As the days go on, it is harder to remember why I'm really here. Elizabeth is so nice, she's like my is Jackson. He's always been so kind to me. Even the people from Irene's gang, they're nice to me, they see me as their equal. A woman like myself, they see as equal to them. That's what amazes me, quite frankly. They see me as an equal.
The Pinkertons do too, don't get me wrong. But..we aren't a family. Not like the gangs are. The Pinkertons, all people care about is being the best, is being cutthroat, about keeping people safe, breaking up strikes. They weren't a family, it was just The gangs, though, they were a family, we were a family. We are a family.
Belonging to a family is the most wonderful thing I can think of. It is like a warm feeling, warmth bubbling up inside of you. I don't think I've ever had this feeling, certainly not with my own family.
And there's a girl. Irene's girl, the blonde girl, named Marie..her full name is Marietta. It is beautiful, this life is beautiful. This life I created for myself is truly beautiful, truly amazing. I do not want to leave..
I will, one day. I will need to leave, once my assignment is complete. But for now..I would rather stay inside of my own personal dream, and live inside of this fantasy