So today we're remaking Irene's wedding. It's so fucking stupid. I'm supposed to attend, like how I attended the actual wedding. Which..I wasn't supposed to.
Today has been a day of ignoring my letters and teaching Oliver. It's been a good day, to be quite honest. Not a lot going on. Everything is..good. Today is good. And tonight has to be even better...there isn't much I can do, though. So I'll get dressed up all nice, and I'll put my hair up and everything, I'll play along.
There isn't anything I can do to help Irene. I want to, I really do. I'm not allowed in the church until the event is going to start. I'll sit here, I'll help Oliver with his reading. But tonight I'll have to be there for Irene, and I for not very prepared. People have never been my strength, so I'm certainly not ready for this.
Well. It'll happen anyways. I might as well get it over with