Janet’s P. O. V:
This is super-duper awkward!
Sitting on the bleachers beside Jason without speaking a word was something easier said than done.
“Um...” we both started.
“You start,” we said in unison again.
“No, you speak first, Janet.”
“I...I’m sorry for today, I shouldn’t have said those things so suddenly, and Ms Emily was there too. I wasn’t thinking straight. So can you please think of all that as a bad dream and forget that it ever happened?” I asked.
“Forget it? Even that you like me?” he asked.
Is he really asking me that? Maybe I do have a chance. I thought as I looked aimlessly at the sky.
“That was real. Do you hate that I told you I loved you?” I asked, still not having the guts to look at his face.
“Hate? It makes me feel needed, feels good that a gorgeous honour student would have a crush on a ‘nobody’ like me. So tell me Janet. Why on earth would you, who has the best reputation in the whole school fall for a trouble-maker?” he asked
“Does falling in love need to have a reason? It’s okay if you’re okay with it,” I said with my last ray of hope.
“No,” he bluntly replied.
That’s taken the shine of it
“I already love someone else” he added.
Like I wanted to hear that.
“Yeah I know, it’s Ms Emily you love. But Jason, you do realize that you’re my first love, right? And you know that it ain’t easy to forget your first love. I’ll keep liking you because right now your love for Ms Emily is still unrequited love and in any case should she break your heart, I’ll always be there for you. But for now, I understand that you like her more than anyone else so I’ll support you for that too, but don’t come to me complaining if she rejects you,” I said.
“Look Janet...” he started and continued, “I know that I’m making you go through a lot of pain but I can’t help it and I’m really sorry for that. But I’m happy that you understand, thank you so much” he said, got up and hugged the life out of me and left.
And that’s why I’m never able to stay mad at him.
Carrie’s P. O. V:
Emily was staying very late at school which was unusual as she did not have any classes that day in the afternoon. I asked her why and she immediately came up with lame excuses. I took her out to a coffee shop, pretty far away from the school and from our apartment. We ordered our drinks and as soon as the waitress left, I bluntly said, “Okay spill.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“I’m not an idiot, I know it’s about Jason, tell me,” I replied.
“Okay” she said and told me about how they got caught by Janet when Jason was about to kiss her.
“Alright now I admit that I lose in my challenge of stealing him away from you, but now what are you going to do about this?” I asked, of course a lot disappointed that I no longer stood a chance at making Jason mine. No matter what, Jason was a great guy. I was feeling jealous of Emily, happy for Emily and sad for myself at the same time!
“Do what about what? He’s just a student I teach and nothing else,” she replied with a dumb look and distracting me from planet 'admire-Jason'.
That refrain of her got on my nerves. I got angry to the point where I thought of slapping her cheek off her face for good. What the heck does she think she is doing playing with the emotions of a boy like that?
Standing up, I looked at her with a stony glare and said harshly, “In that case, sis, you are really evil. Leading him on as if you like him and then saying he’s just your student, what logic is that? What Jason feels for you is real. He has a sincere devotional heart.
Because of your continual vagueness, he is unable to either openly love you or forget you and move on. If you really think of him as a student and nothing else as you so proudly say, then you should have the guts to tell that to him in the face.
Jason is still young and has many girls drooling over him, yet he doesn’t spare any of them a second glance because he likes you. But you, you’re just leading him on which places you in no position to speak for yourself.
You say it is because he is your student, then how do you feel about him as a woman? You clearly can’t stand the sight of me with him, you can’t even bear it if he hugs his best friend, Janet and yet you say you have no feelings for him which implies that you won’t mind seeing him with other women. Is that what you want?”
She just sighed and said, “Do I even have to say it? I mean, it is normal for him to be with girls of his age.
What a stupid girl! Didn’t any word I spoke enter that thick skull of her? Is she suffering from split personality disorder or something?
“Gah! It’s so hard to figure out what you’re thinking. One moment, you seem all lovey dovey and the very next moment, you go into heartless mode. Make up your mind once and for all, will ya? Go ahead and tell him that you love him if you do like him but if you feel nothing towards him, then tell him that he’s just wasting his time by coming behind you and ask him to move on. I don’t know what’s so difficult about that. Whatever, make a good decision so that no one ends up hurt alright? I’m gonna leave you to your thoughts” I said as I left the shop.
A/N: Emily's gonna take a decision. Go ahead and take a guess what it might be. I'll be back with the answers next week. Give your opinions in the comments :)
Quick update, I know. Short update, I know. I'm gonna be away from home for a week during when I won't be able to post the next chapter so here it is :)
And thanks to all of your support, this story has clambered on to the top of the trending list. I'm gonna be honest now. I didn't think it'd make 100 reads when I started publishing it here. Thanks everyone :)