Lizzy and 2ct
I made a post the other day talking about Lizzy in general, but there’s so much more to say about her in the context of 2CT, and reading Mangastream’s translation only made it more apparent.
Especially after these 2 scenes!
It occurs to me that what Sebastian says about the symbols of idolatry and “material items” could very well be applied to the real Ciel, too.
Assuming this is Undertaker’s doing, I think it’s very likely that the Ciel he brought back will turn out to essentially be Ciel only in appearance. Given that Ciel seems to have been the sacrifice offered to summon Sebastian, I feel that even if Undertaker were somehow able to tie Ciel’s soul to the doll, this Ciel would not be the Ciel both Lizzy and our! Ciel knew.
In which case, he would be mostly a corporeal body (“material item”); a “symbol of idolatry” to which Lizzy and ours! Ciel can direct the feelings they harbor for Ciel.
Moreover, destroying that Ciel would “lack any permanent and lasting effects” because Lizzy’s and ours! Ciel’s feelings for him would still exist. The reanimated Ciel would simply go back to where he belongs, aka the world of the dead - but the conflict he arose within Lizzy and the consequences of the revelation would still remain. They are something that cannot be solved through force.
To further highlight that, hen we have what Sebastian says here:
And we saw that this very chapter, didn’t we? He knocked Lizzy out and forcibly brought her home, but that did nothing but make her even more determined to go back there, to the point she escapes the manor the moment she wakes up.
And of course, then we have this page, which is what sealed it for me:
Sebastian is essentially telling ours! Ciel that despite how much Lizzy loves him, despite being betrothed to him, that doesn’t mean her heart is tied to his. That doesn’t mean Lizzy will always be by his side. She can still make choices that go against ours! Ciel’s wishes and her feelings for him, because Lizzy is her own person and hearts are “complex”.
Which in this case, would be opting to stay by Ciel’s side rather than return to ours!Ciel.
Something that is perfectly illustrated by Lizzy leaving her Phanthomhive Bunny - which unequivocally represents ours!Ciel – (temporarily) behind.
And I say “temporarily” because I’m pretty sure that when push comes to shove, Lizzy will return to ours! Ciel’s side. And this time she will do it not because she was lied to to “shackled” to him, but because she chooses to.
I swear Lizzy’s feelings about 2CT are one of my favorite things about the theory. Assuming 2CT does turn out to be true, Lizzy must feel so much betrayal, guilt, confusion, and anger—and a lot of these feelings would be directed not only towards ours! Ciel, but also towards herself.
And that’s without taking into account how conflicted she must be about staying with Ciel rather than facing ours! Ciel, because I have no doubt in my mind that by now, her feelings for ours! Ciel is most likely stronger than the feelings she harbored for Ciel when they were children. After all, Lizzy devoted herself to protecting our Ciel and it’s our Ciel that accepted her and helped her overcome her insecurities regarding her strength and thus, her true self. And it’s our Ciel that has protected her over and over, our Ciel with whom she has survived the direst of circumstances.
The manga drew a very clear juxtaposition between the two. There was no conflict before because of Lizzy, they were one and the same. But now that she may know what is truly going on, how can she draw the line to where her feelings for the real Ciel end and those for our Ciel begin?
I think that will be one side of the character conflict we may get to see Lizzy facing some time in the future, and I’m really looking forward to it!