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I screwed everything up. No, not some dastardly plan I schemed with Destiny, but my chance with Charlotte. I blew it without even trying to. I was just angry that she wouldn’t even let me speak, but the thought of just using her like that makes me sick to my stomach….Or maybe that’s the fact that I haven’t eaten in three days, nor slept.
Every time I try to talk to Charlotte in school, she either ignores me or slaps me, and I even went as far as going to her house to explain myself, but that was useless. I didn’t know how long I could take this torture before I would just go crazy. She had to know how I felt about her. That day in the hallway, our fight, made me realize that losing Charlotte was like losing your best friend, partner, and sister (in a non-incest way…) all at the same time. Weird, but true. Charlotte crawled into my heart and lived there without even trying, and now that she’s gone, there’s a hole there. In my heart.
God, this girl was making me sound mental.815Please respect copyright.PENANAQLZ1xesePN
“Alec, please, just eat something. You look horrible and you’re losing all kinds of weight! What is making you act like this?” My mom cried out in exasperation from her spot at the dinner table.
“I’m just not hungry.” I argued, aimlessly twirling my fork around on my plate, my chin in my open palm.
“Bull shit, you haven’t eaten for a week!” Amy snapped, and my parents seemed to be too worried about me to be bothered by her cursing, but that didn’t stop mom from sending her a warning glance before turning back to me with a sad expression.
“That’s not true, I have eaten-“
“Alec, a granola bar doesn’t count. And you ate that on Monday. It’s Sunday. Look at you; You have bags under your eyes, your stomach’s constantly growling, and you just look like a zombie. Does this have to do with Charlotte? I haven’t seen you guys hanging out in a while; Son, don’t you think Charlotte’s a bad influence, affecting you this badly? Maybe you guys are too dependent on each-“
“Dad, leave Charlotte out of this.” I demanded, clenching my jaw as I glared at him. “This has nothing to do with her.”
“So what does it have to do with? Jesus, Alec, is Destiny pregnant?” Mom gaped, making me sigh in annoyance, rolling my eyes.
“I’m going up to my room.” I stated, pushing my plate away as I stood up. “Don’t bother me.” Without another word, I was stomping upstairs, my hands at the back of my head as I sighed.
“Fuck, Charlotte.” I groaned, slamming my bedroom door as I glared at a picture her and I took weeks ago. It was of us under ‘our’ tree, her head on my chest and both of us smiling as big as we could, one of the best moments I had with Charlotte. Punching the wall didn’t help me as I tried to let my anger out; It just made a hole in the wall. Sitting on my bed, I put my head in my hands, trying to control my anger.
“I’m guessing you lied, and this is about Charlotte.” Amy’s voice filled the room, making me sigh, rolling my eyes.
“Go away, Amy.” I snapped when I heard the door slam closed and her shifting around.
“No.” She simply said, sitting besides me before we were left in silence, making me wonder what she was thinking about. “I can’t believe you’re not even going to try. Charlotte is really good for you. I don’t know what went down between you guys, but-“
“I have tried, Amy!” I clamored, bring my face up to glare at her, but she kept her face nutreal. “I’ve tried for the past week-“
“Then try harder.” She uttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She obviously just thinks you’re trying to apologize because you feel bad, but make it so it’s conspicuous that you actually care, and you’re trying to make things right. Don’t just give up after a little over a week, bro. Charlotte’s way more special than that.”
“She doesn’t even let me talk to her. How the hell am I going to do that?”
“I don’t know, I’m not a fucking physic. You’re going to have to figure that out yourself. Just make it count. Don’t let Charlotte slip from your fingers when you can do something to stop it.” She said, and with that, she stood, kissed my temple, and then headed to the door.
“You’re a really good sister.” I breathed, staring at the wall across from me with a small smile. She was silent for a while as she grasped the doorknob, before she laughed quietly.
“I know.” She said, opening the door. “You’re a pretty okay brother.” She added with a shrug and a smirk before slipping out the door, softly closing it behind her.815Please respect copyright.PENANAp4KojM1cUf
It was Tuesday and Charlotte wasn’t at school today, which made me pretty nervous, so right after the last bell for school rang, I headed to her house without a second thought.
“Charlotte?” I called as I banged on the door. It had been nearly 10 minutes that I had been here, and there was still no answer. “I know you’re in here!” But I was only silence followed, making me sigh and slump against the wall across from the grubby door.
“What?” A voice hollered from the other side, making my eyes widen in surprise as I climbed to my feet, fixing my shirt right when the door was yanked open, revealing a very drunk looking John. “Ugh, what the fuck do you want kid?”
“I-I wanted to know if Charlotte was here.” I said, clenching my jaw at the thought of this man doing those bruises to Charlotte’s face. “Is she?” I insisted when he just slumped against the doorway, crossing his arms.
“No.” He slurred with a roll of his eyes. “I think she ran away.” He shrugged.
“What?!” I demanded. “What do you mean you think she ran away?! Either she did or she didn’t!”
“Well hell, then I guess she ran away. I haven’t seen her since Saturday.”
“Well where the fuck would she go? Have you sent a search party or something? She could be hurt, or in trouble!” I shouted.
“Why the hell would I send a search party for the brat? She hasn’t done anything for me. And she’s fine; She’ll come back after a while, she just gets really fucking emotional around this time.”
“Why? What happened ‘around this time’? What do you mean?”
“Listen, I’d rather not hear your whiny voice, so try to reduce your questions okay?” He slurred. “Just wait it out, she’ll be back.” And with that, he slammed the door, leaving me there confused as ever.815Please respect copyright.PENANAKPZLgOvXYM
“Hey, Charlie. Uh, it’s me…I just wanted to know if you’re okay. I mean, you don’t have to talk to me, just at least tell me if you’re okay or not…It’s been a month, and nobody’s heard a thing, so…Just call me back, okay? Bye.” With a sigh, I hung up before laying back on my bed to stare at my ceiling with a deep frown.
“Just wait it out.” John had said.
Fucking prick.
Nobody even knew if she was alive or not, considering she decided to drop off the face of the fucking Earth for a month, with no trace except for some of her stuff gone, a sign that she ran away. But nobody knew where. I just wished wherever she was, she was okay. Suddenly, my phone rang, making me gasp, sitting up and snatching my phone up, hurriedly looking at the screen, only to see it read ‘DON’T ANSWER’, which was my contact name for Destiny.
With a sigh, I answered it, laying back down. “Destiny, I told you to stop calling; Whatever it was that we had, is over.” And with that, I hung up, throwing my phone on the floor with a groan.
I had definitely fallen off.
With guilt always eating away my insides 24/7, I gave up basketball and my social life, as well as my eating and sleeping habits. I would only leave for school, and then when I came home, I would lay down and just think. Quite pathetic, I know, but I just felt as if Charlotte leaving was my fault, and if something happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.815Please respect copyright.PENANAu6MDyvBm9y
This was all my fault.815Please respect copyright.PENANAXbZA08LJnl
Sad chapter, I know…. :( 815Please respect copyright.PENANAWHt6S6iUMS