Bessie Autry. Also known as Elizabeth Baker's girl, the one that helps her run the gang. That'd be me. I'm the one who manages the finances, I guess. People just see me as the behind the scenes person.
Elizabeth is nice, though. She's always been kind to me, and to the others. Her husband is nice, as well, though I've got a sinking suspicion that they're not really in love. The way they act, she likes me more than she likes him. Jackson is kind, he's rather smart, as well. He'll help me with the math, if I need help. Though that's rare, Elizabeth doesn't call me her smart girl for no reason.
The gang's my family, I guess. We sure as hell don't act like one, I'll give you that. We ain't truly a family, but Lizzie and Jackson like to claim we are. They grew up with everyone, I guess, so they claim that. I didn't grow up with any of them, though.
None of them are my family, anyway. Honestly, I ain't really sure what family is. My own family is distant, they've barely spoken to me since I joined the gang. Which makes sense, I mean they barely spoke to me before I joined the gang. Why would they talk to me now, now that I've disgraced the family name?
But I have something they'll never know, something not even the bitch will ever know. Best not to tell it here, as if it ends into the wrong hands, it'll be me that's given the reprimand.
There's something about me that none of them will ever be able to take away, no matter how hard they try. I changed my name, changed my hair, did everything to keep them from finding out. And I'll be damned if they ever find out.