Cora. Definition: maiden.
Pavlov. Definition: small.
Cora Pavlov. Small maiden. Two things of which I am not. Well, small in height, yes, but not small in confidence, as friends would say.
Maiden, however..well, that is a territory yet unexplored. I've never married-never found anyone that would stay around me, once they found out the kind of life I lived-but frankly, I don't know if I've ever wanted to marry. My life is too dangerous, namely for the sort of weak-willed men that tend to come and find me.
But I've got what I love. Irene lets me help with her..gang, I believe she calls them. I merely refer to them as the organized criminals, as that's really what they are. Lizzie lets me help with hers, too, in a way. They send whatever kids they find, to me.
They send the kids to me, so I can raise them, and so I can keep them from telling anyone else about who they've seen and what they did. They often go and join Irene and Lizzie, too, which means a bigger group for them.
It's been this way for a while. They let me tag along, sometimes, if I ask them to let me. Irene was the one that trained me, she knows that I can fight. And Elizabeth..she's got her confidence in me. Confidence that I could kill her if she displeased me. Confidence that Irene would let me.
They're all very interesting. They have an odd dynamic, one that would certainly lead to an uprising, if someone was provoked.
I might just know who that someone is. Besides, it's gotten so boring over there, in their little gangs. Maybe it's time for someone to shake things up. Maybe it's time for someone else to have some power. I'm sure the ones in power would agree. They're the ones that changed things up. Now the gangs aren't so different, they work together. They're the ones that changed everything.
But now everything there is boring, there's nothing-and no one-fun that I can entertain myself with. Which just means I have nothing to fill my time with. No husband, no children-at the moment, all of them are grown and Irene hasn't sent me anymore-nothing to fill my time with.
However, change shakes things up. This is supposed to be the era of revolution, of making things change. Of telling people how it's going to be. Change is a given, in any situation. Change is what makes things better, what improves them.
So it's time for some change around here. Now, I've got no idea who will help me make some changes. But I have my ways, do I not? I'll figure out a way, no matter who I have to kill. Though I would never want to hurt Irene, her face is much too pretty. Her I can keep, it's the others I want gone. That stupid Marietta girl, for example, that thinks she can replace Anna and I. She's got to go, same with Bessie.
There's going to be some shaking around here. I'll just have to stick around and see who can stay grounded.