Every night he would make me take those pills. After a while, I felt like it was the only way for me to get to sleep. There came a time I even reminded him about it. The first night I took them, I had strange dreams. William was on my bed, just sitting there, staring at me. Then I would dream about home, and running around my back yard. Those pills gave really lucid dreams.
For a while, during the day, he would give me some homework. I was actually up for the challenge because I was that bored. It’s just ten questions everyday about anything. Like:
How many stars does the American flag have?
How many legs does a spider have?
What is a noun?
I mean, these are just the simplest questions. I think he doesn’t really know how teach. Lucky for him, I read. I’ve been reading some nonfiction books around the house. When William comes in, he glances at the paper and just nods.
He doesn’t check. I told him the American flag has 48 stars, spiders have 9 legs and a noun is a type of soup. I don’t know if he is entertain or too tried too care. It all stopped after a week, and I was happy about that. It was getting painful to see misspelled words, questions that didn’t make sense, and his head writing was hard to make out at times.
At night, he would tell me stories. Sometimes it feels like stories he’s just made up in his head. Some of them were entertaining. He was a good storyteller; I have to give him that. Sometimes he tried to retell stories from the bible.
I wasn’t stupid. I went to Sunday school as a kid. I knew about the stories and stuff. My favorite one was Noah and the flood, which I have no idea why it was. God was mad at the way the people he creature turned out, so he killed them all and started all over again. It’s like restarting a computer.
He isn’t telling the stories right. People like him are dangers. The ones that think they know everything, but they really don’t and they’re too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
I try not to listen to him, because I know he’s telling the stories wrong. I have an idea on God though.
I thought what if God was this big huge scientist, like instead of robes; he wore lab coats and stuff. He liked to create stars and planets, and wants to see if we could figure it out. He gives certain people in history certain ideas, like a big raffle for knowledge. I thought that was a good idea of God.
I’m too scared to share that with William so I just nod my head and pretend to listen. Simple, easy, good life. What the hell did I do in my pass life to deserve this?
The weeks seem to pass. I used to try to keep up with the days, trying to focus on time and having some sense of it. But suddenly, it was Valentine’s Day, and I gave up.
William had made eggs, pancakes, and hash browns for us. I actually ate the eggs. I didn’t mind it, it didn’t taste funny. I sat in my robe at the kitchen table. He had a blue one. He wore no socks. I had three pairs on. Yet, he did have more hair and more fat than I did, so that must have kept his evilness warm. Cold heart, warm body as it goes, right?
“How did you sleep?” he asked as he placed the plate in front of me.
“I slept all right.”
“That’s good.”
I held the fork in my hand, tightening it every time he spoke. “How did you sleep?”
He smiled. “I slept fine.”
I didn’t say anything else. The tenseness wasn’t as strong, but it wasn’t gone. “So, do you ever go into town?”
“Sometimes, I won’t have to for a while,” he answered cutting his eggs up.
He smiled. “Because I have you and that saves me a thousand trips.”
I shivered. “But, what will happen when I read all the books, when we run out of food, will we go to town then?”
“We?” he asked looking at me, raising an eyebrow, giving a smirk.
“Yes,” I answered.
He laughed. He gave a laugh that was lonely, and it really showed. “No we, not for a while.”
I sighed. “What about when we run out of stuff like, shampoo, toilet paper-”
“Then I go to town and get some more supplies, and if it’s anytime soon, I will not allow you to come with me! Was that the answer you wanted?” William snapped.
I looked down. “No,” I mumbled.
“Too bad, eat your breakfast,” he said returning to his. I wanted to ask about the eggs and the milk. How he got them. I started to wonder why he never let me outside. But I was too scared to ask him. I was too scared that he would try to slap me.
I cut my food up and ate what I could. How could any of this happen? How could I allow this to happen? I could have screamed the day he took me. I could have done so much more to save myself and that thought was the energy put into my fists.
He sipped on his coffee. Black coffee, may I add, which made him a total weirdo. I had never trusted anyone who drank black coffee. I had more reasons than just his coffee choice. But the black coffee just added to the list of all the things that made him so weird, and crazy, and possibly insane.
I took a few bites into my breakfast. I hated that it was so good. I liked the pancakes. He made it fluffy and with so much butter. It was good. I hated that it was good. I really hated it, but it was so good! I just let it crawl down into my stomach and I let it melt.
“How’s your breakfast?”
“All right,” I mumbled. I will never give him a reason to smile.
“That’s good.”
“Yeah,” I said digging more into the fluffy heaven pancakes. “So, we’re just going to stay in all day?” I asked.
He nodded without looking at me.
“That’s horrible to be honest. To be stuck without anything to do.”
He tried to give me a smile. “We can clean, read, paint, anything you can think of. There is so much to do in this little house, kiddo.”
“You have your shed. You can leave whenever you want, I have no freedom.”
“Well, prove to me you won’t scream and shout, then I will think about it,” he snapped. I just glared. I didn’t have a response to that. I got up and brought my plate to the sink. “You didn’t finish your breakfast.”
“You want it?” I asked.
“I made it for you.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Then I’m throwing it away.”
“NO! You won’t! You will sit down and you will eat it!” he yelled.
I stared at him. I was scared. I knew for a fact that I couldn’t run away and I it was unless to fight him. He was a monster, a monster that could overshadow me and grab me underwater till I drowned. I couldn’t get away from him. I didn’t have anything. He controlled me and he knew it!
“Okay,” I said looking down walking back to my seat and forcing the food down my throat. But out of all this craziness this morning, I came up with a plan, one that could possible save me.