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UNEDITED, SO SORRY IF IT SUCKS. 853Please respect copyright.PENANAfHFgb0dlFj
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ALEC’S P.O.V.853Please respect copyright.PENANAtoe9pVAsuS
“So does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want?” I asked timidly, smoothly running my hands through Charlotte’s silky hair as I looked adoringly at her angelic face as she stared up at the ceiling with a small smile.
“Hm, perhaps.” She said indicatively, biting her lip for extra affect, making me groan, pulling her closer to my chest.
“Gosh, you sure know how to affect me.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. We had just been laying in my bed for about an hour and a half, just talking and laughing about anything and everything we could possibly think of. I had woken up first at 8:30, and she woke up maybe 10 minutes after me, so ever since then, we had just been wrapped up in each other talking.
“That I do.” She nodded with a huge smile, making me smirk before slowly leaning in, but I was cut off with her hand forcing my nose away. “Ew, no, you have morning breath.” She groaned playfully, rolling over as an attempt to get away from me. With a throaty laugh, I took the covers off so I could stand up, fixing my hair as I stood.
“As if you don’t.” I drawled with a joking frown, heading to my bathroom.
“Of course I don’t! I’m a girl; just like how I don’t fart.” She laughed from my bed, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Riiighht.” I said sarcastically before disappearing into my attached bathroom with a grin. Even though it hasn’t even been a full day since Charlotte and I have been…Well, kissing a lot, I have never been happier.
Every time I was either with Victoria or Destiny, all they would talk about would be themselves, or people they hate; With Charlotte, she always devoted herself to putting everybody else first before even thinking about herself.
After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I returned to the bedroom to see Charlotte sitting up with a playful smile, propped up against my headboard with her arms crossed.
“Thank you.” She giggled before standing, approaching me slowly before gently wrapping her arms around my neck, bringing my head down to her height before meeting my lips, and she was just too intoxicating to worry about her morning breath.
“Mm, even with morning breath, you’re still breathtaking.” I complimented when we pulled away, and she giggled, ducking her head.
“Thanks.” She said. “So, what’s for breakfast?”853Please respect copyright.PENANAypJBreFlSA
“Charlotte, what a pleasant surprise to see you this morning…” My dad said slowly, purposely drifting off as his eyes flashed to me, a bushy eyebrow of his raised, making me roll my eyes. Placing my hand on the small of Charlotte’s back, I steered her to the open seat besides mine and pulled it out for her, which she thanked me for, before plopping down beside her.
“Charlotte!” My mom greeted with a welcome smile as she walked into the dining room with plates of food, placing the food on top of the table before wiping her hands on her apron.
“Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Stone. How are you guys this morning?” Charlotte politely replied, folding her hands on top of table, smiling as my mom freed her hair from her ponytail before settling down besides my Dad, whose eyes were still slightly narrowed at how Charlotte and I naturally held hands.
“I am actually great, Charlotte, thank you for asking.” Mom said before calling Amy down for breakfast.
“Yes, now, before we start acting like the Brady Bunch, I would like to breach the topic of why Charlotte is here, not to sound rude.” Dad said in a tone which proved he was in fact trying to sound rude as he leaned forward in his seat, eying Charlotte like a hawk.
“Well, Charlot-“
“I’m here, I’m here, god.” Amy sighed, standing in the doorway as she looked around at the table before her eyes landed on Charlotte, and instantly widened. “Charlotte, what are you doing here?”
“Well we were just about to breach that topic.” Dad stated with a clearing of his throat, focusing again on Charlotte, who was turning red from the attention.
“Bob.” Mom warned lowly, but he just brushed it off, his eyes still set on Charlotte and me.
“Well, to put it nicely, Charlotte’s guardian is an inconsiderate prick who is not only abusive, but just an asshole all together; But if Charlotte’s not welcome when she doesn’t feel it is safe to go home, then just say the word, and we’ll leave.” I said calmly, except for the clenching in my jaw. I could feel Charlotte’s eyes on me while my Dad guiltily looked away, and my mom just looking as if she’s seen a ghost.
“Charlotte, dear, I had no idea!” My mom cried, instantly coming to Charlotte’s side, clutching her other hand.
“No, its fine, Mrs. Stone, I’m okay, I promise.” Charlotte assured with a tactful smile.
“Well even though that is very unfortunate, you guys should at least come to us first before you arrange a little…Sleepover, and I’m sure we can adjust our sleeping arrangements; I’m sure Amy wouldn’t mind sharing her room for whenever Charlotte needs it-“
“Dad, is that really necessary? You act like you don’t trust Charlotte and me to be mature about this.” I said with a roll of my eye.
“Well, with your new found affection for each other, I just want to be cautious.” He assured, gesturing to Charlotte’s and I’s entwined hands.
“Bob, maybe we shouldn’t discuss this at breakfast; maybe if Charlotte’s available this week, we can go out for dinner?” Mom gladly suggested, trying to clear the unnecessary tension in the air. With only a few seconds of staring me down, daring me to speak up, Dad finally looked away with a sigh, nodding at his wife’s suggestion.
“Yeah.” He said gruffly, dropping his gaze with a scowl on his face. “But don’t think we won’t.”853Please respect copyright.PENANAz6tjoDSPAA
“I’m sorry about my parents-“
“Don’t worry about them, they just care. That’s more than most people get.” Charlotte said with a smile as she put her hands in her pockets, glancing around. Suddenly, I felt bad; Here I was, whining about my parents who couldn’t mind there business, when John didn’t even care about her running away for a month.
“You’re right.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “Do you want me to drive you home?”
“No.” She assured. “See you around?”
“Yeah.” I exhaled. “See ya.” And with that, she pecked my cheek before she was off, leaving me there grinning like an idiot.
“You’re so whipped, big bro.” Amy’s voice sounded from the foyer, where I found her leaning against the kitchen doorway with a smirk, her arms and ankles crossed.
“Shut up.” I laughed, playfully chasing after as she screamed, running upstairs, and giggling like an idiot.853Please respect copyright.PENANAVqMaWlDHSV
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I wasn’t going to lie: I was nervous. As I stood in front of my mirror, trying to fix my damned tie over my black button up, I couldn’t help but see that I was shaking. Tonight, we were going to go out for dinner so my parents could “politely” interrogate Charlotte, and I was just hoping that they would go easy on her, for my sake. When I saw Charlotte, she didn’t seem at all nervous, but when I saw Charlotte in the halls, she didn’t seem at all suicidal or depressed, so I think it was safe to say that Charlotte was a great actor.
“Alec, we’re leaving, son!” Mom called from downstairs, and I took one more deep breath before just yanking the tie off, grabbing my coat, and then I was off with one last anxious look in the mirror. We would be meeting Charlotte at a very fancy restaurant that I knew Charlotte would hate, considering her and fancy didn’t exactly mix. Our reservations were for 7:40, and it was only 6:20; my parents loved to be punctual.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” I sighed, willing myself not to run my hands through my hair, for it was gelled back for tonight. With a coo, mom showered me with compliments that were sappy enough to make me blush and shrug her off before I changed the subject, asking about Amy. “Where’s Amy?”
“Oh, she’s at your aunt’s house for the night; she knows how special this night is, so she didn’t argue.” Mom nodded before turning to Dad, who was just as overly dressed as her. With her in a slim cocktail dress and Dad in an expensive suit, I felt out of place in just a button up shirt and dark jeans, but that was nothing new; Whenever I went out with my parents, I always felt underdressed, considering they were always dressed to impress the press.
“Well the limo awaits us, and we don’t want to be late, so shall we?” Dad gruffly suggested, opening the front door for mom, who thanked him, and then I slipped out behind her, nodding at my Dad as a thanks, which he returned. Soon, we were filed in the highly unnecessary limo, and off to go have dinner…Yay.853Please respect copyright.PENANA5rc6Rk4xub
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“So, Charlotte, what do you do for a living?” My mom offered, making me sigh and lean back in my chair. When I turned to look at Charlotte, I saw she was poking at her soup before quickly stopping, turning to my awaiting parents. We were tucked away in the corner of the dully lit 5 star restaurant that I would occasionally see Charlotte squirm about, my mom and Dad on one side of the table, and Charlotte and I on the other. The place was only slightly crowded, with classical music playing in the background, and men and women in their best attire chattering politely.
“Is this a friendly dinner, or an interrogation?” I argued, comfortingly placing my hand on Charlotte’s bare knee. She had decided to wear a strapless black dress with what she explained to me was a sweetheart neckline, and black flats with a bow at the top. Even though she still had her pea coat on, I could see she was shivering. I slightly wondered where she got the dress from, considering her and dresses weren’t exactly the best of friends, but I never really got the time to ask her because once she arrived, they dove straight into the interrogation, barely having enough time to order.
“This is a dinner where we’re trying to understand your relationship.” Mom corrected sternly.
“Mom, we haven’t even gotten the time to understand our relationship. Good grieve!”
“Alec, that’s enough.” Dad butted in before turning back to Charlotte. “So, do you have a job? Part time, full time, what?”
“Oh, I do odd jobs here and there. Currently, I work at the diner down the street from here, it’s called ‘Rex’s Café’. I’m a waitress there-“
“Taking orders?” Dad queried with a raised eyebrow, and I clenched my jaw.
“Hey, at least she tries to make some pocket money here and there.” I said lightly, even though I was currently staring Dad down.
“You’re right.” He finally gave in, turning to Charlotte. “Very responsible for a young lady your age. I respect that.”
“Thank you, sir.” Charlotte blushed, shying away from everybody’s gazes.
“Erm, so, Charlotte, what do you think about school? Do you like it? Are you on the honor roll? Do-“
“Ma, it might be hard to believe, but Charlotte’s never gotten lower than a 98% on any test or assignment.” I said with a proud smile, wrapping my arm around Charlotte’s chair as she smiled, still not looking up from her soup.
“Actually, it’s not hard to believe. It’s nothing but obvious Charlotte is intelligent.”
“Thank you sir.” Charlotte nodded in acknowledgement. “Yeah, I just…I take my studies very seriously in hoping I will make it to my dream college, Duke University.” That made my heart stop as I glanced at her with widened eyes, but she didn’t notice.
“D-Duke? The one in North Carolina?” I choked, gaping at her as her eyebrows furrowed.
“Uh, yeah, that’s the one.” She laughed nervously, wondering why I was currently having a heart attack. “Why, is something wrong with that?” Everybody was staring at me, making me sigh and clear my throat.
“Huh? Oh, no, I was just…Surprised, that’s all, considering that’s a very hard college to get into.” I lied, trying to play it off cool with assurance that we would talk about it later, when we were alone. The rest of the night went smoothly, with few more questions after that until they realized Charlotte wasn’t a shady drug dealer, but actually a polite, hardworking, student, and that’s when they were happy enough with their findings, calling the night off.
“Well it was very nice to get to talk to you, Charlotte. I’m sorry we accused you two to be anything less than mature, we know better now.” My mom politely said, but my Dad obviously wasn’t as easy when it came to this.
“Yes, she’s right, but don’t take that as an opening to do anything fishy.” Dad warned with a point of his fingers, making mom laugh nervously.
“Yes, Bob, I’m sure they understand. Come now, the limo is here.” My mom drawled, clutching his arm before guiding him to the limo. “Son, do be home before midnight, yes?” She assured before they slipped into the limo with one last wave.
“Bye, Mrs. And Mr. Stone, it was nice to have dinner with you guys.” Charlotte said nicely before they were off, leaving Charlotte and I standing in front of the overly fancy restaurant.
“Well that was something.” Charlotte sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I’ve never been more nervous.”
“I don’t see why.” I said, wrapping my arm around her waist. “My parents would be crazy to see less than perfect when they look at you.” I complimented, making her cheeks turn red as she wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me closer to shield her from the cold and harsh wind. The bun she had on top of her head was loosening, causing loose tendrils to slip out and curl around her pierced ears.
“What are we?” She breathed, her breath turning white around us as our noses brushed together.
“Two lost souls who found each other due to destiny?” I guessed, making her throw her head back with laughter, tightening her grip around my neck, bringing us closer.
“Close, but…Like, a name.” She laughed. “Are we…Dating?”
“Well I would love to.” I drawled with a smile. “But I would also love to do it officially.” I said, making her cock her head in confusion.
“As in a date?” She guessed, making me nod.
‘Yeah. I would like to go on a date first. How about tonight?”
“Tonight?” She laughed loudly, swinging us back and forth swiftly.
“Yeah. The night’s still young.” I commented, glancing at my watch to see it was 8:56. “And I have just the right place we could go to.” I added before placing a soft kiss on her lips which she happily responded to before we pulled away.
“Okay, where to?” She asked, making me smile from ear to ear.
“Now that’s a secret.” I said, dropping my hands from her waist and taking her left hand instead.
“I hate secrets.” She whined. “What if we made a deal?” She pouted as we walked down the sidewalks, wrapped up in each other as I pulled her closer, throwing my arm over her shoulder to pull her more into my side.
“A deal?” I questioned, my ears perking up at that. “What kind of deal?”
“What if we made out in exchange for you telling me where we were going?” She said sneakily, making me groan loudly, throwing my head back.
“As lovely as that sounds,” I said honestly, loving the idea. “The secret will be worth the wait. Trust me.” I said with a kiss on her cold nose before flagging down a taxi.853Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZeOoDHuoI
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“No way.” She breathed, slowly shaking her head as she stared up at the sight in front of us. “Really?”
“Really.” I confirmed as I closed the taxi door, throwing my arm over her shoulder as I too stared at the carnival in front of us. Since it was night, the carnival was lit up brightly, neon colors decorating the rides that held screaming people.
“I’ve always wanted to come here.” She said as a huge grin spread across her face before she was eagerly dragging me to the ticket booth, making me chuckle. After weaving our way through the thick crowd of people, we finally made it to the long line. As we waited to be seen, Charlotte was busy admiring the carnival, adorably spinning in circles as she took in the sight, making me laugh quietly from beside her. “I love amusement parks.” She explained when she saw my face, and I nodded, immediately agreeing with her when I remembered all of my trips to ‘Six Flags’ and ‘Great America’.
When it was our turn to be seen, I happily paid for unlimited wristbands for Charlotte and I, ignoring Charlotte’s attempt of paying for herself. “What ride do you want to go on first-“
“’The Zipper’.” She stated with determination, even nodding at the end, happily pointing to the spinning contraption that I could already feel messing up my insides. Before I could suggest the bumper cars, she had my hand, leading me to the zipper with no hesitation.853Please respect copyright.PENANAkgSgoR9HpH
“Are you having fun?” I queried as I sat across from Charlotte, my bag of popcorn on the table separating us, and her picking at her cotton candy as she happily looked around at all of the people around us, a goofy grin on her face.
“Fun? This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.” She admitted. “It’s my first date.”
“Really?” I scoffed, jerking my head forward in surprise. “Brandon never took you out?” I questioned.
“Nope.” She confirmed with a shake of her head. “But I’m actually glad; that would mean you’re the first guy to take me out.” I couldn’t help but gulp at how passionate she was looking at me, as if I was her everything, and nothing could get in the way of our growing relationship.
“Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel?” I suggested, pointing at the brightly lit Ferris wheel that was spinning slowly, giving couples the perfect opportunity to look out onto the city. She followed my gaze before her eyes brightly widened, and she eagerly nodded.
“Yeah, definitely!” She squealed, finishing her cotton candy with one last bite before tossing the cone, and then we were off to the Ferris wheel. The gruff worker took one glance at our wristbands before nodding, opening the gate that let us climb up the shaky steps and into the rocky seat of the Ferris wheel.
“Are you scared of heights?” I asked her as we strapped ourselves in, and then we were leaning back, looking at the cart in front of us, our hands entwined on my right leg.
“Not really.” She answered. “Well, I was when I was 9, but that was only because I fell out of my backyard tree and broke my arm.” She winced at the memory, and I couldn’t help but burst out with laughter, shaking my head in disbelieve at this girl.
“You are something else, Charlotte Jones.” I said with a grin, and she blushed, looking away. Before she could reply, the cart finally jerked forward as the ride started. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to do it, but I wanted to ask her out on the Ferris wheel. It was night time, we were out looking the city, and we were on a date; I couldn’t think of a more perfect way. I nervously chewed my lip as the cart slowly drug itself upwards, and I couldn’t help but shoot a few looks at Charlotte, only to see she was gaping at the view, that was nice. Everybody below looked like ants, as well as the cars, and the bright city lights seemed to be lit just for us.
“Wow.” She uttered, her eyes as wide as saucers. I couldn’t help but shake my head in disbelieve; Even with all the shit Charlotte had went through in her life, she still managed to enjoy the little things in life, and I completely respected her for that.
“Er, Charlotte?” I spoke up as the cart stopped at the top, giving us the perfect view of the city. She couldn’t hear me due to her sightseeing, so with a chuckle, I repeated it, but much more confidently.
“Yeah?” She asked distantly, now fully turning her body around so she could get a look at the view from behind her. I was actually glad she wasn’t focused exactly on me, because then, I would be even more nervous.
“I…” Taking a deep breath, I knew that it was now or never. Well, not literally, but you get what I mean. “The thing is I don’t see you as a freak, or a slut, or a bitch, or anything else that the assholes at school call you. I see you as a human being, who’s been through a shitload of trouble, but made it out with just a few battle scars, literally. You went through things that a 17 year old girl shouldn’t even have to witness, let alone be in the middle of, but I don’t feel sorry for you. I respect you. You…You’re just so strong, being able to carry all of those problems on your frail shoulders, and it’s okay that you fell apart one day and tried to end it all. I just…I hope you never try it again.” As I spoke, I saw Charlotte slowly sit all the way back down, but her back was still towards me as she took in what I was saying, and I sighed, continuing
“It might’ve took us arguing, you leaving, and Amy slapping me to my senses to realize this, but it only takes you to make me completely positive that you’re the only girl that I want to be with. Whether it be now, or 20 years from now, Charlotte, you’re the one. But considering we’re only 17 and can’t actually jump the broom yet, I would love to settle with being your boyfriend.” As I finished my awkward monologue, she whirled around, her eyes wide as if she couldn’t believe I would actually want to be with her.
“W-What?” She blinked, and I couldn’t help but burst out with laughter as she tried to realize what I said. “Wa-Wait you want to be my boyfriend?” She confirmed, and I nodded, a small smile on my face.
“Yeah. Not Victoria, not Destiny; You. Would you want to be my girlfriend?” I asked slowly, my smile growing as a huge grin broke out on her face.853Please respect copyright.PENANAAis3QunURJ
“W-What?! Don’t even ask me that question, of course!” She exclaimed before slamming her lips on mine, and I blinked before realizing she had just said yes, and sighed, kissing her back.
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