You won't remember me. Hell, it's likely you won't even know who I am, who it is that is sending you this letter.
My name is Bessie Autry. I work with Irene Calla and Elizabeth Baker. And you, dear, are Josephine Densmore. You are the girl she's been after for quite some time now.
Now that I've brought that up, you might be wondering why I sent you this letter. I assure you, it isn't out of jealousy, or from some other lover of Calla. No, never that. This letter is a form of a warning, I supoose.
Calla's insane. I'm sure you know that, though, dear. You're a smart girl, she's told me before. You're a Pinkerton. You and your brother. She said his name was Ben. She said you killed him. And isn't that enough to make you want to get rid of her? She's a criminal, a horrid person.
I'll give you more, to convince you. I'm a Pinkerton like you. I got assigned to infiltrate Elizabeth Baker's gang. I've been working on this for a year. I've seen first hand the horrors she's commited. So, please, I beg of you. Leave this world, leave her, and never come back. For your own safety. Please. You coming back, you even thinking about this wretched place, that will hurt you more than she ever could. This place is not made for girls like you. I've seen you. You're like a rainbow, too bright for this dull world. This place, being in this place, it would kill you. You are a glimmer of hope in this otherwise dull place. And that means you don't belong here.
I hate to have to hurt Irene, but I'd hate to have you hurt even more. You're not someone who should be hurt. You're someone who deserves something gentle. And I know you won't agree with that. You're a Pinkerton, just the same as I, so I know you won't. We're a stubborn bunch, aren't we? But I know you'll trust me on this. I need you to trust me, that I know what is good. I've been with these gangs for a while. I know what they'll do and how they do it. It is better for you to stay away. She will only hurt you, and you know this. It is better for you if you just stay as a Pinkerton, just as an agent. This is a case that is hard to solve, that, if it was solved, would not be good for you. I would only wish for you to stay safe. Please, take this into consideration. I want to help you. I want to keep you safe. Keep yourself safe. Please.