With a druken like giggle, I fell into my apartment with the biggest smile on my face, barely closing the door before I fell on the couch with a happy sigh, staring up at my stained and dirty ceiling, nothing on my mind but Alec. The apartment was surprisingly dark, a rare occasion since John rarely slept at night, but I didn’t think too much of it, too high off of Alec, hypothetically speaking of course.
“Oh, look at the love struck puppy.” A dark voice filled the silence my happiness gave, and I jumped in surprise, clutching my chest as I looked over the couch to see a dark shadow leaning against the wall, too skinny and lanky to be John, making me that much scared. Immediately, I dropped my hand to my pocket where I searched for my phone, all while staring wide-eyed at the unfamiliar stranger.
“W-Who are you?” I stuttered, successfully finding my phone, urgently but slowly slipping it out my pocket, trying not to drop it with how hard I was shaking.
“Oh I’m nobody.” He said, pushing himself off the wall. “Well, at least that’s what you make me out to be. Moving on easily once I moved, for what? Some punk with a rich family, huh? You think you can replace me easily? I outta’ kill you for even trying.” Once he finished that sentence, he was standing in front of the couch I jumped off of, and was now cowering against the opposite wall he was propped up against seconds ago.
Behind my back, I pressed the number ‘2’ before the green call button, thanking everybody above that I had put Alec on my speed dial a while ago, before turning the volume down so Brandon couldn’t hear the ringing.
“B-Brandon, what are you doing here? I thought you moved.” I stammered, my eyes wide with horror as my heart raced.
“I did.” He shrugged. “But I decided to come back, pay you a little visit, and see how you were doing. Obviously you’re doing better.” He spat bitterly.
“Brandon, you can’t be here. J-John, he’ll be here-“ I was cut off by a loud bark of laughter as he approached me slowly, making me step back until my back hit the wall.
“John?!” He cried out, a huge grin on his face. “John doesn’t give a fuck about you, Charlie! Can’t you see that?! And anyways, he’s not here, but even if he was, not even he could stop me from getting my revenge.”
“Revenge for what?” I cried, feeling tears well in my eyes.
“For ruining my life!” He shouted, now so close, I could smell his breath on my face, and I detected alcohol, making me shake harder knowing he was intoxicated.
“B-Brandon, I didn’t do anything-“ I was cut off by his hand wrapping around my throat, and I instantly clawed at his hands, trying to release his grip, but to no avail.
“The hell you didn’t.” He spat, and I could see his face due to the moonlight shining through the window; It was contorted in anger. “Making me flee? Don’t you think that would’ve raised suspicion? But let’s not talk about me; I came here for one reason, and one reason only-“ Before he could finish, I had a vase in my hand, crashing it into the side of his head, making him release me as he fell to the floor, blood rolling down the side of his face. As I fled for the door, he grabbed my ankle, yanking me down beside him, making me cry out in pain as I twisted my ankle. I was terrified; never have I been so scared in my life, and that’s saying something.
“Brandon, leave me alone!” I screamed as he climbed on top of me, once again wrapping his hands around my neck as I tried to punch, shake, and get him from off of me.
“If you would just stop fighting, this would all go very smoothly.” He grunted through clenched teeth, squeezing harder, making me gag.
“Brandon.” I croaked, outstretching my hands in an attempt to find a weapon, soon gifted with a shard of glass from the broken vase, and I didn’t hesitate to send it into his shoulder, making him cry out in pain, loosening his grip on my neck, giving me enough strength to roll over, knocking him off me.
‘HELP!” I screamed loudly, running through the small apartment to my room, immediately closing the door, locking it in the process as I looked around for a weapon, urgently diving for my bedside lamp, holding it like a baseball.
“Charlotte.” Brandon kicked the door harshly, making me scream. “Open the fucking door.”
“And why would I do that?” I asked, nearly slapping myself as I remembered I left the phone in the living room. Let’s just hope Alec answered.
“Because if you don’t,” He said, kicking the door harder, making it cave in slightly. “The pain will be much worse.”
“The police are on their way, Brandon, I’d advise you to leave right now.”
“Oh don’t sound all bold now, just because you’re hiding behind a pathetic wooden door. I will get in there, and when I do, you’re dead meat.” And with that, he kicked the door his hardest, making a huge hole appear, scaring me further. Taking a glance around my room, I saw I was cornered. He was going to kill me.
Why the hell doesn’t this room have a window?
“Brandon, go away!” I screamed, tears rolling down my face as he yet again kicked the door.
“Not a chance.” He laughed before I heard his footsteps retreating, confusing me further. Everything was silent for a minute or do before I heard his footsteps running towards my door, making me gasp, and diving to my right just as he barreled through my door, sending wood everywhere as he burst right through the wood.
“I told you I was going to make it past that pathetic lock.” He chuckled, shaking off the wooden dust as he looked around for me. Soon, he found me crouching in the corner, and once his beady eyes landed on me, I knew I would have to fight back.
“Fuck you, Brandon.” I cried out, more tears rolling down my face. “I won’t let you control me anymore. You took my virginity, my baby, but I’m not going to let you take my life.”
“What, you’d rather do that on your own time?” He spat harshly. “You suicidal freak, I thought you wanted to die.” After he finished, I ran towards him at full speed, aiming my stupid lamp at his head, getting what I wanted when I felt it hit his temple.
“Fuck you, Brandon!” I screamed, aiming again as he stumbled to his feet, but he turned, grabbing my wrist and jerking it to an unnatural angle, making me cry out in pain as he kicked the back of my knee, causing me to fall to the floor.
“No thanks, I already did.” He laughed sickly as he kicked me in my ribs, making them throb, and me cry out in pain. Before I could even process where the pain was coming from, he sent a sturdy punch to my face and another kick to my rib as I curled myself into a ball. “Stupid bitch, thinking you can fight me off. It didn’t work any time before, so what makes you think it can work again?” He spat, punching me harder, earning another cry from me.
“What, your pathetic boyfriend? You think just because you moved on, you’re all big and bad now? Where is he now, huh?”
“I’m right here, asshole.” I heard Alec’s voice, but I was too out of it to see him. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and grunting as my vision started to fade. I just hope Alec was okay. Was the last thing I thought before everything went black.759Please respect copyright.PENANAS7PjvfP7Hm
I didn’t wake up cliché’ like; No seeing the florescent lights before harshly closing my eyes, not hearing the annoying beeping to my right from the heart monitor, and not waking up to seeing my family hovering over me with tears of joy, them screaming at the doctor that I was awake.
No. I woke up coughing and sputtering blood as I tried to come to terms of where I was, not able to open my eyes due to how badly swollen they were.
“Can someone give me some fucking help?! Help!!” Alec’s voice was the voice I heard as I faded in and out of consciousness. Due to the constant rocking, I knew that he was holding me, but I was just too out of it to know where, even though I assumed I was in a hospital.
“We got her from here, sir, thank you.” I felt multiple hands grabbing me, and I instantly knew the difference between their cold hands and Alec’s warm ones. I felt something hard under me before I was hurriedly rolled, making me realize I was on a gurney. What happened? I thought, my mouth to dry to open. I felt pain everywhere, especially my head, and I wanted nothing but to just sleep the pain off.
“Is she going to be alright?!” I heard Alec’s panicked voice beside me as the doctors or nurses rolled me down the cliché’ always empty hallway.
“I’m sorry sir, you’re going to have to wait in the waiting room, we’ll try our best-“
“The hell I will.” He scoffed. “I’m not leaving.”
“Sir, I’m sorry, the policy is strictly family only.” The small voice said, sounding slightly scared of Alec’s temper. “We’ll try our best, but she…She looks really bad, sir.”
“I can’t just leave her-“
“Sir, I’m sorry, please don’t make me call security.” And with that, I was thankfully out with one last groan.759Please respect copyright.PENANA9pHyWKWZgc