some cielizzy thoughts of the 2ct kind
I came across @elizbmidf‘s post about 2CT in the tag the other day, and it made me remember something that really struck me!
I’ve been re-reading the manga keeping 2CT in mind and damn does this entire juxtaposition become ridiculously poignant from that angle:
(note: the 2CT theory I believe is our Ciel not being the actual Ciel, but his younger twin; so that’s the one I’m keeping in mind. Also, the post is image heavy!)
Since 2CT would mean that the one who was engaged to Lizzy and was always playing around with her was actually the original Ciel:
(Which in turn makes this line by Sebastian make all the sense in the world:)
I’m not ashamed to admit that one of the things that intrigue me the most about 2CT is just how was our Ciel’s relationship with Lizzy. After all, we’ve only had very brief hints of that so far.
This juxtaposition right here though!
While it obviously wasn’t the original Ciel’s intention, it’s nonetheless really interesting to notice how it was that innocent comment he made which ultimately caused Lizzy to try her mightiest to hide and tame the “strong”, “scary” side of herself.
To underplay and mask her capabilities and genius so that he could protect her instead:
While on the other hand, it’s unknowingly for our Ciel that Lizzy ends up shedding that skewed perception both in thought and through her actions.
Granted, she would have ended up revealing it to the original Ciel sooner rather than later either way. But if 2CT is actually true, I feel it’s important that Lizzy comes to emotionally embrace her abilities for our Ciel.
And given the weight and fear, Lizzy had been carrying on her shoulders all this time regarding this issue,
His (positive) reaction is equally as important!
Since Lizzy literally feared he would hate her if he realized how “scary” she is, this must have been a huge relief to her. And it’s very obvious it plays a part in how she is finally being more confident about showing this side of herself to him without qualms or hesitations (no life-or-death situations are needed now!).
So I feel that regardless of whether they were close when they were kids, regardless of whether it was to the original Ciel that Lizzy wanted to be married to, this right here is a positive effect that our Ciel unknowingly had.
And I think that’s wonderful :’)