He looked at me, his face the complete picture of grief.
I composed myself, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall, as I quickly walked towards the fridge.
"Babe," Alex said, holding onto my wrist when I got closer. I instantly jerked my hand to release his grip.
"Don't you babe me," I spat, refusing to look at him and continuing to the fridge.
"Let me explain. It's not─"
"Not what it looks like?" I interjected, "because I think it is exactly what it looks like." I grabbed a can of Pepsi and turned to walk away.
"Babe please. It's really not what it looks like," he pleaded, grabbing onto my sleeve. The tears that I fought so hard to keep inside spilled freely as I turned around to face him.
"Fine. Would you care to enlighten me?" I asked, jerking my arm away once again. He stuttered, trying to find the right words. And with every second that went by, I felt a pain in my heart; it felt as if someone had taken a knife and was continually stabbing it.
I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and walked to the door, grabbing my purse from last night, knowing that my car keys were still in it. I then walked into the living room and gave Marian her drink.
"I'm leaving," I said to our parents. They all looked at me, puzzled. The only person who stood out was Marian. She was looking at me with a smile almost as if she knew what had happened. I ignored that thought as I left the living room and walked out into the backyard.
"Hey Tori. What's up?" Mike asked. I turned my head in his direction to see that he was walking towards me. I couldn't take being here anymore so I ran. I ran to the garage and quickly got into my car, slamming my door in the process.
"Victoria," my brothers said, lightly banging on the window of both front doors. I locked all the doors and sat there.
Everything that just happened flashed through my mind. Over and over again. How could he? He was supposed to love me forever, I thought to myself as tears streamed down my face.
I looked up to find everyone standing by the door, looking at me. I could see the pity that was tattooed onto their faces, making me feel indescribable emotions. After wiping away most of the tears, the engine roared to life as I turned on my car.
Within seconds, I was driving out of the driveway. I didn't know where I was going. I just needed to leave. Anywhere would do.
"Coming." I heard her voice through the wooden door before me as I stood on her porch steps. I wasn't aware of where I was driving to until I reached her driveway.
"Victoria, what are─" she stopped her sentence as a lone tear slowly trailed across one of my cheeks. She quickly pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back gently.
"I'm sorry Ashley. I didn't know where else to go," I said into the shoulder of her cardigan. She pulled away slowly and invited me inside.
The sound of joyous chatter filled the air along with the distant smell of a thanksgiving meal.
"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked, instantly feeling guilty.
"No, no. Don't worry about it," she said, beckoning for me to follow her.
We walked into her bedroom, where she led me to her bed. The mattress suppressed under our weight as we sat down in silence.
A few moments passed before tears began to pour uncontrollably. The thought of Alex with Amanda wafted my mind, causing me to become an emotional wreck. Ashley engulfed me in a hug as I cried, trying desperately to think of a way this could all be a lie. But there was no explanation. I saw what I saw.
"Tell me what happened" she said softly, rubbing small circles on my back.
"It's Alex," I began, pulling slightly away from her. "He was with. Another. Woman." I couldn't say it all in a complete sentence, it was just too painful.
"You poor thing," she said, pulling me closer into her.
I continued to tell her what happened until she was called into the dining room by her mother.
"Would you like to join us for dinner?" she asked, smiling slightly.
I shook my head, pulling the blanket on her bed closer to me. "I think I'll stay here. Go enjoy your thanksgiving," I replied, smiling a small smile back at her.
Reluctantly, she nodded her head before leaving the room, slowly closing the door behind her. I hugged a pillow, slowly dampening it with my tears.
The sound of my phone ringing caused me to wake up, looking around to find that I was still in Ashley's room.
"Hello?" my coarse voice surprised me as I heard the person on the other side sigh.
"Victoria. Where are you? We've been looking for you since you ran out. What happened?" My mother said, worry coating every word.
I sighed deeply before replying "why don't you ask Alex?" I heard her begin to speak however I did not want to listen to her any longer. The thought of Alex not telling them what happened sickened me as I returned my head to the pillow, crying once again in the dark room.