Today was another long day. They almost caught me, again. Elizabeth found me looking around one of her many desks, though I was able to play it off as looking for some papers. She's getting closer, however, which worries me. Jackson hasn't caught on yet, which is a good sign. He might not be the smartest, but he can always cover for me, if I should need him too.
It ain't like he needs to know his wife and I have engaged in..relations. It was only once, though, and we were both drunk. The craziness of nighttime, plus the added part of has a habit of lowering inhibitions, let me tell you that. Lizzie didn't care, she doesn't know who I truly am. She wouldn't like to know she was with someone like me.
I overheard Irene and Elizabeth talking, a few days ago. I was outside of her office, and they were both in there. Irene misses Josephine, which surprises no one. Josephine...she's a character. We knew each other, before we both got involved in the gang. It was...a work thing, shall we say. We worked together, it was simply that.
In a different time, we could've become friends. But then she found..something else to do, and I became involved in the gang. And then we found each other again, though she and I were worlds apart. Different sides of the same war, and we just..never got to talk to each other, not in the way we had before.
I suppose I may as well get the secret out, though if Elizabeth or Irene find out, I'll be dead by morning.
Someone's coming. I cannot tell now, it would be too close of a call for me to even explain..I cannot risk being caught. I will be able to explain..later. Whenever that may be.