Kelly’s P. O. V:
Ms Emily sure was tough competition but I was on the brighter side. Even if they were in a smooth relationship, it was not like Mr Jacob would just welcome her warmly as his daughter-in-law. I on the other hand had met with him countless times and even if I didn’t want to brag, I was pretty sure that he’d accept me as his daughter- in-law.
At the same time, the poor math teacher was not in such an advantageous situation. It was obvious from the look on her face that she didn’t know anything about Jason’s father.
I honestly had no idea about Mr Jacob’s opinions about huge age gaps between lovers. Hate me all you want, but I actually hoped that he was against it.
Yes. You are the one I can give my heart to. I thought as I held a photo of me and Jason together at the movie club. Just one look at it and it seemed as if I had travelled back to the time when Jason and I were very thick friends, almost on the brink of becoming lovers.
Thinking of how I had turned down caviar on a golden plate gave me the last of the determination I needed to try to make Jason mine. However I still had my own doubts. After I rejected Jason so flatly, it was actually sort of a miracle that we managed to stay as friends. It was thus more than obvious that another miracle was needed if Jason was to accept me.
You’ll accept me won’t you Jason? I thought drifting off to sleep with the photo in still my hand.
Emily’s P. O. V:
Jason hadn’t spoken to me after that unfortunate day. The classes wherein he was present were pure torture. He wouldn’t even spare me a single glance let alone a second one. Whenever the bell rang, he just went outside immediately while normally, he'd tarry behind under the pretext of searching something or having a doubt in math just to talk to me.
I found myself trying to stay in the class for a while longer in hopes of getting noticed by him but that plan was an utter failure as Jason didn’t even try to look up even though it was obvious that he knew that I was standing in the classroom. As unfortunate as I was, some of the other guys started staying behind and some of the worst trouble makers even started flirting with me. That made me realise another thing. Jason was the only guy I was comfortable with. I was still not able to trust any other men so the other guys just made me uneasy.
I couldn’t get used to the extremely hostile atmosphere of desertion and loneliness. I just longed to talk to him. I longed for his attention. I really had no idea where I was harbouring those silly feelings but one thing was for sure; the feelings were strong. I wanted him to be near me all the time, to touch me, to hold me. I knew for sure that I was slowly falling deep for him no matter how I guided myself against it initially. As another day passed by painfully, the longing for his attention turned into a more pathetic longing just to be seen by him.
As if to deliberately add to my misery, Kelly’s words echoed in my mind repeatedly. I was agitated beyond control. Today was also the day Kelly had announced that she’d talk to Mr Jacob and make Jason her boyfriend. I couldn’t keep quiet any longer so I went to Jason after the bell rang. He just looked at me perplexed.
“You’re on your way home?” I asked anxiously.
“Uh, yeah...” he replied in a, ‘can’t you see?’ tone.
“Well then, off you go. Don’t cause any trouble anywhere,” I said and he gave me a sceptical look and then replied, “I won’t. I’ll see you tomorrow Ms Emily” and left.
What the heck am I doing? Telling him to hurry up and go home… He probably thinks that I’m out of my mind. That woman said she’ll call today and this is the best conversation I can come up with?
Jason’s P. O. V:
“Yeah, yeah I’m coming” I yelled at the ringing phone. I picked it up.
Me: Hello?
On the other end: Jason?
Me: Kelly? Is that you?
Other end: Yes it’s me. How are you?
Me: I’m fine, what about you? Sorry, didn’t get to talk properly that day…
Kelly: Ah, that’s fine. I should have informed you anyway. I just came by to see you as it had been a while.
Me: Uh… Yeah. It’s been a while indeed. I was really busy that day.
Kelly: Like I said, it’s totally fine. Anyway, I was wondering if you could spare time to come and meet me tonight at eight, in the old warehouse outside town near my grandparent’s house you know, the one where we used to play ‘hide and seek’ when we were kids. I really need to talk to you about a lot of things
She obviously wants me to be her boyfriend. That’s not gonna happen and I have to make that point clear to her.
Me: Alright, I’ll be there.
I didn’t want to go there at all. There was no one on my mind other than Ms Emily. Kelly was my first love, the one who made my heart thump mercilessly whenever she came close to me. I was almost sure that she was the one for me. To complete the romantic equation, I proposed to her. However things did not go well that day and I got rejected completely.
Her rejection was rather harsh too. I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to forget the words that came out of her mouth, I thought as I remembered the stern look on her usually cheerful face on that day. What she spoke felt lethal though it wasn’t even as harmful as a mosquito bite.
Two years ago…
“Hey Jason, how ya doing?” came an all too familiar voice that needed no introduction.
With an excited smile on my face, I turned to come face to face with the gorgeous girl calling out to me. As always, I was hyper-nervous when she came close to me. For the past five years, even during the dark days when I somehow ended up fighting with George and was upset, she would sit by my side, putting away whatever chores she had until I smiled. And with the creation of the movie club, we simply grew closer.
The little spark of a crush I had on her, slowly burned into a bright flame.
This is it. I thought as I gulped in nervousness. All the times I had practiced proposing were of no help as I could not even form one proper sentence.
“Jason? Something wrong?” she asked with concern when I didn’t say anything for a long time.
“Eh, what? Oh S-Sorry,” I stuttered.
“Uh… I can sense something’s bothering you so just spill it,” she said earnestly.
“Promise you won’t get mad,” I declared.
“That depends. Well anyway, go ahead and say it,” she said with a hint of impatience.
“Well, thing is… I love you. I’m hopelessly in love with you. Will you accept me?”
That was it.
“Look. Let’s stop it at this okay? I don’t know where on earth you got these stupid feelings but that doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m like your older sister. I have no such feelings toward you or anyone for that matter. This is not the time for me to fall for someone and stuff like that. So whatever plans and whatever cheesy lines you had in store to say to me, I suggest you just bury them all right now,” she snapped and went away just like that.
That blunder of mine took more than an hour of apologising and convincing to get her to be friends with me again. However once that happened, things became normal. We went back to being the good friends we used to be.
Back to the present…
I did mope around for a while but at the start of the senior year, I moved on quickly thanks to Ms Emily. I completely forgot that I had even fallen for Kelly. So as clear as it was, I was actually feeling uneasy about her trying to get together. I mean, no matter how much I had loved her, it was in the past. I had no intention of seeing her as anything more than a friend.
Making up my mind to just tell her what I was thinking, I glanced at the clock only to see that I was already half an hour late.
A/N: So, Emily really is ready to fight for Jason. But her situations just won't allow her so what's she gonna do? Kelly has called Jason to a lonely place as well. Stay tuned for what happens next :)))
The next semester has started for me so there will be another update on Sunday, the 10th. After that, updates will be strictly on a weekly basis :/ Anyway, bye for now :)