CHARLOTTE’S P.O.V.886Please respect copyright.PENANAtDHmfYYo7p
“Where were you?” Was what I was greeted with when I entered my small cruddy apartment that we could barely afford as it is. Exhaling deeply, I shut the front door with my foot, my jaw clenched. Trying to kill myself. I thought bitterly, thinking back to that stupid boy who thought he was Superman, or should I say Mr. Incredible, trying to save somebody who didn’t want to be saved.
“Just…Out for a run.” I lied evasively, watching with slightly narrowed eyes as John walked slowly into the cluttered living area that could be mistaken for a junk yard. Pillows and clothes were strewn everywhere, food wrappers and pizza boxes were laying everywhere, and empty alcohol bottles littered the dirty, cigarette burned covered, carpet that hadn’t been vacuumed in months.
Like I imagined, John had a bottle of alcohol clutched in his meaty hands as he rounded around the corner, standing across the room to face me. His wife beater was covered with all kinds of stains, his balding head gleaming in the cheap light that occasionally flickered. He had 5 day stubble and rotten yellow teeth that were always on display, seeming as he sneered nearly every time he wasn’t watching cable TV.
“Out for a run?” He droned, his jaw ticking angrily, the hand that wasn’t clutching the bottle, rolling into a fist. “This house is a mess, and you were out running? Lord knows you’re going to stay fat forever, that’s inevitable, but this fucking house can’t stay dirty forever!” With every few words, he was approaching me slowly, until he was right in front of me, his rank breath fawning my face, making me swallow down bile. There was a pregnant pause as I tried not to say anything that could get me in trouble, but I couldn’t stop one comment from slipping past my tightly clamped lips.
“Well maybe if you actually bothered to clean up, we wouldn’t have this problem.” The words barely passed my lips before I was on the floor, clutching my cheek that he had just punched, as I looked up at his seething face.
“You better watch it little girl.” He drawled through clenched teeth. “Or next time it’s going to be worse than a fucking punch.”
“Can’t wait.” I muttered under my breath as he began storming away, his huge figure about to disappear around the corner, but not before he decided he needed to talk just a bit more. “Get this fucking house clean. Now.”
Crawling to my feet, ignoring my throbbing cheek, I began to clean up, deciding it was better to just do as he say instead of listening to him talk.
It was always better.
I could hear him in the next room, yelling and cursing, throwing insults my way, but I just ignored them like I always did. He wanted a reaction out of me; He always did, but I never gave him one, which made him hate me even more. Every time the punch, kick, slap, or just plain abuse would get too much, I would will myself not to cry.
The last time I cried was when my mom died, and I wasn’t planning on doing it again any time soon.886Please respect copyright.PENANAI8cALIkdmK
*886Please respect copyright.PENANAipXis5bkH9
“Hurry up and get home so you can clean this fucking pigsty. The bitch owner of the complex is coming over to look around, so come here straight after wherever the fuck it’s called.”
School. I thought bitterly, but I wasn’t surprised he didn’t know what it was called. He was an alcoholic idiot, and he never finished high school himself. He didn’t give a shit about my education, only letting me go so the authorities don’t get on his case. He hated that kind of attention, which was pretty funny, considering he always raised suspicion every time I showed up to school with a new bruise or scratch. Sometimes, he would lose his head and forget to hit me where it couldn’t be seen, like yesterday, when he hit me on my face.
Fucking idiot, now I was supporting a huge bruise that not even foundation could successfully cover. Grunting in response, I grabbed my schoolbag, happy to leave what I called hell, even if it was just only for a couple of hours. Speed walking so I didn’t miss my bus, I plugged in my earphones, blasting Evanescence, before slipping on my black beret over my fishtail braid that went well with my black and white themed outfit: A black and white cardigan was thrown over my shoulders over a simple white Mickey Mouse shirt, dark black skinny jeans, and then my favorite shoes, my black and white converse.
The bus stop I went to every morning wasn’t that far from my apartment complex, only about 5 minutes, but it seemed like 10 when I was running late, which thankfully wasn’t today. I finally arrived at the bus stop with 6 minutes to spare, so I stood propped up against the bus stop sign, aimlessly scrolling through my IPod, a thing I did when I was bored. After looking through my song library about 8 times, the bus finally arrived, making me get my change out my back pocket before stepping onto the already cluttered bus.
The bus was always nearly full when I climbed on, which was slightly irritating because I always had to stand near either a hobo, a pervert, or a bratty kid. All which I didn’t enjoy.
Today, it was a pervert.
The balding man’s predatory eyes had probably scanned every inch of my body about 10 times before finally, I turned so my back was to him so he couldn’t stare at my chest anymore. Bad choice. As if his leery gaze didn’t burn holes in my back, his hot breath burned the back of my neck as I felt him step closer, shamelessly sniffing my hair, and I cringed away, glaring at him over my shoulder.
“Personal space, please?!” I snapped, clutching the handle that hung from the pole above me, tighter than usual, my teeth gritting as a shiver ran down my body; and not the good kind. Granted, the pervert with the missing teeth took a couple steps back, but like I said before, it was literally a couple, so now, he was two steps away from sniffing my fruity shampoo.
When my stop came, I all but ran off the bus, glad that I didn’t have to deal with the dirty old man anymore, but dreading the fact that I had to hide in the shadows in school just to get through the day.
My locker was thankfully nearby my homeroom, so I didn’t have to go through the hassle of battling my way just to get to my classroom, which I was glad for. Quickly doing my locker combination, I opened my locker to be greeted by my face in my blurry mirror that I had attached to the door of my locker. Frowning at my reflection, I looked away, grabbing the necessary books I had to get through the day with, and was about to close my locker before I heard a voice.
“Charlotte!” The relief was obvious in his voice, and I couldn’t help but feel slightly offended that he didn’t have any hope in me to not try and kill myself again yesterday. Well you did literally tell him you were going to do it, just somewhere else.
“Alec.” I greeted solemnly, turning back around to close my locker.
“I-U-H-H-Hi. I mean, g-good morning.” He stuttered, rubbing the nape of his neck as he veered around me so I was forced to take in his good appearance. His dark brown hair seemed purposely ran through, all over the place yet not giving the impression he just rolled out of bed. His dark brown eyes were on me and nothing else, and I couldn’t help but see they were still slightly widened, as if he was that surprised I was still alive. Again, cue the offence.
“Alex, it’s obvious I’m alive, so you can go now.” I made sure I muttered it so only he could hear, avoiding his gaze by dropping it to my feet.
“Um, it’s Alec.” He corrected nicely. “And I’m not only talking to you because you’re alive.” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his black clad chest, a frown on his face. Alec wasn’t necessarily built, per say, but you could tell he had muscle, and most likely a 6 pack.
“Oh really?” I queried, raising an eyebrow. “So if I didn’t try to off myself yesterday, than you would’ve actually bothered to talk to me this year?” It’s not like it hurt that he never even said one word my way before yesterday, it was just especially annoying that he seemed to want to be my bodyguard and breathe down my neck every chance he got.
I know this was only his second time he saw me, but still.
I knew I had gotten him on that by the way he dropped his gaze, trying to find something to say, making me snort rather unladylike.
“My point exactly; Now if you’ll excuse me, I have class to get to.” And with that, I shouldered past him as I headed to my class with a small smirk on my face.
“Wait!” He called, as if actually expecting me to stop in the middle of what felt like rush hour. Sure, I slowed my pace a little bit out of curiosity, but he wasn’t worth stopping for.
No one was.
“What do you want, Alec?” I sighed with a rolling of my eyes, clutching my books tighter to my chest. I heard his footsteps as he jogged to my right side, gazing at my face in confusion.
“May I ask what you’re looking at?” I snapped, shying away from his persistent gaze, suddenly worried that I didn’t put enough mascara on, or enough foundation to cover my splotches….Or my-
“Who did that to your face?” He suddenly asked, his voice shaking slightly with what I could only imagine was anger. But why would he be angry? He didn’t even know me!
“I-Er-I…” I dropped my gaze, a thing I did when nervous. “I ran into a wall.” I lied, my jaw twitching at that pathetically cliché’ excuse.
“You’re lying.” He declared, and I saw a muscle in his jaw tighten as he firmly latched onto my arm, pulling me out the middle of the hallway and into the sidelines, pressing my back into a fellow locker, his eyes seeming to bore into my soul. His eyes were really brown.
“Yeah?” I asked smugly, even though I was practically shaking in my converse. “And what makes you so sure?” I was irritated how he literally pushed himself into my life, and I wanted nothing but for him to just butt out. I could handle things on my own.
How? By being your dad’s personal punching bag?!
“Because you blink when you lie.” He simply stated, and I gaped at his observances, considering I hadn’t even known him for a full day, and he was already making notes on my reactions.
“I do not!” I argued, but sure as hell, my eyes involuntarily snapped shut one quick time, the damn traitors. “Shit.” I muttered, running a hand through my hair before I remembered that I had thrown it into a fishtail braid earlier.
“Now, tell me who did that to your face, Charlotte! I’m serious.”
“It’s none of your business, Alec! I’ve been fine for 17 years, I think I can handle myself!” I was seriously getting pissed off now, and the tardy bell was going to ring any second, but his arms had me trapped. Now that I realized our position, I couldn’t help but notice how dangerously close our faces were; So close, that his breath was fanning my nose, making me dizzy and lightheaded at our proximity.
“Oh really?” He drawled sarcastically, dramatically rolling his eyes, and I could see he was just as pissed as me, if not more. “So throwing yourself in front of a fucking train is handling yourself?” With widened eyes, I took several glances around the still very busy hallway to see if anybody heard what he had just said, but much to my relief, everybody still seemed to be on their merry way.
“Can you say it any louder?!” I harshly whispered sarcastically, shoving him out the way by placing my hands on his chest.
“Why? Don’t be humble now! Your suicide would’ve been all on the news if it wasn’t for me!”
“Do you want me to fucking thank you or something?! Because believe me, I won’t. If you’re expecting recognition for your ‘noble’ act, your random act of kindness, then I’m afraid that you’re going to be highly disappointed, because you’re not getting any applause from me.” I spat in pure anger before shoving past him, finally leaving for my homeroom. 886Please respect copyright.PENANA07LKaj9d2s
*886Please respect copyright.PENANAjOuoQMs1dH
It was lunch time, 45 minutes I always spent either in the bathroom, or the library, in solitude. The cafeteria was always too much for me, so I was more than happy when I discovered that the library was open during the horrible lunch time.
Today, the library wasn’t open for stragglers like me who had no life, because students were doing studying and tutoring for a big test coming up, and there weren’t to be any distractions. You could see where my disappointment was coming from, since I had to spend 45 minutes in a smelly stall, doing nothing but reading the snide remarks and littering graffiti over and over until the bell released me from the sanctuary called the bathroom. As I stormed down the stairs dreadfully, I had stuck my earphones in, drowning out the echoing chatter of the students in the cafeteria, which seemed to vibrate with energy.
Without sending the cafeteria doors a second glance, I pushed myself into the girl’s bathroom, which was unfortunately occupied with the one and only, Regina George. Well, in the modern world, her name was Destiny Farms, but she was the equivalence of her. With long, sparkling blonde hair that reached her slim little waist, a face caked with makeup, and a daddy with a ton of cash, Destiny was a walking nightmare, always skimping around in a little cheerleading outfit and a charming smile that could make you sell your soul to the Devil without a second thought about it.
She was cunningly nice when she wanted to be, but that was only a façade, bringing out her sharp nails and her devil’s tail when you’re either alone and defenseless, or on her bad side.
For me, I was terribly and horribly alone and defenseless, and I couldn’t do anything but stay frozen in the doorway, hoping Medusa didn’t notice me as her and her cliché’ minions gossiped about anything and everything while applying layer after layer of sparkling and shiny lip gloss.
“Ugh, that’s what I’m saying! I mean, if fatty Patty wanted my boyfriend that bad, then maybe she would actually make an effort. Like, she went to fat camp this summer, but she’s still pushing the scale in gym class. She tries to hid that hideous number she calls her weight, but you could tell she’s about to burst just by watching her wobble down the hallways that are entirely too small for her fat size!” Destiny drawled as she looked adoringly in the mirror, now smacking her lips together to spread her cherry lip-gloss around. Her three friends seemed captivated, hanging on each word she said, and laughing and giggling at the right times like little drones. I honestly felt sorry for Patty, whoever she was, just because of the way Destiny was talking so rudely about her.
Please don’t notice me, please don’t notice me. I begged mentally as I slowly brought my hands up to remove my earphones.
“Oh wow, if it isn’t Charlotte! Or should I say Virgin Mary?” Turning with a sickening and coying smile, Destiny was fixated on me, and it took everything in me to not crumble into ashes at her feet.
“Er, hi, Destiny…” I muttered, exhaling the breath I was holding in when I realized my invisible cloak wasn’t exactly working. Now moving out the doorway, I resulted to casually leaning against the wall, trying to act like I didn’t hear a thing that just came from her lips when she was dissing ‘Patty’.
“Don’t hi me. I saw you this morning, practically fawning over Alec.” She sneered, wrinkling her nose at me, which her friends coincidentally did also, placing their hands on their equally slim waists, frowning at me like I was dirt on their heels.
“Um, Alec?” I decided to play dumb, because when in doubt, or in my case, trouble, you always play dumb.
“Yeah, Alec.” She spat as if I was mentally challenged, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her perfume that she put on way to heavily, killed a few of my brain cells. “As in, my boyfriend Alec. Actually, I also heard bits and pieces of your conversation too. Seems as if my boyfriend is your little knight in shining armor, aye?” She now had a dangerous smirk on her face, letting me know that she could end me any hour of the day she chose as she pretended to glance at her perfect nails.
Everything about Destiny was perfect, whether it be her morning breath, or her gym clothes, which I don’t even think she would be caught dead in without altering it a bit; and by a bit, I mean cutting the top into a crop top, and the shorts, into booty shorts.
Gulping, I dropped my gaze to the dirty tile, not knowing what to say. Holy shit, she knew.
“What’s the matter, babe? Cat got your tongue?” She was now locked onto me and nothing else, slowly approaching me with her minions hanging behind her like good little lapdogs, her eyes that seemed to slightly twitch, narrowed in bubbling anger.
“Now I don’t give a shit about you, or your little suicidal escapade, bitch. Just let it be known, that Alec, doesn’t want anything to do with you. It’s a wonder why he pushed you out of the way; Lord knows the world would do much better with you gone. But, he did, unfortunately, but don’t take that as a one-way pass to get into his pants, because I assure you, that’s not going to happen; He hates you! And why shouldn’t he? Why would he want to get involved with a suicidal mess? Take him saving you as a once in a lifetime chance to get even a little bit close to him.
“God, how pathetic? Fawning all over him, just because he saved you? You must feel real special don’t you? Well don’t, because he’s disgusted of you, and your hideous wardrobe. Honey, just take my word for it; He told me himself.” And with that, her and her giggling little friends harshly pushed past me, leaving me biting my lip so hard, it drew nauseating blood that made me even angrier.886Please respect copyright.PENANA6m0bFy3yqo
“Wow, you must feel real self-conscious, approaching me over nothing but a boy. And just to let you know, before you come up to me foul, he talked to me first. So get your facts straight, and maybe put a fucking leash on your boyfriend before you harass me about something so petty.” Even though I talked so confidentially, I didn’t dare bring my gaze from the dirty tile, not wanting to face her wrath.
“Wow, the nerve of you to talk to me like that; do you know who I am?” She scoffed, running a hand through her blonde locks with a dramatic roll of her eyes. “I will end you, just know that. This isn’t our last confrontation, and that’s a promise.”
And with that, they left me in my much needed solitude, but this time, I was absolutely pissed.886Please respect copyright.PENANA7kfLjwNta9