Mike. Why can't you see that?" I tried to push him away but he pulled me closer to him.
"Don't say that. I know you felt something the few times we kissed."8964 copyright protection877PENANAqHsmW459O1 維尼
"Get it through your head Mike, I felt nothing." As soon as my words left my mouth, I felt his lips connect with mine. I tried to push him off but he held me tighter, almost as if he was afraid of letting me go.
He kissed me aggressively, trying to get a reaction from me, but I felt nothing. When he broke away, his breathing was ragged.8964 copyright protection877PENANAeIJec06Y6l 維尼
"Tell me you felt something just now," he breathed. His face was the picture of desperation, causing me to feel slightly guilty for not being able to return his feelings. He grabbed me again when I said nothing and connected our lips again. My guilt caused me to instantly kiss him back, feeling how desperate he was with every second.
As he deepened the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck, starting to get into it. He pulled away and we both breathed heavily.8964 copyright protection877PENANAaStLfWAXz1 維尼
"I love you Victoria." He didn't wait for me to say anything before he went for another kiss, this time not waiting for me to react before he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck for safety and pulled away from him.
"Mike I can't do this," I said as I tried to return my heavy breathing to normal. He ignored my protest and kissed me again. I wanted to push him away, so desperately, but I couldn't find the strength to do it. 8964 copyright protection877PENANASrzMGKtIo1 維尼
The last thing I remembered before everything became a blur, was him entering my bedroom and closing the door with his leg.
~~♡~~♡~~♡~~8964 copyright protection877PENANAsiXAtK6nSC 維尼
I turned around in my bed as I felt the brightness of the room penetrate through my eyelids. I rolled over slowly until I felt a body beside me. I jumped out of the bed and saw Mike's sleeping figure beside where I was moments before.
"Oh no." My hands went to cover my mouth as I looked at him peacefully sleeping, blocking my whisper. My heart rate started to increase as I panicked, trying to remember what we did last night but finding my mind blank. 8964 copyright protection877PENANAvgDbFIib36 維尼
I walked over to the other side and gently poked his arm. With his eyes still closed, I felt him grab my wrist and pull me to him, somehow ending up in a tight embrace.
"Good morning Victoria," he said, placing a soft kiss on my hair. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled away from him.8964 copyright protection877PENANAVg9OO8ULrd 維尼
"We can't do this Mike." I looked at him and saw his face drop.
"Why not?"8964 copyright protection877PENANA5mlflqWPLt 維尼
"What do you mean why not? I'm a married woman; married to your brother. And besides, I don't have any feelings for you." A small smile came on his face and as soon as he spoke, I regretted it.
"You seemed to be pretty interested in me last night."8964 copyright protection877PENANAe5TLO0MVln 維尼
The door burst open and my mom looked at us, with the same startled expression I was looking at her with.
"What's going on in here?" She looked between Mike and me before settling her eyes on me.8964 copyright protection877PENANARxlULCRbTH 維尼
Unable to explain myself, I ran out of the room, feeling tears of embarrasment and shame fall from my eyes.
"Victoria! Where are you going?" I heard her call after me. I ignored her and went into the backyard, my pyjamas doing little to nothing to keep the cold air from biting at my skin. I sat on a bench leaning against a fence and placed my face in my hands. Everything was ruined now.8964 copyright protection877PENANA5VEzZpHudm 維尼
After a few minutes of crying, I heard the door slide as it was closed and footsteps got closer to me. I turned away from the person who I assumed was my mom.
"Mike just left. Do you want to explain what happened?" Tears continued to stream from my eyes as I looked up to see her worried face. 8964 copyright protection877PENANAxRu4kP3Jyd 維尼
"I don't know what happened mom." I continued to cry as she wrapped an arm around me and brought me close to her in a tight hug. She sighed as she looked off into the distance.
"Victoria I don't know what happened to you. Ever since you saw Alex with Amanda, you've been in your own little world. And it seemed like this world of yours surrounded Mike. Just tell me, is there something going on between the two of you?" 8964 copyright protection877PENANArGulxiJwYG 維尼
How was I supposed to answer that question? I didn't even know how I felt about the whole situation. I knew that I felt guilty; I've had the feeling of guilt since I found out that Alex didn't cheat on me. It was me who had cheated on him.
The reminder of me cheating on him brought fresh tears to my eyes and I continued to sob. 8964 copyright protection877PENANAbFGUfKZmX5 維尼
"I'm a terrible person."
"Don't say that sweetie," my mom said soothingly. But I shook my head and looked at her.8964 copyright protection877PENANApBTo8g1gZg 維尼
"Mom, I cheated on Alex when he didn't cheat on me." She looked taken aback.
"You did no such thing." She shook her head as she said that.8964 copyright protection877PENANAs5VUNda8v0 維尼
"Yes I did. I kissed Mike repeatedly and last night... I'm pretty sure I was intimate with him."
She remained silent for several minutes, most likely thinking, until she finally spoke.8964 copyright protection877PENANAfoLM7UJ9SP 維尼
"This has gone on long enough Victoria, we need to speak with Alex and his family. I'm going to call them now." And with that, she left me on the bench and I continued to cry; fearing what was to come.