I stood in my office, reading and re-reading the card several times. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't believe that it was truly from Alex. I mean, I had just seen him not too long ago with Fae and they looked like they had gotten quite close. So close that they could be considered to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
So why would he send this to me?
I shook my head, effectively stopping my thoughts. It was time for me to work; thinking about all of these things would only distract me from my priority which was the patients. I quickly got ready and left my office, walking towards the room with my first patient.
"I know somewhere we can go for lunch," Ashley suggested.
"Why do we need to go somewhere different? Why can't we go to our usual place?" Mary asked. The usual place where we'd go to eat was the Matthews' restaurant. And I wasn't in the mood to meet any of the Matthews brothers. There were too many thoughts of them occupying my mind.
"It's always good to change things up," I said, agreeing with Ashley.
Recognition registered on Mary's face as she nodded. We all went our separate ways to grab our things before Mary joined Ashley to her car and I went to mine.
I followed Ashley's car until we got to the place and I had to look for a parking space. After finally finding one, I joined them and we walked towards the entrance. As I was about to enter, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to find Mike standing a little ways away from us.
"I'll be right back," I said, sighing slightly. They both nodded and went inside while I walked towards him.
"What do you want?" I asked him. He looked at me with slight hurt as my stern tone hit him.
"I just wanted to talk to you," he replied.
"You followed me here just so you could talk to me?" I asked accusingly.
"I didn't follow you." I raised a brow as a silent question but he didn't budge.
"Fine. What is there to talk about? If it's about us, I already told you that we can't be together. And you already know why."
"But you said you loved me─"
"Don't put words in my mouth Mike. I only said that I have feelings for you. That's not the same as loving you."
"But don't those feelings mean anything to you?"
"No they don't."
I watched him as his face fell, feeling slightly guilty. But it wasn't my fault; he was the one who had misunderstood. I hadn't done anything wrong.
"Are you sure?" he asked, almost in a whisper.
"I am."
I turned around, about to leave and join my friends. We would only be going around in circles if we continued talking. But his words caused me to stay in my spot.
"You know, that night that we spent together, it really gave me hope that we could spend more nights like that."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, turning around to find him looking at the ground almost as if in defeat.
"The night before you woke up to find me in your bed." He chuckled slightly as he looked up to meet my eyes.
"Why did it make you think that?" I asked, not knowing whether I was going to like his answer or not. I had no memory of that night. And that was very odd because I hadn't done anything which should've caused that.
"Because I told you I loved you and your reply made it seem like you felt the same."
"How did I reply?" I asked, slightly scared.
"You kissed me."
My eyes widened at his response. That didn't sound like something I would do. For all I knew, he could be lying about this. I shook my head, refusing to believe his words.
"Is that all I did? Nothing else?" He nodded his head.
"We didn't do anything else."
"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked, trying to find out his intentions behind telling me something like that.
"Because I want to show you that you want to be with me just as much as I want to be with you. You might find this hard to believe but all day every day, the only thing on my mind is you. And I don't want you to just be in my mind but beside me. Please just come to me."
Thinking of you,
That's how I spend my days.
Longing for the days
Which I can spend beside you.
Will you please do me the favor
Of coming back to me?
He had just basically said what was on the card I had gotten.
Could he be the one who had sent it to me?
"What did you say?"
He looked at me surprised before looking away, refusing to say a word.
"Was it you that sent me the card?" I asked.
He continued to look away from me, making me impatient.
"Mike answer me!"
"It wasn't me," he muttered.
I couldn't fathom the relief I felt from hearing him say that. If what he was saying was true, then the only person who would send it to me would be Alex─just like I had hoped. But how did this fit in with his relationship with Fae?
I turned around and started to walk towards the parking lot, with the sudden urge to speak to Fae. I had to know what was going on between them. I sent a quick text message to Ashley, apologising to them for suddenly leaving. But I couldn't let this wait, it was something important.
I quickly got to my car and drove home, thoughts occupying my mind. As soon as I parked, I walked to the entrance and entered the elevator, pressing the button for the sixth floor.
Since I hadn't been to her house warming, I would have to look around. That could take a lot of time considering how many apartments were on each floor. But the time would be worth it. I would finally be able to find out what was going on between them.
The sound of the elevator arriving at the floor caused me to look up before walking out. I decided to start on my right, hoping that that would be the way to go.
I had spent almost an hour banging on doors and asking for Fae but still there was no sign of her. I walked to the elevator in defeat, my head hanging low. I guess I would never find out what their relationship really was. And I would have to spend my days wondering whether Alex really wanted to be with me or not.
I pressed the down button to call the elevator. I stood there looking at the door, not noticing that it had already opened until I heard it close. I sighed and pressed the button again. This time when it came, I saw the woman I had been looking for.
"Fae?" I asked, finding it hard to believe that she was standing in front of me.
"Do you need something Victoria?" she asked, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion.
"What's going on between you and Alex?"