In one fell swoop Real Ciel is:
- Tying Lizzy to him by appealing to her protective/kind nature and making her feel like she helped him and he needs her
- Making sure to tarnish Lizzy’s bond with Ciel to his best ability by publicly making Lizzy partly responsible for him coming back and thus for O!Ciel being outed
- Keeping Lizzy just the right amount of miserable by literally saying that it’s thanks to her that he’s back and thus screwing over the person Lizzy loves most in the entire world (aka Our!Ciel) which is bs because hello it’s thanks to Undertaker
- Painting himself as a loving fiancée to Edward and the Marquis
- Rubbing salt in O!Ciel’s wounds
He is such a manipulative little shit lol I wonder if he will keep the same act with Lizzy off-stage, too?