Chapter 3
I slowly opened my eyes as the sun brightened the room, to see my husband soundly asleep. I smiled to myself, noticing how adorable he looked. I turned around to reach for my phone on the side table to take a picture but I was stopped by his arm wrapping around my waist. I suppressed a shriek as I turned around to face him.
"Morning beautiful," he said, smiling widely at me and lightly putting a stray stand of hair behind my ear. I returned his smile and leaned in to him, lightly pressing my lips against his "morning."
He pulled away, rolling his bottom lip into his mouth and shook his head almost disapprovingly, looking at me.
"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.
"Yes you did, Victoria," he replied. My eyebrows knotted together in confusion. "You're making me want to stay in bed all day with you."
My mouth turned into an O as I playfully slapped his chest. "Geez Alex, you scared me. And you know we can't stay in bed, we have work," I said before attempting to get out of bed. He grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back in just when I was about to get up.
"Call in sick," he said, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck and placing a lingering kiss on my skin. I bit my bottom lip, arching my head back to give him more room.
As alluring as his action was, I couldn't let him win. I promised I would be at work early today. "Alex, I can't call in sick. They need me," I said, my voice coming out breathy.
He pulled back and chuckled. "Aww, too bad. I had a lot of great things planned."
No, Victoria. You need to go to work, I thought to myself in an attempt to ignore his tempting proposal. I shook my head, sticking my tongue out at him like a child.
I quickly jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom, picking up my robe from the top of the dresser on my way before he could pull me back.
After a quick shower, I walked into the bedroom to find it empty with a spicy citrusy scent hanging softly in the air. On the side table was a small round tray with a single red rose beside a red mug with two cinnamon sticks and steam dancing out of it. There was a white index card in front of the tray with my name written on it. I slowly walked up to the side table and picked up the rose and the index card. I held the rose to my nose and smelled it while I read the card, immediately recognizing the words:
Don't wanna let this moment slip away
'Cause I have something that I really need to say
And it's killing me inside
I think that maybe you don't understand
How I would give you all I have and all I am
Till the end of time
You got me defenseless, intoxicate me senseless
You cut me so deeply, I must confess
Baby, I can't breathe with my arms around you
Baby, I can't sleep 'cause now that I found you
Your love is like a weapon, girl, I can't live without you
You're so beautiful, it's tearing me apart
You murder my heart
I returned the rose to the tray and took a sip of the spiced tea. Immediately, the taste of cinnamon harmonized with citrus flavors, creating a sense of tranquility on this fall morning. With a large smile on my face, I set down the cup before putting on a pink dress shirt and a formal black skirt. On my way out the door, I picked up my matching blazer, handbag, and heels. I ran back to the tray and picked up the mug before leaving the room.
As I entered the kitchen, the aromatic scent of ham and eggs filled my nostrils as I entered to find Alex in front of the stove wearing boxers and a shirt, humming as he prepared something. I slowly placed my handbag and mug on the island and walked behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and setting my chin on his shoulder.
"What's cooking good looking?" I asked, looking at the pan. He turned his head and kissed me on the cheek before returning to the pan.
"Thought I'd make breakfast for my lady," he winked at me "so I'm making a soufflé style omelet," he continued, using a spatula to stir pieces of ham in the frying pan.
"It smells delicious. Want me to make you coffee or tea?" I asked, walking towards the kettle and coffee machine.
"No babe. Today I'm doing everything. So sit down and relax," he replied, walking towards me and pulling me by my wrist and sitting me down on a stool. He gave me a lingering kiss before returning to the stove. A few seconds later, the timer on the stove beeped and he put on the oven mitts before taking out another pan to reveal a perfectly golden and fluffy egg.
After fidgeting around for a few seconds, he turned around, holding two plates with the omelet neatly displayed on each.
“I didn't know you could cook.”
“That's because I can't,” he replied, placing a plate before me. It looked too beautiful to be eaten but the growling of my stomach forced that thought out of my head.
“Then how did you make this?” I asked, picking up the fork and knife which was already on the table.
“I've been practicing.”
“How come I didn't notice you practicing? It's kinda hard to miss the smell Alex,” I said, chuckling as I put a piece into my mouth. As soon as the taste reached my taste buds, I felt every muscle of in my body relax even more. "That's delicious," I told him, moaning in approval. He chuckled as he sat back into his seat.
"Less talking, more eating. Don't wanna be late," he said, sticking his tongue out at me.
I was now sitting on the sofa in the living room looking over some papers from work while waiting for Alex. "Ready?" I almost jumped out of my seat at his voice as I was intently reading. He chuckled as he walked in front of me placing a soft kiss on my forehead and taking the papers out of my hand. "You're so adorable when you're scared."
I put on a mask of mock anger and lightly punched his arm. "Don't call me adorable. You know how much I hate it."
"I'll call you whatever I want," he said, placing a kiss on my cheek, "just kidding," he said when he noticed my small frown.
I took my papers out of his hand and placed them neatly in my bag as he picked up his bag from the floor. When we walked out of the door, I locked it and assumed that Alex was walking to his car although I couldn't hear any footsteps.
As soon as I turned around, I was surprised to feel his lips on mine. Feeling as if the world around us had disappeared, I closed my eyes as the kiss deepened. He placed his hands around my waist, pulling me closer as my hand went to his cheek. When we departed, I smiled as I looked into his eyes, receiving a smile.
"We're still meeting for lunch right?" He asked, walking the small set of stairs in front of the house.
"Yeah but I hate how far you have to drive," I replied, walking towards him. He put out his hand and I grabbed it, walking slowly down the stairs. My heels weren't high but he insisted on helping me down the stairs every time I wore heels.
"Don't worry about that babe. You know I'll do anything for you," he said, when I stepped onto the sidewalk. I bit my bottom lip and smiled.
He gave me one last kiss before we walked where our cars were parked, in front of the garage, and got into our separate cars, driving our separate ways.
"Happy Thursday," my best friend and co-worker Ashley said, as I walked through the automatic glass doors.
"Hey," I replied, smiling at her before walking into my office and dropping my bag onto the black chair behind the wooden desk. I then grabbed my white coat and slipped it on, picking up my stethoscope and clipboard before returning to where she was at the reception desk.
"Got any patients for me?" I asked while I leaned over the side of the desk.
"Yeah. The Millers are here for their daughter's usual check up and there is a new patient who is complaining about breathing problems," she replied, looking at the computer before her. She lifted her head and placed a few strands of her short black hair behind an ear. "You know I won't be doing this forever right? We're supposed to be taking turns," she said.
I waved a dismissive hand as I walked into the room which had the Millers, intently waiting for me.
The morning went by quickly, filled with paper work and meeting with patients - the usual. I loved my job as a pediatrician. It always made me happy just thinking about how I was helping children and it also made me want children of my own.
"She's just such a great person," I heard a masculine voice say as I exited my office, after seeing another patient.
"Ah, there she is," Ashley said, as I walked closer to her to find Alex standing with a bouquet of flowers and smiling at me. A large smile spread onto my face as I walked up to hug him.
"A present for my princess," he said, handing me the bouquet. I took it and smelled it, smiling as I looked up.
"Aren't you two cute?" Mary, another pediatrician said, walking into the room. We both turned to her and smiled.
"I'll be right back," I said, kissing Alex on the cheek before returning to my office to remove my coat and grabbing my hand bag.
"Ready?" he asked, putting an arm around my waist when I returned. I nodded my head and looked at Mary and Ashley.
"See you later," I said to them, turning around and waving as Alex and I left the building.