I was at a bar drinking with Jessica. Don't get me wrong, I do not drink much, only a little when I'm upset. I felt bad for slapping Jason.
Ugh! Why am I feeling bad?
"Because you like him a little" told my inner voice.
"Ah come on, it's not your fault," Jessica said trying to cheer me up.
Just as I was about to order another drink, I saw Jason talking to a girl. What was an underage boy doing in a bar?
"What do you think you are doing?" I yelled at him when I went to where he was sitting. The girl interrupted me asking, "And who might you be?" "I'm his homeroom teacher," I replied which seemed to shut her up. I turned to Jason who was now suddenly very interested in the floor. "What's your problem, it's not like we're creating some sort of ruckus," interrupted the girl again. "It's alright Kelly, I'm gonna leave with Ms Emily now," said Jason calming her down. So this was Kelly, the senior.
Jason and I headed out with Jessica following us awkwardly. "I'll be leaving now," she said and took off leaving the two of us alone.
Jason's P. O. V:
I was caught the first time I laid my hands on a beer bottle by Ms Emily. We stood in silence for a while. She broke the tension by asking "Wanna have another beer?" I stood speechless. "Ah come on I know you want one," she continued as she dragged me back inside.
Here I am drinking at a bar with my homeroom teacher! What kind of a student am I? Ms Emily was quite drunk, I could tell that by the way she looked around the bar, but I was drunk as well. We got up and went to her house with me half-carrying her because she could not even stand properly.
I laid her on her bed and looked around the room. There was a very expensive camera in a corner. I lifted the cover to see it but being the fool I was, I dropped the lens on the floor and it cracked.
Emily's P. O. V:
I looked over to the window where I saw, dad? I hadn't seen him ever since he left us because of an affair with another woman. Was he really standing there of was it a figment of my imagination?
He was doing something with the camera he had sent home to me. I couldn't look at his face as he was standing with his back towards me but even in that position and the really poor light, I could see that he seemed more interested in that than looking at me let alone talking to me.
"Do you like it dad? More than you like me?" I asked with tears in my eyes but he didn't even bother turning around.
Does he really hate me because I never spoke to him after he left? I thought as he kept standing like that. I knew I had very little energy left as I felt my eyelids struggling to stay open. I fell into a deep sleep after that.
Jason's P. O. V:
"Do you like it dad? More than you like me?" I heard Ms Emily ask me when I was busy trying to place the broken lens back.
Why is she calling me 'dad'? I thought as I stood shocked and motionless. When I turned back she was asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I put the lens in my pocket planning on buying a replacement and started to find my way to the door. However, I was too drunk to walk properly. I stumbled around in hopes of finding a couch or a bed to sleep in but I could not even see clearly. So I felt my way back to Ms Emily's room. By then the alcohol was kicking in really deep and falling on the bed right next to Ms Emily was the last thing I remembered.