“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” We shouted at a surprised Amy, who just finished walking through the door, jumping about four feet in the air at the 25 people that just screamed at her. Alec had flipped on the lights over by the kitchen, revealing her family and friends all standing in her foyer, watching as she turned a bright red, clutching her chest as she tried to calm her heart down. Once she realized she wasn’t going to die, she dropped her arm, now smiling from ear to ear, and I could even see tears welling in her eyes.
“Aw, guys!” She exclaimed, already setting down her shopping bags before she was giving hugs and thanks while everyone clapped and cheered, satisfied with her surprised reaction. “Thank you so much.” She hollered over all the noise, but we should just whistled and clapped in response.
“Happy 15th, kiddo!” I embraced her once it was my turn, and she gladly returned the hug, thanking me a billion times before she released me.
“Let me guess, you did all this?” She offered, glancing up at the streamers, light blue balloons, and the huge ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ banner in the middle of the ceiling.
“Well it was the least I could do.” I shrugged with a giggle. “Here, it’s not much, but I hope you like it.” I said with a nervous smile, handing her the small box that she happily took.
“Aw, Charlotte, you didn’t have to-Honestly.” She sighed, but she still tucked it in her back pocket with a promise to open it along with the rest of the presents. She hugged me tightly one last time before she was off, socializing and giggling like the social butterfly she is.
“You did a great job.” Alec’s voice made me jump considering it was right at my ear, and his arm that slid around my waist to bring my back to his chest, also made me jump until I realized it was him, and leaned into his touch.
“Thank you.” I smiled, looking around at all the happy guests, ecstatic to share their happiness with the birthday girl. “She’s growing up so fast.” I joked, earning a chuckle from him and a kiss on my cheek.
“I know.” He sighed, now wrapping both his arms around my waist. “I remember when I held her when she was a baby. Sure, I was like 4, but I still remember it. And then when my parents told me her name was ‘Amy’, I was even happier. It’s such a nice name for such a nice girl.”
“You’re right about that.” I agreed. “Amy is awesome.”
“Yeah, she’s happy to have you around, you know.” He told, now peering down at me, meeting my surprised gaze. “Yeah, she’s always wanted a sister.”
“Well I’m not exactly the perfect role model for her…” I joked weakly, but he just shook his head, his lips pursed.
“Don’t say that.” He sighed, resting his chin on top of my head. “You’re the perfect role model. Her seeing you so strong even after everything you went through is exactly what she needs.” I was silent for a bit, just taking that in before I realized that he just might be right; At least my misfortunes maybe helped her see life for what it really is.
“I love you.” I breathed. When I realized I said that, I felt chills going down my skin, and I could tell by the way he gulped, he felt at least half of what I felt. This was my first time actually saying the three words, and I had to admit, I was nervous. Kissing my temple, he whispered the words back, as if the exchange of the words was too personal for the outside world to hear, and in a way, it kind of was.
“I love you too. All the way to the moon, and all the way back, you sweetheart, are my one and only.” He mumbled, and this time, I didn’t even try to calm my racing heart.890Please respect copyright.PENANAueIL2Rrgrn
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“Alright everybody, present time!” Amy called to get everybody’s attention, which surprisingly worked on the first try. In only seconds, everybody was silent and turned to see Amy standing next to the present table with a huge smile. “I would love to thank everybody for coming and attending this successful surprise party, and thank you for the presents, for those who were able to get them. This is an awesome 15th, and I hope you guys are having as much fun as me.” And with that, she turned to her first present, which was a thin, but wide box with light blue wrapping paper. About more than half of her presents were wrapped in light blue considering that was her favorite color, and I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself for getting the word out.
She eagerly ripped the wrapping paper until half of her present was revealed, and she gasped, her eyes wide with surprise as she took in her gift. “Ah, Aunt Reggie, you didn’t!” She exclaimed, fully unwrapping the Mac laptop before clutching it to her chest, beaming at an older woman who was smiling in the front, waving at Amy. After spitting out several thank yous and expressing how long she had been wanting a laptop, she moved on. Her presents varied from a laptop, to a brand new IPhone, to gift cards, to makeup products. Finally, it was her turn to open the present she got from me, and after flashing me a thankful smile, she opened the box, and gasped at what was inside.
“Charlotte, no.” She exhaled, her eyes wide as she looked at the necklace that once belonged to my Grandma before her passing. “I can’t take this! I-its diamond.” She explained, staring at the diamond princess cut solitaire necklace as it hung limply in her palm.
“Please.” I scoffed, waving it off. “Me and necklaces never mixed, and plus, you’re like a sister to me…Even though I’m dating your brother.” I explained, and with that, the whole room burst into fits of laughter, and even Alec was bent over laughing, and I blushed under all the attention. Once everybody calmed down over the unintentional joke, Amy ran over to me, throwing her arms around me, mumbling thank you’s into my neck, which tickled me to no end.
“Its fine, Amy, I promise.” I laughed, gently pulling away to see a few tears slip out of the corner of her eyes before she harshly wiped them away.
“Okay, if you insist.” She sighed. “But thank you. Again.” She nodded, and I couldn’t help but flash her another reassuring smile just in case she was going to start thanking me again. About 10 minutes later, all the presents were open and then put somewhere safe, leaving the guests to themselves, and Alec and I to the backyard. We took a seat on the couple’s swing, gently rocking back and forth as we stared at the sunset, just wrapped up in each other. I was glad that we were away from all of the noise and chatter, not because I wasn’t having a good time, but because Alec and I had never really gotten time for ourselves today, but I was okay with that, since today was Amy’s day.
“Well today was definitely a success.” Alec commented, and I nodded in agreement, smiling over today’s events. Not once had I seen Amy not smiling today, she was so happy, and that was the universal goal that we thankfully met. I was happy for her, I really was.
“Yeah, I’m glad that she’s enjoying herself.” I said, tying my hair into a ponytail so it didn’t get in my face. “What about you? Are you having fun?” I questioned, turning to see Alec was already looking at me, and I blushed, dropping my gaze.
“Yes, I am; Today’s been fun.” He sighed. “I’m just exhausted. I haven’t really been sleeping right.” I didn’t even have to ask to know he was talking about us going to two different colleges. We didn’t yet know how we were going to work it out, but breaking up was definitely out of the question, thank god. It would be hard going to different colleges, that was for sure, but with Alec and me, I didn’t doubt that we wouldn’t work it out-Together.
“Yeah me either.” And just like that, the air shifted, and I squirmed uncomfortably. “How do you think we’re going to work it out? I mean, with flight times and gas, it’ll be entirely complicated.”
“I don’t know, but we’ll find a way. We always do.” And he was right; not once had we given up, on anything, and I wasn’t counting on giving up on us, the only good thing that’s been in my life for a long time. Even though Alec was the best boyfriend I could possibly ask for, I was still glad that getting to know him brought me other people that also cared about me, such as his parents, Amy, and even his maids, who didn’t hesitate expressing how much they enjoyed my company. I no longer had to live in fear, considering I didn’t have to stay with John, and we just recently found out that Brandon would be charged with several different accounts, so he would be put away for a long, long time.
I knew that Alec and I could get through anything, together; Just as long as we had each other, love, and of course, Hope.890Please respect copyright.PENANAheQtO7uTHj
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Wow, I really did not like that ending at all, but it is what it is, haha! Anyways, after this chapter, there’s going to be an Epilogue, and then the stories going to be over. Wow, I’m going to cry! Honestly, this was my first story that I’ve actually finished, even though I’ve typed up at least 100 stories throughout my life…What can I say, I get bored easily, lol! to be honest, this story was really hard to write, considering I’ve never even been through any of the things Charlotte’s been through, (Self-harm, rape, abuse, etc.), so I’m thankful for that. But I feel like I’m rambling, so I’m just going to go now. 890Please respect copyright.PENANAchELGwqlwV
-J (Courtesy of a reader, haha <3)890Please respect copyright.PENANArqE6tEdjph