"Murder My Heart?" I asked Alex as a steaming plate of fish and chips was placed in front of me. "Thanks," I said to the waitress before returning to Alex as his plate was set before him.
"Yeah, remember it?" He replied, taking a sip of his root beer.
"How could I forget? It was our wedding song," a large smile crept onto my face as I recalled the memory.
"Best day of my life," he said, picking up my hand and placing a soft kiss on it. My smile widened as I squeezed his hand, as a silent way of saying 'I Love You'. He smiled, looking into my eyes.
We both ate our our food, occasionally starting a conversation about work. It wasn't until a woman passed by with a child in a stroller, that Alex said something about out relationship.
"I've been thinking... would you want to start a family? I mean have kids and settle down?"
I was taken aback momentarily. I took a sip of the soda in the glass which I had placed on my lips before he asked the question. I must've been taking a long time because he continued as I put down the glass.
"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you."
"No don't take it back, I wasn't scared. I was just surprised because I've been thinking the same thing," I replied. A large smile appeared on his face.
"Really?" he asked, almost as if he was a child asking his mother if he could really do something. I nodded eagerly.
"So it's a yes?"
"It's a yes."
Suddenly I felt a tingle of warmth around my arms and my back as if someone was hugging me from behind. I looked around but there was no one there...
"Everything alright babe?" I heard Alex say as I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around to see that I was in the kitchen. But why were my hands feeling slippery? I looked down and saw that they were submerged in warm soapy water. I was doing the dishes.
"What were you thinking so intently about?" He asked when I didn't reply.
"I was thinking about our lunch yesterday when you said you wanted to start a family." I looked up to his face and he smiled.
"Did you want to get started on the baby making?" He asked, wriggling his brows suggestively while pulling me away from the sink. I quickly picked up a towel and dried my hands before he was able to pull me away completely.
"Alex," I said accusingly, lightly punching his arm.
"I was just kidding babe," he said, as I turned around to face him, his arms wrapping around my waist. I looked up to his face and smiled. "But you need a break," he continued, "you've been washing dishes forever."
"Well excuse me for wanting to keep a clean hou─" I was cut off when his lips connected with mine and he pulled me further into his body. His warmth enveloped me as I wrapped my arms gently around his neck.
As the kiss deepened, I felt my feet leave the cool floor as he lifted me. He tightly wrapped his arms around me, protectively, as he began to walk towards the stairs.
I pulled away slightly. "What are you doing?" I breathed. He placed his finger on my lips to shush me.
"Just be quiet."
Brightness clouded my vision as I opened my eyes. As I continued to blink them, my husband's face came into view. He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled in return, "morning babe."
"Morning," he said, before covering my lips with his, cupping my cheek. As the kiss deepened, I entangled my legs with his, earning a moan of pleasure. He rolled us over until he was on top, with his hands on both sides of my head.
We both breathed quickly and heavily when we parted. "My shirt looks great on you but," he looked up at the ceiling, stroking an invisible long beard as if in deep thought, "I like it better when it's─"
The sound of the doorbell ringing resonated through the house, disrupting his sentence. Knowing what he was about to say, I pulled him down, connecting our lips once again. The doorbell rang again.
"Can you get it?" Alex said, while placing soft kisses along my jaw line.
"No you go. It's probably George wanting to borrow something," I said trying to avoid getting up.
"Fine," he groaned, placing a quick kiss on my lips before slowly getting out of the bed as the doorbell rang again. I chose that time to admire his shirtless upper body as the sun hit it at the perfect angles. Damn, there were no words to describe his perfection.
After a few moments of chatter, I heard the door close. I slowly got out of the bed, straightening the shirt which I had taken off of Alex last night and putting on my pajama shorts. I slowly walked down the stairs, "babe-"
As my foot touched the last step, I heard voices. Shoot, I thought to myself. I turned around to go up but the voice of Amanda stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Victoria!" She sang, engulfing me in a hug.
"Um... Hey Amanda. How's it going?" I said, trying to keep my embarrassment under control.
"Great, just great," she pulled away from me and looked me up and down, "you look... great."
I went to make my hair somewhat presentable but when my hands touched it, it wasn't as messy as I thought it would be. "What are you-" his eyes widened when he saw me.
"Good morning Tori," Mike said, looking at my exposed legs for a brief second before looking back at me.
"Morning," I replied, forcing a smile while attempting to cover up my bare legs. "So what are you two doing here? The barbecue doesn't start until one."
"We wanted to help you guys get ready," Amanda said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"Oh but it's only," I looked down at my wrist to check the time but I had no watch.
"It's ten."
My eyes widened in disbelief. It couldn't possibly be ten yet. That would mean that we had three hours to get everything set including the turkey. Being a Thanksgiving barbecue, it was required. I cursed under my breath.
"Oh... okay. I can make us a quick breakfast," I said walking towards the kitchen.
"That's okay, we brought breakfast. Egg Mcmuffins anyone?" Mike said, holding up a brown McDonald's bag. I smiled at him appreciatively.
After eating breakfast, Amanda and I stood by the sink washing the few cups we had used. "So what's the plan?" Amanda asked, drying a wine colored mug.
"Well Alex needs to pick up a few groceries. Mostly the vegetables and drinks since we already have the turkey thawing in the fridge," I replied, handing her another mug.
"I can go with Alex to the store to pick up the groceries. I need to go pick up something for later," she said, smiling to herself. I nodded my head when she looked at me, "Mike can help you with the other things if you want," she continued.
A few minutes later, Alex walked into the kitchen, wearing a dark shirt and a pair of jeans. He walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I'll be back soon babe," he said as I turned around and pecked his lips softly.
"Amanda is going with you. She needs to pick up something," I said, wrapping my arms around him. He looked at her and frowned slightly before composing himself and looking back at me with a smile.
"Okay babe. See you soon," he said before lightly kissing me. And with that he left with Amanda.
I walked into the living room to find Mike playing a game on the PS3. Seeing him engrossed in the game, I slowly backed out and walked into my room, taking a quick shower before returning to the bedroom.
With a towel wrapped tightly around my body and my damp hair flowing past my shoulders, I walked into the room and walked towards the drawer. I picked out a thick white long sleeved shirt and black pants.
While I was slipping on my pants, there was a light knock on the door. "Victoria? Is there anything you want me to be doing?" Mike asked.
"I'll be out in a sec," I shouted back, sliding into the pants and putting my hair in a ponytail.
I walked out to find him walking towards the stairwell. "Ready to make some sauce?" I said, walking towards him. He turned around and smiled, letting his eyes wander around my body. I quickly walked past him as I began to feel uncomfortable.
In the kitchen, I got out the ingredients for the gravy and took out the turkey.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked, leaning against the island.
"Hmmm.... You can make the gravy while I prep the turkey," I replied. He nodded before walking to the sink and washing his hands.
I handed him a pot with broth in it, earning a confused expression. I chuckled as I pointed to the stove, "heat it on medium heat until it's hot then add the cornstarch." I gave him a custard cup with the measured amount.
As I was adding spices to the turkey and Mike was still working on the gravy, the front door opened, dragging in the cool crisp air.
"Hey babe," Alex said, walking into the kitchen and lightly kissing me before setting down two grocery bags.
"Hey," I replied, smiling widely at him. Amanda walked in holding a bag as well.
"Brought some corn for the grill," she said, holding up the bag before putting it on the island.
"Awesome," Mike beamed, turning around to whisk the gravy.
After making the cranberry sauce and enough roasted potatoes, I walked upstairs into our room, leaving Alex, Mike and Amanda behind to work on the turkey.
Once I was inside, I walked to the closet and opened the doors, pulling out a pair of dark jeans before walking to the dresser and pulling out a cream colored sweater.
After putting on both pieces of clothing, I opened a small jewelry box which matched my chocolate wooden dresser, picking out a long necklace.
When I put it around my neck, I felt a hand brush against the skin of my neck softly. "Let me help you with that," Alex's voice surrounded me as I felt his lips beside my ear, his breath tickling my neck. The action of closing the rings of the necklace was so quick I almost missed it because in the next moment, my lips were already on his, sending me into a frenzy.
As the kiss deepened, I felt his hands leave my waist to cup my cheeks. When we pulled apart, he looked into my eyes and smiled. "I love you, Victoria," he pecked my lips, "and there's no one else I'd rather be with."
Tears prickled my eyes as I was rendered speechless. Not knowing what to say, I wrapped my arms lightly around his neck and kissed him. "I love you too Alex, I always will." We both leaned into each other for another kiss but were interrupted when a knock sounded at the door.
"You two joining us for dinner or not?" Alex's dad asked as he looked at us with an amused expression on his face. Alex and I looked at each other and smiled before looking back at him.
"We'll be down in a second," Alex said.
Dinner was great. Everyone was giddily talking and having a great time. My brothers Daryl and Eli came. Daryl with his wife Anne and Eli with his girlfriend Britney as well as Alex's sister Miranda and her husband Jordan. Both of our parents were there too.
We had finished eating not too long ago and everyone was dispersed around the house having fun. My brothers were with Mike in the backyard playing football (soccer) and their girls were cheering them on. The parents were in the living room chatting.
Walking past the living room with a tray of snacks in hand, I stopped walking when I heard my name.
"Victoria," Marian called out to me as I passed her sitting in the living room. I forced a smile as I turned and walked towards her.
"Do you think you could get me a drink?" she continued, grinning at me.
"Of course," I replied, turning around and continuing to the kitchen. As I got closer, I could hear Amanda speaking seductively. Mikemust'vecomeinsidetobealonewithher, I assumed. I debated on whether I should walk in or not. I didn't want to invade their privacy but I had to get Marian her drink. In the end, I decided to walk in.
As soon as I entered, the tray I was holding slipped from my hand at the sight in front of me, sending a loud echo of the bang across the room. They both turned around to look at me with surprise lining their faces. I was stunned. The next thing I said was definitely the hardest thing I've ever had to believe.