Summary: Set in S1E1 "City Of" in Angel and S4 of Buffy. What if Cordelia had come back to Sunnydale after her actress career failed?
It was a dark night, as Cordelia Chase sat in front of a desk. Some guy named Mr. Winters said he could help her get some fame and fortune. Now she sat with him in his office.
When she started looking around, she realized what he was.
She stood up and walked backwards away from him and towards his bookshelf and then, once she stood beside it, she stopped.
"Wait a minute! You're a vampire!"
"What? No I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm from Sunnydale. You don't fool me. You don't have any mirrors and the windows are covered. I know a vampire when I'm… alone…with one."
He stood up.
"Good. Then we can skip the introductions."
He vamped out.
Cordelia Chase ran out of his office, as he chased after her.
She ran down the hallway and started towards the stairs, but his minion vampires were coming up them. It was like a palace. It had two staircases. She stood on the balcony and looked around for a plan. She had to be fast. She couldn't fight them off without any weapons. Not without getting hurt or killed. She wasn't a Slayer.
One vampire came at her and she pushed it away. There was a piece of the railing that she could break off. It was made of wood.
She broke it off and kicked up with her knee, connecting it to his lower stomach. She then staked it. All of them came at her full force. She started kicking them one, sometimes two, at a time. She then started staking them.
It wasn't long before Mr. Winter's minions were goners after meeting Mr. Pointy for the first and last time.
Mr. Winters came at her and they fought. She kicked him in the groin, making him growl in pain. She then staked him.
It was a dark night, as she drove her 1999 Jeep Wrangler to Sunnydale the best she could. She needed help. Willow could help her. She had killed them all, but Mr. Winters had hurt her, even though she hadn't shown it to him. She could only drive with one arm and leg. Plus, her stomach hurt.
An hour later, she slowly walked up to the Sunnydale, California University. She knew if they weren't busy, she would run into one of them in the halls.
She leaned on the railing with her good arm, taking a break. She had to climb the stairs to find Buffy and Willow's room.
Forty minutes later, she was upstairs. She leaned on a wall and closed her eyes, wincing from the pain. She had to find out which door held Willow and Buffy.
She opened her eyes and slowly walked like before.
She looked left and right for signs of lights on.
Suddenly, she fell to the floor. Someone strong kept her from hitting the floor, though. Yet, she hadn't heard anyone. She looked at the hands around her. Male. The only guy she knew from the gang came to mind.
"Xander?" she had to ask.
He got her to her feet and then let go.
"Cor, what are you doing here?"
"Looking for Willow. She goes to college here. She can help me."
"Why Wills? Can't I help you? You sound hurt."
"You don't know first-aid."
"An does."
"Then take me to her. You have to carry me, though."
And with that, he picked her up and for the first time, realized how hurt she really was. He didn't say anything, though. He just carried her to his and Anya's new apartment. She rested her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and wrapped her unhurt arm around his neck, as he did so.
He walked up to the door and opened it. It was unlocked which meant she was home.
"Anya, I need some help here," he called, as he shut the door behind himself.
"What's wrong?" she asked, coming from the bedroom.
"Need a first-aid kit."
"Are you hurt?"
She came into the living room.
She ordered him when she saw her, "Lay her on the bed. I'll take care of her. You can spend the night with Willow and Buffy. That, or you can tell them that she's back in town."
He gently layed her down on the bed, as Anya went to get the first-aid kit from the kitchen. He then kissed her forehead, grabbed his coat, and then headed out the door with a couple stakes.
She came back with the kit and sat on her bedside, putting it on the end table. She took Cordelia's purse gently off her shoulder and put it on the floor. She then looked at her. She could easily see that the Drama Queen had a sprained left arm, bleeding lower stomach, and a bruised and scratched leg that looked like it hurt like hell.
She patched the wound up, took care of the scratches, and carefully put her arm in a sling. She then felt for a pulse on the side of her neck. Finding she was going to be okay, she called to her.
"Cordelia. Cordelia, can you hear me? Cordelia?"
She groaned and slowly woke up to see Anya bent over her with a gentle face.
"Anya. Long time."
"How do you feel?"
"Better. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
A few hours later, Anya walked into Buffy's house where they were holding a meeting/welcome home party. Anya was helping her along until Xander came up to them. He looked at his first ex.
"My lady?"
She smiled.
"Of course."
They walked away with her good arm under his.
She and Xander sat on the couch and she looked at them and the decorated house.
"You didn't have to, guys. Not after what I've been through tonight."
"But we did," Willow said.
"We had to," Buffy told her.
Dawn came up and gave her a piece of the vanilla cake that hadn't been eaten yet.
"Here. You get the first piece."
"Thanks, um-"she broke off, looking at Willow with a questioning look.
"That's Dawn," Willow supplied for her.
"Thanks, Dawn," Cordy said, looking at her.
"You're welcome."
"Yeah. This is Dawn. She's my little sister," Buffy told her.
"Why did you come back to Sunnydale?" Tara asked, having heard everything about her.
"I was hurt. I didn't know Anya was here or that she could help, but I knew Willow could help me."
"By the way, this is Tara. My girlfriend," Willow said.
"Nice to meet you, Tara."
"Are you staying?" Buffy asked.
"Yes. I am. I'm staying for the rest of my life."
"Glad to have my Princess back," Xan said, gently hugging her.
"I agree," she said to Xan.