No Plagiarism!gdcke8aWYxswO7q68ad8posted on PENANA It was twelve o'clock now and I had just entered the parking lot at the Matthews' restaurant. After finding a parking spot, I grabbed my purse and left the car, making sure to lock it.
When I walked into the restaurant, I saw Mike standing in the doorway, waiting for me.8964 copyright protection856PENANAUrPt8JdSyM 維尼
"Hey," I said, softly patting his shoulder.
He turned around slowly and smiled, replying "Hey Victoria," before we walked to a table.8964 copyright protection856PENANAp4RhYgjbZ0 維尼
As soon as we sat down, we smiled at each other slightly awkwardly before he picked up one of the menus on the table. He continued to look through it until he found something.
"Do you know what you're getting?" he asked me. I hadn't picked up the menu yet because there was one thought going through my mind which was bothering me: what if Alex sees us?8964 copyright protection856PENANAuWkuv4D1yQ 維尼
"Oh...I'll have whatever you're having," I quickly replied, with a small smile.
"I don't care what you say dad, I'm not going to do it," Alex's voice drifted towards me, making me turn my head to see him angrily leaving a room with his dad a few steps behind him. His dad said something that I couldn't hear as he grabbed onto his arm to stop him. 8964 copyright protection856PENANAqOLnGqqWUs 維尼
Alex turned around angrily to face his dad, replying to him before looking around. When he saw me, his eyes widened before it returned to normal. He said something to his dad before walking towards us.
"Sup bro," Mike said, as Alex got closer. He somberly nodded his head as he looked at him. They talked to each other for a short time, throughout which Alex looked slightly annoyed.8964 copyright protection856PENANAnm8TZkhqX9 維尼
"What are you two doing here? Together?" Alex asked as their conversation came to an end. I swallowed a lump which had formed in my throat and opened my mouth to answer but Mike beat me to it.
"She left her phone at my place so I was just giving it back," he explained, reaching into his pocket and taking out my phone, "here you go."8964 copyright protection856PENANAxN04zbhp4w 維尼
"It looks more like a date to me," Alex said as I reached over the table to take my phone from him.
"Well it's not," Mike answered, his tone sounding slightly disappointed as he grabbed the menu to look at it again. I placed my phone on the table and finally picked up the menu.8964 copyright protection856PENANA59TzUwpPvj 維尼
"Do you hate me that much Victoria?" Alex said, his tone oozing with pain, "you haven't said anything to me. You know I'd never do what you saw."
I couldn't take his accusations and being in the same place with him anymore. I quickly stood up and ran out as tears began to stream down my face. I didn't know what to believe anymore.8964 copyright protection856PENANAHZ6KCNKFvE 維尼
When I got out, I ran to my car and attempted to open it but I didn't have my bag. This is just perfect, I thought to myself in defeat, sliding down the side of the car until I was sitting on the ground.
I cried quietly to myself, thinking about what Alex had said. The part that really struck me was how sad he sounded when he said he didn't do it. Was that just an act or was he actually being sincere?8964 copyright protection856PENANA5ZkPiEgGKX 維尼
The sound of footsteps coming my way caused me to quickly dry my tears and attempt to stand.
"Here, let me help you," Mike said, reaching out his hand. I hesitantly took it, allowing him to help me up.8964 copyright protection856PENANAHSVt1G8MuM 維尼
"Thanks," I said, trying to dust off my skirt. He shook his head and smiled slightly.
"Is everything alright?" As soon as I heard those words, my eyes stung with more tears desperately trying to fall. I blinked quickly trying to hold it in, but it was no use.
He engulfed me in a hug, gently wrapping his arms around me. One tear slipped down my cheek, signalling a shower to follow. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop crying. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my forehead on his shoulder. I felt him gently rubbing large circles on my back.8964 copyright protection856PENANAESo1A0GGoC 維尼
After a few moments of sobbing, I pulled back, wiping away the remaining tears. "I'm sorry for soaking your shirt," I said, my eyes trained on the large wet spot where my head had been.
"Don't mention it Victoria," he replied, grabbing one of my hands, "I think you should take the rest of the day off. You shouldn't be working when you feel this way."8964 copyright protection856PENANAi3Q07mCH6I 維尼
It didn't feel right for me to take the rest of the day off but going to work with teary eyes didn't sound appealing either. I nodded as he led me to the passenger side of my car.
"Wha─"8964 copyright protection856PENANA56ZgQfw2Im 維尼
"I want to take you somewhere; to help make you feel better. So make a call," he replied to the question I was about to ask.
I got into the car after he opened the door for and tried to look for my phone, remembering I forgot my purse inside.8964 copyright protection856PENANAgF15NB6vXJ 維尼
"Did you forget something?" He asked with a smirk on his face. My lips formed a large smile as I reached for my purse and took out my phone.
"Thanks Mike," I said, before calling the clinic.8964 copyright protection856PENANAMqt3QVWAzd 維尼
After explaining to Mary what had happened, I leaned back into my seat and turned my head to look out the window. I couldn't recognize any of the buildings we passed.
"Where did you say we were going?"8964 copyright protection856PENANAHPrJO7btf2 維尼
"It's a surprise," he replied, taking his eyes off the road for a second to smile at me. I returned the smile and went back to blankly staring out the window.
The car halted to a stop a few minutes later and I looked around, trying to figure out where we were.8964 copyright protection856PENANAI3qUK9ems6 維尼
"We're here," he announced, looking as if he was proud of himself.
"Where exactly are we?" I asked, trying to look past the trees surrounding us. He turned off the engine and got out of the car, running to my side and opening the door for me. I smiled at his gentlemanly gesture as I got out. After closing the door, he locked the car and took one of my hands into his. I knew it wasn't right for me to be holding his hand like this but the warmth that I felt radiating onto my hand was enough for me to keep holding on.8964 copyright protection856PENANAWeUQH7rbuw 維尼
"Come on, I'll show you."
After walking for what felt like an eternity, we came to a clearing which appeared to be a cliff edge overlooking a large body of water. There were many rose bushes along the sides, concealing the forest we had just come from.8964 copyright protection856PENANAALCxBtRxQu 維尼
"Mike.. This is beautiful," I gasped, continuing to look around.
"I thought you might like it," he said, releasing his hold on my hand and walking towards the edge of the cliff and sitting down. I slowly walked towards him and joined him, sitting not too close and not too far from him.8964 copyright protection856PENANAJF0EEWMtse 維尼
I looked out onto the water, taking in how beautiful everything looked. The blueness of the water reflected on the clouds, where the sun peeked out slightly even though it was the afternoon. I decided to look at Mike, wondering if he was admiring this breathtaking scene, to find him looking at me.
I smiled a little, feeling slightly self-conscious. His eyes roamed my face, almost as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. When he looked into my eyes, it felt like everything had disappeared around us and we were the only things in the universe; no land and no clouds.8964 copyright protection856PENANAW3om8aSSP4 維尼
He reached out his hand and softly placed his palm on my cheek. A small smile escaped my lips as I began to feel his warmth. When he saw my smile, he smiled too and leaned forward.
Until our lips touched. 8964 copyright protection856PENANAq2if9fqNV6 維尼