He seemed to laugh, and we ate the last of the cake. It wasn’t all spoiled. We sat on the couch, not sure what to say anymore. “I’m sorry, about your birthday. I thought it would turn out a little bit better,” he said looking away.
“I didn’t think I was going to be kidnapped, and locked away up here,” I said. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes. He got up and put his plate in the sink. I then said, “But it’s not the worst birthday I ever had, just letting you know.”
I heard him turn on the sink, and for a moment, I listen to the falling water. When he turned it off, he asked, “What’s your worse birthday than?’
“I don’t know. I can’t think of it right now.” I finished off my food and placed the plate in my lap. I just didn’t want to talk about it. William walked back over and sat in his chair.
For a little while, the only sound was the clock ticking away time. Ticking away what had just happened, ticking away sanity. I wasn’t sure if I could look at him, or finish my cake. I put the plate on the table and look out the window.
“Would you like to listen to music?” he asked, wanting the silence to go away as much as I did. I nodded. It was my favorite song that came on. I loved it. But I hated it at the moment.
“You like this band?” I asked. I was very surprised by him.
He nodded. “I think so, it’s not so bad. I’m only playing it because you like them. This is your old MP3 player,” he informed me. I blinked and got up to him. It was small and blue. I flipped it on the back, which had T.I.S. on it. I gasped.
“How did you get this?”
“Just listen to the music. Does it matter?”I started to look through all my songs. It had The Smiths, Coldplay, David Bowie, The Killers, The Cure and all my favorite bands from two years ago. I turned to him and wanted to scream, but I didn’t. I just sighed. When I just glared at him, not saying one word, he rolled his eyes and asked me, “What’s wrong now?”
“You’re a creep, do you realize that? Did you go into my room and steal this?”
He rolled his eyes once again. He was annoyed with me. “You dropped it on your way home one day. I just happened to pick it up.”
I tighten up my jaw. “Nothing about you surprises me. You’re pathetic.”
For a few seconds, I didn’t know what he was going to do. His eyes were cold, cutting through me, but then he gave a smile. He threw back his head and laughed loudly. When he was done, he folded his arms and straightened up. He was smiling huge, “You think I’m pathetic?”
I didn’t expect him to laugh like he did. It threw me off. “Yes,” I mumbled.
“If that’s what you think,” he said, laughing a bit more.
“What’s so funny?”
He led back and pointed to me. “You.”
“Me?” I asked, cocking my head to the left a bit.
He nodded and said no more. The music and his laughing filled up the room. I returned to the couch, and we didn’t say anything after that. We just listen to the words.
Sometime that night we ended up on the couch drinking Hot Chocolate. I had a blanket on me and was facing him. He sat far away from me and closed enough for him. We didn’t talk, though, just listened, and that was okay. He pulled a book off the shelf and started to read.
I stared outside, to the darkness. I had so many questions that I didn’t want to know the answer to. I was getting sleepy. “William.”
“I want to go outside.”
“Hell Tavi,” he said as he closed his book, but leaving his thumb on the page. “It’s dark outside.”
“I didn’t mean now. I meant . . . just soon.”
“You were outside today.”
“I want to enjoy the outside.”
He opened his book again and went on reading. “Maybe tomorrow.”
“You promise?”
“No, I don’t promise. I said maybe.”
I nodded and closed my eyes. I wouldn’t keep them open any longer. I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, I discovered he had put a extra blanket on my body and a pillow behind my head. I looked over the blankets and saw he was still up, looking through a book in his hands. The kitty was next to my neck, cuddling with me. I fell asleep again.
When I opened my eyes, he was nowhere around. It took me a while to realize where I was, and the information poured all over me like hot wax. I started to cry just a little but tried so hard to keep it in. The front door was opened. I looked around and slowly got up. I peeked my head outside, and couldn’t found him anywhere.
The fresh air felt amazing. Simply amazing. I looked to the naked woods and got an idea. I ran back into my room, putting on my shoes and coat, and grabbing my kitty and placing him inside my warm coat.
And then we ran into the acid snowflakes.