"One day Irene Kelly is going to kill me for picking up her girls again. Now, this day certainly ain't today. She's got new girls, one of which is Miss Eva Flores, a shy one. Shy, quiet, and yet she pulled a knife on me when I grabbed her arm. She was out doing a shine run, to no surprise. Calla sells shine, one of her main things. She was out on a run, and then I picked her up, running after her when I finally got her up against the wall. She was small, but certainly an adorable one," I smile, looking at Bessie over my whiskey glass. We're out drinking, late tonight, though it ain't as though we've been early all the other nights this week.
Bessie giggles, "I'm sure you showed her, miss. Them Calla girls is small, not fast. Though I'm sure that tells ya more about Calla then it does her girls."
I smirk. "Yeah, well. Calla ain't small, though I'm certainly taller than she is. She's medium sized, she is. A bitch in her own right, though. She's rough, that one. And that girl of hers, that Marietta girl..rather quiet, ain't she?"
Bessie nods. "Yeah, she is. And a damn little thief, too, Little bitch stole my pen, last time that she was here."
I nudge her. "Shut up, you're just bitter than she bested you than the time you tried to steal her stuff an' she caught you. You gotta be faster, Bessie."
She elbows me. "I don't gotta. Calla's girls are slow, and there ain't any guys of hers to beat me up. She don't care about us, anyways, she's got her sights set on better things, right?"
"She likes us to think that. That bitch is surely planning something, she just don't want us to know." I smirk, thinking for a minute. "Bessie, who's to say we go for a little explorin', yeah? Us girls need to have fun too."
"Yeah." She smiles, and I take her hand, leading her to the exit. We travel for a bit, me leading her.
After awhile, we arrive at the house of one Irene Calla. The house is large, one that she inherited from her parents, I know.
"Bessie, there's an entrance through the back door. It's unlocked, sometimes, but I know where she keeps the key. I've used it a good couple of times myself," I laugh, winking at her. She goes over to the side, looking to see if the door is, in fact, unlocked.
"Doors locked, miss."
I swear, and move closer to the wall, heading towards the door. The key is there, still hidden in the plant pot. She never moves her damn keys, of course. I take the set of keys, finding the one that unlocks the door. It's a goldish colour, the pattern faded. The key is old, one that's been in her family for ages. She told me about that, once. About how the key had been a piece of gold that her great grandfather had found, and then they had shaped it, made it into a key for the family to use for forever.
I twist the key into the hole just right, and the door opens.
The house is dark, as we enter the kitchen. The dishes are still in the sink, no doubt waiting for tomorrow for someone to clean them, and that someone's going to inevitibly end up being Irene.
The lights are on on the second floor, though. Shit. They're still awake.
I hiss to Bessie, "They're still awake. You go out the back, I'll make sure they don't know we're here." She nods, and heads out to the back.
I hear a yell from upstairs. I don't know who's it is, but the fact of that someone is yelling concerns me.
I quietly head up the stairs, avoiding the creaking stairs and sticking to the walls, hiding in the shadows of the corridor. I always forget how big this house is. Calla's family is rich, and so when her and Jonathan got married, of course they got a fucking mansion.
As I climb, I hear more shouts, this time one of pain. And it sounds like Irene's voice, how she shouts if one of us touches her shoulder too hard. I swear, if he's hurting her again, when I get my hands on that bastard, he'll pay. No one lays hands on Irene. No one, not even him, is allowed to hurt her.
I have to control my temper..if Jonathan finds out I'm here, he'll kill me. I climb back down the stairs, and run out the back door, locking it.
Once I see Bessie, I shake my head. "Couldn't find her plans. But..at least they didn't know we were here."
We set off into the night